FYE NYCC Garbage Pail Kids Promo Surfaces

Not to be left out, FYE themselves issues yet another Garbage Pail Kids promo today at their booth. Using the art from their cereal boxes released earlier in the year, the promo features Crispy Christy. The back of the card identifies it as a NYCC 2019 promo card. The card is being handed out at the FYE booth today during Joe Simko’s autograph signing. There continues to be surprises at NYCC for GPK collectors.

Third Exclusive NYCC Garbage Pail Kids Promo Card

Another day, another NYCC Garbage Pail Kids Promo card. Topps continues to surprise GPK collectors at this weekend’s New York Comic Con as they are passing out another new promo card today at their booth. Today’s card features artwork from this year’s 2019S2 Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible set. The front has the Villiage of the Adamed poster card. The back identifies the card a NYCC promo card. This card appears to be the Saturday GPK promo that was announced. While the Jam Studios Promo, and the Simko auto we’re both unannounced by Topps. Topps has gone all out at this year’s show. Could there be anything more on Sunday?

Another Garbage Pail Kids Promo At NYCC

Another day, another new Garbage Pail Kids promo card. Collectors attending the Joe Simko signing at the Topps booth today were treated to a new promo card based off of the new 2019S2 Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible set. The card is a reprint of the Slasher #7a Meditating Michael card. The back tells collectors they’ve received an exclusive New York Comic Con autograph card. One has been posted on eBay with the seller claiming only 50 copies of the card were passed out. Who knows, maybe more will surface this weekend at Topps’ booth. After two days of surprises what will this weekend bring at NYCC?

Jago Studios Advertises Exclusive Insert Card for Upcoming GPK Set

The company behind the mobile game, GPK the Game, today sent out an email to their subscriber list advertising a new exclusive card based on the game. According to Jago Studios, the card will be inserted into packs of the upcoming 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible set. The company also said the character would appear on packs and boxes of the set.

The card titled, Mo Bile, features artwork done by artist Joe Simko. The back was written by an employee at Jago, and features the logo for GPK The Game. There was no mention from Jago how the card will be distributed in packs. The checklist, released earlier this week by Topps, does not include the card, and honestly doesn’t fit into any of the subsets or insert sets on the checklist. Strangely enough the character also doesn’t appear in the mobile game. Check back with GPKNews next week for info on where to find the card once the set releases.

In the email Jago also mentioned they are still working on the Android version of the game, and hope to have it released later this year.

October Philly Non-Sports Show to Feature Rare GPK Items

The next Philly Non-Sports Card Show is just over two months away. The 71st version of the country’s largest non-sports show is set to take place Oct. 19-20. Once again, the Toser’s have a lot of things planned for the show, with many interesting Garbage Pail Kids offerings. In addition, long time GPK artists Joe Simko and Brent Engstrom will be in attendance at the show. GPK collectors will also have the chance to purchase a number of rare items.

Joe Simko and Brent Engstrom will be collaborating on an exclusive Topps licensed card. The cards titled, Paint Job Joe(1a) and Brushwork Brent(1b) will be available at the show for $20. Collectors signing up for the Meet and Greet, Saturday night of the show, will have first crack at purchasing the cards. If you are interested in attending the Meet & Greet with Simko and Engstrom you should e-mail Roxanne Toser to reserve your spot. Only 100 copies of the cards will be available. The cost of the meet and greet is $22 and will be held 7:00 PM Saturday night at the Hilton Garden Inn after the show’s auction. By the way GPK collectors, the Saturday auction will feature a number of high end PSA graded GPK cards.

Collectors attending the show will have a chance to purchase a number of items from Jay Lynch’s personal collection/archives. After Jay’s passing his collection was donated to the Billy Ireland Museum in Columbus, OH. After organizing the collection, the museum wanted to sell off any duplicate items. Roxanne Toser was able to purchase many of these items. She will have many of these items, including a number of GPK and Wacky Packages items available at her booth during the show. About the items Roxanne told GPKNews, “We visited the Billy Ireland Museum in Columbus, OH where Jay Lynch’s collection was donated. It is 2-1/2 years since Jay passed and the museum personnel having been organizing the collection. The museum is fantastic and has so much material from many famous comic artists. Jay’s collection was quite unusual because besides the mammoth amount of correspondence and artwork, there was cards and card-related material. This doesn’t happen very often but the museum found it necessary to sell any duplicate material and gave me the opportunity to purchase it. The GPK and Wacky items are mostly from the 2000s but everything is in pristine condition. I am thrilled to be offering these items and feel collectors will be thrilled to purchase these items which were owned by Jay.”

