Topps Announces Burn for Gold WAX Digital Event

Topps Digital announced today, on their Topps Digicast Podcast, a number of announcements related to the WAX Blockchain. After selling out of OS2 packs just a few weeks ago, Topps has been quiet on the WAX front. However, it appears they’ve been busy working on some improvements for the WAX Blockchain experience.

The first announcement was the Topps Blockchain Experience website. Currently in development, there will be a desktop and mobile version of the website. The website hopes to expand and improve on the current experience that is offered to collectors. On the podcast some screenshots were shown of the card catalog, store, and trading sections. The mobile experience was also shown. No other details, including release date were announced. However, the current website experience has been one of the biggest complaints for new collectors, so this is sure to be an improvement. Topps did say the website would debut along side the long anticipated burn event for GPK Goes Exotic cards.

The next announcement was the Topps Burn 4 Gold OS 2 event set to take place Dec. 4 – Dec. 9. Topps will be awarding 80 total OS 2 Gold WAX digital cards randomly to collectors who qualify by completing various events during the event. There are four tiers collectors can qualify in. Collectors can qualify in Tier 1, (40 Gold cards), by burning 5 OS 2 Base cards. To qualify in Tier 2, (25 Gold cards), collectors will have to burn 10 OS 2 base cards, and open 3 Standard Packs. For Tier 3, (10 Gold cards), collectors will have to burn 30 OS 2 Base cards and open 2 Mega Packs. Finally to qualify in Tier 4, (5 Gold cards), collectors must burn 100 OS 2 Base cards and open 1 Ultimate Pack. Collectors can only do the above actions during the event, not before. Collectors are also eligible to qualify for all 4 tiers, and have a chance to win up to 4 different gold cards. No other details including instructions on how to burn cards to enter were offered.

Topps also announced they recently created an internal Topps Blockchain team that will be in charge of all future Topps WAX Blockchain releases. Finally, they announced their next property to launch NFTs on the WAX Blockchain, Disney Alien Quadilogy, would be releasing soon.

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2 Digital Set

Topps contained their digital partnership with WAX today by launching their 4th set on the Wax Blockchain. Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2 packs went on sale at 12:00 PM EST. Initial demand for packs was strong, but once again the launch produced errors that frustrated collectors. For the first 10 mins of the launch, collectors were not able to purchase any packs due to receiving a network error. According to initial reports the error once again was due to an issue with the credit card processor. After that things began working smoother, although many users reported problems with opening packs.

For the first time since OS 1, packs did not sell out right away. There were three different pack types sold, Standard $9.99 (8 cards), Mega $24.99 (25 cards, and Ultimate $49.99 (55 cards). Topps offered 5000 of each pack at launch. Standard packs sold quickly and were gone within the first 5 mins. By 9:27 the large Ultimate packs also sold out. The hold out turned out to be the mid sized Mega pack. As of press time, almost two hours after launch, there are still over 1500 Mega packs left for sale.

Topps decided not to reveal pack numbers, card inventory, or odds prior to launch. With 5000 of each pack available there is a possibility of 440,000 cards in the series. Not every card type is available in each pack. Each pack has its exclusive parallel card, Standard (Slime), Mega (Gum), and Ultimate (VHS). Odds for each pack, along with average card counts for each one are below.

There were some unannounced surprises in the set from Topps. Topps inserter some “error” cards into the set, including a badly miscut Spilt Kit, and a Censored “Schizo Fran” card. Topps has hinted Schizo might be in the set, but it appears the black bar version will have to do.

(Note: Card counts are based on possible percentages, but will vary slightly due to how cards are minted on the Blockchain.)


  • Slime 4 per pack (20,000)
  • Raw 1 per pack (5,000)
  • Returning 50% (2,500)
  • Sketch 30% (1,500)
  • Collector 1% (50)
  • Base A, B, C – (10,950)


  • Gum 4 per pack (20,000)
  • Raw 3 per pack (15,000)
  • Returning 2 per pack (10,000)
  • Returning “A” 1 per pack (5,000)
  • Sketch 1 per pack (5,000)
  • Collector 4% (200)
  • Base A, B, C (69,800)


  • Raw 8 per pack (40,000)
  • Returning 7 per pack  (35,000)
  • Sketch 3 per pack (15,000)
  • VHS 2 per pack (10,000)
  • Collector 10% (500)
  • Base A, B, C (174,500)


