Topps Launches 2018 GPK Easter Online Set

Will there be any GPKs in your Easter basket this weekend? Today Topps launched 2018 Garbage Pail Kids Easter online set. For the first time Topps is getting in on the Easter fun for a holiday themed set. The smaller 7 card set consists of 2 GPK with a/b versions and 3 Wacky Packages cards. The set is available for purchase for $29.99. The set was first listed by Topps for $19.99, but Topps changed the price at some point during the day. Shipping is free within the US when choosing the SmartPost option, while international shipping is $10. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run of the set at the end of the sale. Here is a checklist along with pictures of the cards.

  • 1a: LESTER Bunny/1b: Easter BARNEY (Artist: Smokin Joe McWilliams)
  • 2a: Smashed SHELLY/2b: Raw MEG (Artist: Smokin Joe McWilliams)
  • 3: Blecch’s Smelly Beans (Artist: Smokin Joe McWilliams)
  • 4: Madbury Meanie Eggs (Artist: Smokin Joe McWilliams)
  • 5: Paws Decorating Kit (Artist: Neil Camera)

10 Questions With…Garbage Pail Kids Artist Brent Engstrom

Brent Engstrom has been the workhouse artist for Topps over the last year, especially when it comes to Garbage Pail Kids. 2017 saw Brent paint nearly 150 GPKs, as well as cards for many other brands. Besides the regular retail sets, Brent also was the main artist for the popular online GPK Classic release last year. Brent is a man of few words, he does his talking with a paintbrush. However, he was nice enough to sit down with me at Gross Card Con in Las Vegas for this interview. We talk about the process for submitting concepts to Topps, his passing John Pound recently for most GPKs painted, and his thoughts on painting cards digitally vs. traditional painting.

GPKNews – 2017 was a very busy year for you. You painted the most GPKs last year. My count had nearly 150 individual GPKs cards, and that doesn’t include other brands like Wacky Packages, Mars Attacks, etc. Do you ever get a vacation?

Brent Engstrom – Ha! Not really unless I’m at a thing like this. Really I do make time for myself.

GPKNews – It appears 2018 will be busy for you once again. You had a number of cards in the We Hate the 80’s set. When the process starts for a set retail set like that, how many concepts do you generally submit, and what percent get approved?

BE – It depends on the time frame we have to submit. We submit anywhere from 30-100 concepts. If you submit 100 concepts you don’t get that many approved, so maybe 30 of them. Then later sets they might pick up concepts that fit into those sets.

GPKNews – How much time do you think you spend on each retail card? From concept, to pencil rough, color rough, to final painting?

BE – That’s a hard question. From the thinking of it, its a lot of work. Getting it airbrushed and the concept approved and everything takes a some time.

GPKNews – Have you passed John Pound yet in total number of published GPKs painted? Its got to be pretty close by now right?

BE – I think so. I don’t know his exact number, it varies because he did a lot of other cards like the large cards. Its pretty close, if not it will be soon.

GPKNews – Whats are your thoughts about passing Pound? You’re the GPK king now, right?

BE – Ha! No you can’t top John Pound. He’s the best!

GPKNews – You were the primary artist on the online GPK Classic set released last year. While collectors had issues with Topps on the structure and pricing of the set, for the most part the feedback on the art in the set was overwhelming positive. How did the idea for the GPK Classic set come about?

BE – I think it was from the feedback from people. Some people liked the political cards and some didn’t. I tried to appeal more to the people who like the classic cards.

GPKNews – When coming up with concepts and doing the art for GPK Classic, what was your thought process since there was no theme for the set?

BE – It was a lot different, more open. I got some ideas in there from things I submitted years ago. Things I liked that they passed on for one reason or another. It was cool to finally get those in a set.

GPKNews – Do you think we will get a Series 2 GPK Classic set?

BE – I hope so, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t know how well that sold, but I hope so.

GPKNews – I’ve asked a few artists this, and wanted to get your thoughts. Right now retail GPKs still must be painted, but Colin has allowed some digital work in the online sets. What thoughts do you have, specifically when it comes to GPK art, on creating cards digitally vs. the old fashioned way?