Collectors who are after GPK merchandise from the 1980’s will also be in for a treat. While searching through a closet Roxanne hasn’t looked in for years, she came across a number of highly sought after merchandise items. Also at Roxanne’s booth will be, Pencil Billboards, Pencil Cases (one box available), Stick-On Pictures, Stick-Ons, Sunglasses, Stick-On Name Tags, Pop-Ups, Memo Books, Theme Books, Jewelry, Zipper Pulls, Hi Bounce Balls, Costumes, and Pencils! Some of these items, especially the pencils you don’t see come up for sale very often. Roxanne said the items will go on sale for the first time at the show and there will be a lot of each item available.

There will be more announced as the show gets closer. GPK collectors should start planning their trip now to the next Philly Non-Sports show. The show will take place at the Merchants Square Mall in Allentown, PA on Oct. 19-20, 2019.

Exclusive John Pound SDCC Promo Surfaces

With San Diego Comic Con in full gear, the second Garbage Pail Kids Promo card for the show has surfaced. Thanks to eBay a couple of sellers have posted the card, a reprint of Adam Bomb. The back of the card identifies it as a con promo with both a Topps and FYE logo. Pound is scheduled to sign autographs at the FYE booth Friday. Barring any other weekend surprises this looks to be the final SDCC GPK promo card.

Exclusive Simko SDCC Promo Card Surfaces

Thanks to eBay the first exclusive San Diego Comic Con Garbage Pail Kids promo card has surfaced. This one is a GPK Cereal Card named Barf Bit Betty. The art is the same art used on the 3f card from the FYE GPK cereal, but this time there is a character name. Joe Simko is being advertised to be signing promo cards at both the FYE store and the FYE booth at SDCC. I’m guessing this is one of the cards being given out. This of course brings up the question, do promos exist for all 4 cereal cards? There is also a John Pound promo card being advertised that hasn’t surfaced yet. I’ll update this post as more SDCC promo cards surface.

GPK Collectors Enjoy Another Philly Non-Sports Show

Last weekend collectors from all over gathered for the biannual Philly Non-Sports card show. This was the second show in a row where Garbage Pail Kids and Wacky Packages were in the spotlight. For GPK collectors the show didn’t disappoint. The highlight for many was the attendance of seven former and current GPK artists. The show also sports dozens of dealers selling all sorts of non-sports cards, allowing collectors to pickup a number of items for their collections. Anyone attending the Saturday night dinner also received two officially licensed Topps cards. The GPK card, #3 May Flowers, was painted by Layron DeJarnette, while the Wacky Packages card, #4, was painted by Chenduz. Collectors also received a special card from Tom Bunk at the dinner. Pictures of the dinner cards are below.

While GPKNews wasn’t in attendance, show promoter Roxanne Toser was kind enough to send in her review of the show. The Toser’s have been running the show for years now, and in addition have been one of the largest non-sports dealers in the country. At the dinner the Toser’s were given a special tribute. Aaron Booton, Jeff Zapata, Harris Toser and Marlin Toser all shared the many wonderful things Roxanne has done for the non-sports community. She was presented with a beautiful desk clock, inscribed with an Adam Bomb photo. Marlin was also presented with a large metal “Unsung Super Hero!” card. The sentiment she shares in the article is one I hear from everyone that attends the show. The show is a family atmosphere, where collectors of all types can meet artists, hand out with like minded friends, and add to their collections. Thanks to Roxanne for sending along the review!

The 70th Philly Non-Sports Card Show

by Roxanne Toser

I just can’t help but rave about the recent Philly Non-Sports Card Show held in Allentown, PA on May 4 and 5. This was the second of two shows with the theme of Wacky Packagesand Garbage Pail Kids. The first show was held in October of 2018 and featured artists Layron Dejarnette, Chad Scheres, Smokin’ Joe, Joe Simko, David Gross and Tom Bunk.

The featured artists at the May show were James Warhola, Tom Bunk, Chenduz, Jeff Zapata, Mark Pingatore, Fred Wheaton and Neil Camera. In addition, Neil’s daughter Halsey was set-up with her father and Lily Mercado, Jeff’s sister was set-up with him on Sunday.