  • Base A, B, C 104 in set (2454 each)
  • Returning 26 in set -28,750 “A”/23,750 “B (“A” 2211 each/“B” 1826 each)
  • Raw 42 in set (1428 each)
  • Slime 84 in set (238 each)
  • Gum 84 in set (238 each)
  • VHS 84 in set (119 each)
  • Sketch 84 in set (255 each)
  • Original Art 9 in set (Odds unknown)
  • Relics Unknown in set (Odds unknown)
  • Collector’s Edition 24 in set (31 each)
  • Errors Unknown in set (Odds unknown)

New Art a Highlight in Upcoming Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2 Digital Set

More news has trickled out over the last few days for the upcoming Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2 digital set. Vice President of Topps Digital, Tobin Lent appeared on a number of video podcasts, including one with GPKNews, to reveal many details around the set. Topps is making an attempt to lure the longtime GPK collector who has yet to give digital cards a try. They have inserted a number of various parallels and inserts into the set, as well as a number of surprises they haven’t shared yet. The base set consists of the original 84 card OS 2 set. The Returning Cards, that first appeared in Chrome OS 2, will be an Uncommon insert set to collect, as well as the “C” name variations that also appeared in Chrome OS 2. There are various parallel sets available to collect, Gum, Raw, Slime, Gum, VHS, and Sketch card. In addition to that, there are a number of special items under the Collector’s Edition label.

The Collector Edition cards will consist of various special relics, animated cards, and new art. Perhaps the biggest news for collectors was revealed on The Nifty Show podcast. Tobin shared there will be brand new art inserted into the set, all from up and coming new artists who have all previously worked as sketch artists for Topps. Tobin specifically showed off original art variations from “GPK” Nik Castaneda, Chenduz, and Brent Scotchmer. The original art cards are a takeoff of the Project 2020 baseball card set Topps is selling as online physical cards. Some of the original art cards are even animated like the Sketch parallels for the base set, and will feature the artist’s digital autograph on the card back. There are also a number of special animated characters created by artist Justin Gammon. Topps began using Justin for work after seeing his fantastic creations earlier this year that he shared online.

Tobin also shared details around the launch and makeup of the packs. There will be three packs types offered, $10 Standard Pack (8 cards), $25 Mega Pack (25 cards), and $50 Ultimate Pack (55 cards). There will be some purchase limits in place, so collectors can not purchase unlimited packs. Each pack type will contain an exclusive parallel card. Some cards types, like the Collector Edition will be available in all pack types. Tobin said Topps will not be revealing pack or card inventory numbers prior to launch this time around. Like with the OS 1 set, the set will be based off the Simple Assets standard, and packs can only be purchased with a credit card.

Many collectors have asked about the status of the Schizo Fran character, who appeared in the first two printings of OS 2, but was replaced for the 3rd printing with Fran Fran, and hasn’t been used since by Topps. When asked about Schizo being in the set, Tobin strong hinted that, “In an effort to delight collectors, we’ve tucked some surprises into the set.” Tobin also told Nifty Show that he tried really hard to get John Pound to do digital autographs for the set, but was unable to talk him out of his retirement. Packs will go on sale at 12:00 PM EST this Wed. 9/30/20 on the website. Packs will sett out quickly, so collectors should have their account created and ready to purchase.

Initial Details on GPK x WAX OS 2 Digital Release

The following of digital GPK collectors and WAX NFT enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the next release from Topps and WAX. We are only seven days away from the release of Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2. This will be the fourth GPK release between the companies on the WAX blockchain.

Topps was able to share a few initial details with GPKNews about the makeup of the upcoming set. Topps is advertising the set will include original artwork animations and special effects. The different variations of cards being offered will make this the largest digital release to date. In addition to the regular a/b base cards, Topps is adding some cards that were released in the physical GPK Chrome OS 2 release from 2014. Special “C” name variations will be available randomly in packs. There were 20 C name cards in the Chrome set. Topps will also include the 26 card Returning Card subset that was in the Chrome release. There will be five different parallel card types offered in various scarcities in the set; Raw, Slime, Gum, VHS, and Sketch card. There will also be new Animation and Relic cards inserted. See list at the end of the article for a description of the card types.

Topps has shared there will be three different pack types available for sale for this release with varying card amounts and odds per pack. However, specific details around the pack types, including number available, has not been released. No other details around the release are available yet, including initial sales process or pack distribution. While not set in stone the set is expected to launch next Wed., Sept. 30th, at 12:00 PM EST.