BE – I actually painted the ANS 7 set digitally. It seems to take just as long to paint them digitally. I thought it would save some time. They almost took longer because I would zoom in and really detail things. It hurt my eyes more because I would look at a screen for hours. I prefer traditionally painted, I like the look of them better.

GPKNews – Do you think we will see the day where the main way of creating GPKs are done digitally, or will traditional painting continue to rule?

BE – Painting probably.

GPKNews – Finally this is your second GCC here in Vegas. How does this one compare to the first? How has the fan interaction been?

BE – Its been a lot of fun, I like talking to all the collectors. I like it.

Bay Area ToyXpo Announces Gross Card Con Event

Gross Card Con is expanding. The same people behind the recent GCC even in Las Vegas announced they are bringing the fun to the Bay Area ToyXpo. The show is set to take place Aug. 24-26 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. Once again, the event will take place inside the larger toy and comic convention. The show first announced GCC would be appearing a couple of weeks ago, but only today began releasing details on the show. While not a large as the Las Vegas GCC, there is still a very strong lineup of artists scheduled to attend. Right now there are 9 current and former GPK artists set to attend. The show will feature former original series artist Tom Bunk. Also, current artists Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, Layron DeJarnette, Joe McWilliams, Michael Barnard, and Chad Scheres are all set to be there in addition to former artist and art director Jeff Zapata. No other GCC events have been announced yet for the show.

The show also has a Super VIP option for GCC collectors they are offering. The cost of $1000, which is up from the Las Vegas cost. The package includes 3 nights at the host hotel (TBD), early admission to all three days of the show, 4 event exclusive renderings, 1 custom GPK Pop, B&W sketch, and the Saturday VIP dinner. Tickets for the show are available at the show’s website.

Mob Grip Offering More GPK Themed Skateboard Grip Tape

After being quiet on the market for the last six months, Mob Grip is returning with a new selection of Garbage Pail Kids skateboard grip tape. Mob Grip is a subsidiary of NFS, Inc. The same company that owns Santa Cruz skateboards. Last October Mob Grip launched their first wave of GPK character grip tape. The company is returning this summer with new styles and new characters.

Mob Grip is offering two styles of tape. The first features GPK characters on a black background. The characters offered are Fryin’ Brian, Boozin’ Bruce, Ailin’ Al, Corroded Carl, and Potty Scotty. The Bruce is a repeat character from their first offer back in October, while the others are new. The second group being offered is GPK characters on clear grip tape. Adam Bomb, Tee-Vee Stevie, Mad Mike, Wacky Jackie, Bony Joanie are the five characters being offered in clear. Both Adam and Stevie are repeat characters from their first offer. The tape measures 9″ x 33″.

Right now The Dark Slide online skateboard company is offering the grip tape for pre-order. They currently have both sets of grip tape available as a 5 pack for $59.99. The tape should be available for pre-order soon at many skateboard shops. The last batch of grip tape retailed for $11.99 each. According to The Dark Slide’s website the tape is scheduled to launch in July of this year.

10 Questions With…Garbage Pail Kids Artist Layron DeJarnette

Being one of the longer tenured GPK artists isn’t all Layron DeJarnette does. He’s an accomplished artist who besides his Topps projects also currently works for Marvel Animation. He’s also worked for Disney in the past, as well as other card and comic companies. I sat down with Layron at Gross Card Con in Las Vegas. We talked about how he got started with Topps, some of his favorite projects he’s worked on, and perhaps his biggest GPK claim to fame his appearance on A&E’s Storage Wars.

GPKNews – You started working on the GPK brand with the ANS 5 set. Was that your first Topps project? How did you get started with Topps?

Layron DeJarnette – I’ll make a long story short short. At the time I was working with the Wayans brothers. They had a Topps card line called The Dozens. They were signing the cards at a booth at the San Diego Comic Con in 2004. I went to meet them at the Topps booth but they were being held over at a panel discussion to promote the movie. At the time the Art Director, Jeff Zapata, was there. He said let me take a look at your portfolio so you don’t have to waste a trip. At that time he looked at the portfolio and offered me to work on Wacky Packages and Garbage Pail Kids.