On Friday night, we had dinner at the Airport Hilton Garden Inn (host hotel) with our helpers and the artists who were booked into the hotel. Two special helpers this time were our eldest son, Barry and his wife Jody. This was a very relaxing end to a long day which included getting the room at the Merchants Square Mall ready for the show. Most of us were up at an early hour.

Saturday was the first day of the show and we had the largest attendance in recent years. The line was very long waiting to get in. Everyone received a packet of promos and a ticket to win additional promos and prizes at the Cryptozoic booth. Cryptozoic is a California-based company and a great supporter of the show. The Faerie Metal Company attends regularly from Las Vegas and brightens up the room with their shiny small and large cards. Tom Lichman of Sidekick is another manufacturer who regularly supports us.

On Saturday evening, there was a dinner for 64 people. The dinner was sold-out, as was the dinner in October. At the October dinner, attendees were given two special promos drawn by Joe Simko and Fred Wheaton. The Halloween-themed promos were licensed by Topps. Another special dinner promo was done by Tom Bunk. This time, the Topps promos were drawn by Layron Dejarnette and Chenduz and had a spring theme. In addition. Tom Bunk supplied another dinner promo. Right before you entered the dinner room, you were greeted with a banner “Welcome to the Ratz Where Delicious Garbage is Served.” The buffet pasta bar dinner was, indeed,  delicious and included Blunder Bread (garlic bread), Goonman’s Looney Noodles (pasta bar/rotini), Raw Goo Sauce (alfredo sauce), Bigtumi Spaghetti Sauce (meat sauce) and Hostage Cakes (cupcakes). There were numerous prizes donated by Creepy Co., Topps, Joe Simko and Roxanne Toser Enterprises.

Every dinner table had a vase showing the four cards distributed at the two shows on the four sides. Inside the vase were flowers and the large head mounted on chop sticks of each of the artists, with the eighth table showing the head of George Wright who is an artist at every show and a long-time Wacky Packages buddy of mine. I made these center pieces and really enjoyed getting them ready. It was fun to tell the artists they would recognize where they were supposed to sit because we had asked for head shots but never told them why.

At the dinner Aaron, Jeff, Harris and Marlin all said wonderful things about me and my contributions to the hobby. I was presented with a beautiful desk clock, inscribed with an Adam Bomb photo. Marlin was presented with a large metal “Unsung Super Hero!” card (much deserved).

We surprised Aaron Booton by putting him on one of our special red-bordered Philly Cards given out at every show. Jeff Zapata has a short video on Facebook showing Aaron’s surprise when we gave it to him on Friday evening. Some other very special promos were Brent Engstrom’s 1b Roxanne Recon card (the October 1a version was titled Toser the Destructor and had a different colored background), Neil Camera’s April  Shower (Saturday promo) and May Allergy (Sunday promo) plus Del Monkey Fruit Cocktail (Sunday promo). All attendees also received a Horrible Kids promo from Mark Pingatore at both shows.

The Philly Non-Sports Card Show features many other card titles besides GPKand Wackysso even though these titles cannot always be the central theme, you will always find cards and related memorabilia at the shows. Hope to see many of you at future shows. The next one is only five months away on October 19 and 20!

Philly Non-Sports Show Readies Promo Cards

Show promoters are putting the final touches on next weekend’s Philly Non-Sports Card Show. The bi-annual show is the largest non-sports card show in the country. Just like last October’s show, the focus once again is on Garbage Pail Kids and Wacky Packages. Not only will collectors have a stellar lineup of artists, but there are also a number of exclusive promos cards available at the show.

Collectors will be able to meet many of their favorite Topps artists at the show. Original Series GPK artists Tom Bunk and James Warhola headline a fantastic group of artists. Also attending Neal Camera, Fred Wheaton, Jeff Zapata, Mark Pingitore, and Vincenzo “Chenduz” d’Ippolito. Chenduz will be making his first appearance on the East Coast, traveling all the way from the Netherlands. Also, recently announced GPK sketch artist Lily Mercado will be making an appearance at her brother Jeff Zapata’s booth on Sunday at the show. This group has a few artist making their Philly debuts, so be sure to get out and meet your favorites!