Collectibles to expect:

  • Static A/B Cards: digitized versions of physical GPK Series 2 release
  • Static C Cards: released in GPK Chrome Series 2 (debuted in 2014)
  • Returning: reimagined character art based on 2014 GPK Chrome Series 2 release
  • RAW: Original GPK Series 2 cards with no nameplates or logo
  • Slime: Original GPK Series 2 Card with “slime” motion effect
  • Gum: Original GPK Series 2 Card with “gum” motion effect
  • VHS: Original GPK Series 2 Card with “VHS” motion effect
  • Sketch: Original GPK Series 2 Card with sketch motion effect
  • Animation: Exclusive animation card created for this release
  • Relic: Exclusive animation card created for this release

Topps Talks WAX x Garbage Pail Kids Future

Tobin Lent, VP of Topps Digital, appeared on the NFT Day broadcast earlier today to discuss the future of Topps and the WAX Blockchain. Tobin announced they are working on the next GPK x WAX release, Garbage Pail Kids OS 2. They are planning a late September release for the set. Topps is planning more variety of rare parallels and inserts to appear in the next release.

Tobin also announced they are working out the mechanics to allow collectors to “burn” some of their Tiger King base cards. Collectors would basically give up a certain number of cards, in return they will be awarded a very limited Tiger King sketch card. Topps is planning on making sketches from the 15 “a” cards from the set. No other details or release date for the burn were announced.

Finally, during his appearance, the final 1200 Crash Gordon packs went live. The Crash Gordon set once again proved to be a success for Topps. The first batch of 3000 packs sold out in 3 min. 18 seconds, while the second batch of 1200 sold out in just 31 seconds! Collectors had to be quick for this one.

Topps Announces WAX x Garbage Pail Kids Crash Gordon Digital Set

During today’s Topps DigiCon twitch broadcast Topps announced the next WAX x Garbage Pail Kids release. In a surprise move, Topps is launching today Garbage Pail Kids Crash Gordon digital set on the WAX Blockchain. This release helps support the Topps DigiCon event being held this week. This launch will be different from previous WAX GPK launches. Collectors will be able to purchase packs beginning at 3:00 Eastern time on at the Atomic Hub website. Collectors can log in with their WAX wallets to purchase. The packs can only be purchased using WAX, the crypto currency. Collectors can purchase WAX by logging into their WAX wallet. Packs will cost 220 WAX, approximately $10 each. Topps and Atomic began giving away the first 500 packs at 1:00 Eastern on the Atomic Hub website, 1 per account. Collectors attending the Topps DigiCon broadcast were first told of the giveaway. There will be 3000 packs going on sale at 3:00. There are still an additional 1500 packs scheduled to be minted, but there is no word when those will go live. With 5000 total packs, there will be 25,000 total cards minted. Packs can not be opened until 3:00 Eastern.

Each pack will contain 5 GPK Crash Gordon digital cards. There are only 3 types of cards this release, base, Prism, and Gold. Each pack has the following chances to pull cards:

  • 50% B Name Base
  • 25% A Name Prism
  • 10% B Name Prism
  • 1% A Name Gold
  • 0.5% B Name Gold

Topps x WAX GPK Goes Exotic Sells Out

Can’t stop that tiger! Today’s digital launch of Topps x WAX GPK Goes Exotic sold out in just over an hour. Collectors who are part of the Garbage Pail Kids Trading group on Telegram were given a password at 11:30 EST to allow early access buying. All 7,000 Mega packs sold out during the early sale period in only 24 mins. By 12:37 EST the website was showing all 13,000 Standard packs were sold as well.

While the sell out was a huge success for WAX and Topps, all did not go smoothly. Collectors were hit with delays and errors almost immediately after the early access password was released. Many collectors reported their credit/debit cards were declined at the initial purchase. Those that were able to purchase saw a delay, initially a few mins, but up to 30 mins to receive packs in their account as the payment process worked its way through. Perhaps the most frustrating thing for many collectors was cancelled and refunded orders after the fact. Representatives from WAX explained in Telegram that the huge demand caused a giant backlog for the payment processor. Therefore, packs were still being sold before previous sales were issued to accounts. This caused packs to be oversold, and refunds issued. More than likely packs sold out much earlier than the 1:07 shown on the website.

This is a huge learning for WAX and Topps. This also shows why choosing GPK to be the test dummy, and Tiger King to be the second release made a lot of sense. If demand was this large for GPK, what is going to happen when Star Wars or baseball cards are launched? The companies now know what they need to work on for the next release. Company reps have already hinted there will be changes for the next release. Purchase limitations are one thing being considered. They also said they would take a look at eliminating any sort of early password access.

What Topps and WAX have done is show there is a huge demand for digital cards. You can bet a OS 2 release will see a significant increase in print run. The sky seems to be the limit here for both companies if they are able to manage through the hiccups.