Collectors coming through the doors will have different promos available to them on each day of the show. Collectors attending Saturday will receive a GPK inspired card from Neal Camera, 1a April Showers. Those attending on Sunday can get the 1b version of the Camera card, named May Allergy. Collectors on Sunday will also receive the Del Monkey Wacky inspired card also painted by Camera. All show attendees will also receive the 1b version of last show’s Toser the Destroyer card. The Brent Engstrom painted card is titled Roxanne Recon and features a slightly different background from the first version. Fans of Mark Pingitore’s Horrible Kids card will also receive a new promo card for the next Horrible Kids set.

Those attending the sold out Saturday night dinner will be in for some surprises as well. Show promoters haven’t revealed everything in store as of yet. However, guests attending the dinner will receive the next two official Topps promo cards, #3 & #4, in the Philly Non-Sport set. These two cards, one GPK and one Wacky, were painted by Layron DeJarnette and Chenduz and feature a spring theme this time. Dinner attendees will also receive a special card painted by Tom Bunk.

There will be other promo cards collectors can get their hands on as well. Cryptozoic will have a CZX outlander promo giveaway available at their booth for collectors breaking a box. George Wright will have a Galactic Groceries card for collectors. There will be a Fearsome Weirdos card from Robert Jimenez available. Collectors can also get their hands on a promo card from the Steven Universe set. Also the usual three Philly Non-Sport cards in their long running promos set will be given out as well. There is something for everyone.

Collectors in the area next weekend should take some time and check out the show. The show takes place at the Market Square Mall in Allentown, PA. Show tickets are available for $8 per day, or a two day pass for $14. The show will be open from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday 5/4, and 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sunday 5/5. For more information on the show check out their website. Here are pictures of some of the cards available this weekend.

Philly Non-Sports Show to Focus Again on GPK/Wackys

Just like clockwork, the next Philly Non-Sports Card Show is coming up in just under six weeks. This will be the 70th show, and much like the 69th, the show will once again focus on Garbage Pail Kids and Wacky Packages. The show takes place in the Merchants Square mall in Allentown, PA twice a year. The spring show is scheduled for the weekend of May 4-5, 2019. The show is the largest non-sports card show in the US and features dealers selling a wide variety of non-sport products.

Once again, there is a stellar lineup of current and former GPK artists scheduled to attend. The group is led by original series artist Tom Bunk, and also includes previous attendees Fred Wheaton, Jeff Zapata, and Mark Pingitore. Three newcomers to Philly will also attend including original series artist James Warhola, Neil Camera, and Vincenzo “Chenduz” d’Ippolito. Chenduz will be making his first east coast appearance all the way from the Netherlands. There is a lot of history and knowledge from OS and ANS days. All the artists will be on hand selling original art, prints, sketches, cards, and more. Show goers will also receive a promo card from Magic Marker Inc. (Pingitore). Prior to the show opening on Sunday there will be an artist chat. Be sure to register with the show prior to the chat. This is a great opportunity for collectors on the east coast to meet and support their favorite artists.

As with all Philly shows, there will of course be promo cards. The theme from the previous show will carry over to this show as well. All show attendees will receive a card from Brent Engstrom. The card is a different version of the Toser the Destroyer card from the previous show. This card will have a slightly different background, be numbered 1b, and named Roxanne Recon. Show goers attending Saturday and Sunday will receive a different card from Neil Camera each day as well. The usual Saturday night dinner will take place at the Ratz room inside the show hotel the Hilton Garden Inn. All guests attending the dinner will receive the next two official Topps promo cards, #3 & #4, in the Philly Non-Sport set. These two cards, one GPK and one Wacky, were painted by Layron DeJarnette and Chenduz and feature a spring theme this time. Dinner attendees will also receive a special card painted by Tom Bunk. The cost of the dinner is $19.95. Tickets are almost sold out for the show dinner, so act fast to reserve your seat! To reserve your spot contact Roxanne Toser at [email protected].

The Philly Non-Sports show is a show geared not only for collectors but for families as well. The first 20 kids into the show will receive a package including an assortment of stickers and cards to get their collection started. Show organizers are also planning a box break of GPK and/or Wacky’s. Participants purchasing a spot in the break will be randomly assigned a number to to pick special cards from the break. Show tickets are available for $8 per day, or a two day pass for $14. The show will be open from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday 5/4, and 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sunday 5/5. East coast collectors this is your change to chat with artists and fellow collectors in person. For more information on the show check out their website.