Topps x WAX Launch GPK Goes Exotic Digital Set

Digital collectors finally are getting their second round of Garbage Pail Kids cards. Today Topps x WAX launched GPK Goes Exotic. This marks the second set from the two companies, who have partnered up to offer digital collectibles on the WAX Blockchain. Back in May the companies launched GPK OS 1. The packs sold out in just over a day. Secondary market prices have continued to rise in the two months since. This set is based off the Netflix documentary phenomenon, Tiger King, that has become one of the highest viewed shows in their history. The set contains the same 30 cards, (15 with a/b versions), that Topps offered earlier this year in 3 online physical sets. GPK artist David Gross did all the original art for the cards. In addition to base cards, collectors can expect to randomly find Prism, Tiger Stripe, and Tiger Claw parallels of all 30 cards. There are also 6 rare Collector Edition cards randomly inserted into packs.

Collectors who want to participate in the launch can purchase packs with credit/debit cards only at Accounts are simple to create if the collector doesn’t have one already. Once again there are two different types of packs to choose from. The Standard Pack contains 5 cards and costs $4.99. Mega Packs contain 25 cards and costs $19.99. There will be 13,000 Standard, and 7,000 Mega packs available to purchase for this set. This equates to a total of 240,000 cards. This is much higher than the 110,000 for the GPK OS 1 digital set. WAX has not put any purchase limitations on packs for this release. Collectors who joined the Telegram GPK Trading group were given early access to purchase packs.

Insert rates for each card type for both packs is below, along with estimated print run totals. The reason the print runs are estimates is due to the way cards are minted. Cards are not created on the Blockchain until a pack is opened. Percentages are followed for each insert type. This means that everyone, from the first pack opened to the last, still has a chance to pull any of the cards. So while the numbers say there should be an average of 80 for each collector card, it could really be a couple less, or a couple more of each one. This gives you a good idea roughly to expect for each card type.

  • Total Cards – 240,000
    • Standard: 13,000 Packs x 5 cards per pack = 65,000 cards
    • Mega: 7,000 packs x 25 cards per pack = 175,000 cards
  • Prism “B” Names – 35,800
    • Standard: 13,000 packs x .6 per pack = 7,800
    • Mega: 7,000 x 4 per pack = 28,000
    • 35,800 total prism / 15 different names = 2,386 each B name Prism
  • Prism “A” Names – 26,200
    • Standard: 13,000 packs x 0.4 per pack = 5,200
    • Mega: 7,000 x 3 per pack = 21,000
    • 26,200 total prism / 15 different names = 1,746 each A name Prism
  • Tiger Stripe – 4,800
    • Standard: 13,000 packs x 0.1 per pack = 1,300
    • Mega: 7,000 x .5 per pack = 3,500
    • 4,800 total Tiger Stripe / 30 different names = 160 each Tiger Stripe
  • Tiger Claw or Collector Edition – 480
    • Standard: 13,000 packs x 0.01 per pack = 130
    • Mega: 7,000 x 0.05 per pack = 350
    • 480 total Tiger Claw / 30 different names = 16 each Tiger Claw
    • 480 total Collector Edition / 6 different names = 80 each Collector Edition
  • Base Cards – 74,460
    • Standard: 65,000 – 13,000 Prisms – 1,300 TS – 130 TC – 130 Collector = 50,440 total base cards
    • Mega: 175,000 – 49,000 Prisms – 3,500 TS – 350 TC – 350 Collector = 121,800 total base cards
    • 172,240 total base cards / 30 cards = 5,741 per base card

With the print run having increased significantly it will be interesting to see how quickly packs sell. A smaller card set compared to the previous release will also have ripple effects on the secondary market. Another important thing to look at will be the number of new collectors that show up for this release. Many people missed out the first time since packs sold out quickly. WAX has also announced that initial buyers of Goes Exotic will be eligible to win rare Golden cards. No other details such as how many, which cards, or when they would be distributed was released. For collectors involved in the digital collectible space its certainly an exciting time indeed.

Topps x WAX GPK Goes Exotic Launch Rescheduled

WAX announced today the rescheduled launch date for their second digital set with Topps, GPK Goes Exotic. The set is now scheduled for July 14th at 12:00 PM EST. Originally scheduled for 7/8, WAX had to postpone the launch due to a technical issue with one of their third party providers and the shipping cart. It appears that issue has been resolved and the tigers are ready to be released!

Topps x WAX GPK Goes Exotic Launch Delayed

WAX announced today, via their Twitter account, that the launch of the digital set GPK Goes Exotic has been delayed. Originally, the set was scheduled to launch tomorrow, 7/8, at 12:00 EST. No reason was supplied for the delay. However, based on messages posted on Telegram by WAX representatives, there is a technical problem with a third party provider and their shopping card. Once that is resolved a new launch date will be announced. WAX reps said there would be at least a 24 hour notice given before launch.