GPKNews – How aware of GPKs were you as a kid? Did you collect?

LD – Yes I did, but I was mainly a Wacky Packages collector. At the time as a kid I identified with the Wacky Packages more than the Garbage Pail Kids. As I got older I appreciated all the Topps brands. My two favorite ones were Wacky Packages and Mars Attacks.

GPKNews – I’ve noticed you are a busy artist! Besides working for Topps, you’ve done work for other card companies, comic companies, and even Disney. Is painting GPKs still as fun now as it was when you started?

LD – Yes, I actually like working on GPK because a lot of the other jobs require digital work. It’s a lot faster to get done, but I’m a traditional artist. So for me, if I do a lot of digital work I feel like I have to do some painting. So Garbage Pail Kids, any of the Topps brands, are traditional paint, so its actually a stress reliever for me. I really appreciate painting the Garbage Pail Kids or Mars Attacks.

GPKNews – Over the years the number of cards you paint for each set varies. The latest set, We Hate the 80’s I think you did 5 cards. While 2017 didn’t see as many. Is it just a timing issue for you? Have you been busy with other projects? What determines if you are featured in a set?

LD – I think its all of it. A lot of times we will get an email from Topps saying a set is coming up and we are looking for gags, like the 80’s or whatever type of theme they request for us to submit gags. In most cases, the gags that get approved the artist would like to work on their own gags. Sometimes either, a) I’m not able to submit many gags because I’m working on other projects, or b) If I submit gags and they don’t get approved then I don’t get to paint any because there other illustrators like to work on their own gags.

GPKNews – You haven’t done pack inserted sketches for a while now. Is that also just a timing issue? Do you foresee ever doing sketches again?

LD – You know it was kind of funny because I was so busy at the time I would get offered to work on sketch cards, but I would have to turn it down. Now I don’t even get offered e-mails anymore to do them, they think I’m too busy.

GPKNews – You did the art in last year’s Mark Attacks set for Topps, right? You mentioned you collected those as a kid, that must have been fun for you to work on?

LD – That was awesome that gig, I was so happy. I was like I kid in a candy store. Mars Attacks the original series I was really into . I appreciate the good art, the design of the martians, the grotesqueness of it. It was done in a cool way. Originally I was assigned half of the paintings but I wasn’t able to complete them so they were assigned to Fred Harper and I. I think I did 20 or 21 paintings.

GPKNews – I have to ask you about your big GPK claims to fame, Storage Wars! Can you believe its been almost 5 years since the episode aired? How did that come about? Did the producers just contact you out of the blue?

LD – Its kind of funny because I live in California and Storage Wars is produced in California. The producers originally contacted me to see if I could contact either John Pound or Tim Bunk. Bunk did reply, but they really wanted John Pound because he’s the man. He didn’t even reply, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it. We were talking through e-mails and they didn’t know where I lived. They said we aren’t having any luck contacting the original artists, so where do you live, we might have to come talk to you. I told them where I lived, and they realized it was 35 mins away from where the storage unit is. So they said they would just come by my place.

GPKNews – What was the filming like? How was interacting with Ivy?

LD – How reality TV works is they want to get a natural reaction. So they don’t warn you about some things. They just tell you to be prepared. They put the mic on you, so you know you’re about to be on TV and its an episode. They try not to tell you too much so they can have a general reaction. When Ivy came, I didn’t know when he was coming or anything. I just knew they wanted me to look at some cards and get my opinion. They didn’t tell me too much about the details, so when they filmed it they would get a natural response. It was surreal. It was surreal because they filmed for 3 hours but they edited it down to a short piece. They had to setup inside my house, and they had to set it up for filming. They had to set up lights and had cameras in your face. It was really hot inside, but it was great.

GPKNews – This is your second GCC in Las Vegas. How does this one compare to the first? Do you enjoy meeting and chatting with the fans?

LD – Its been great, I always like Garbage Pail Kids fans. I always say they are true fans because they appreciate everything, the art and the concepts. The community is really great. The convention is going great. The exclusive trading cards are always a seller. I’ve sold an original art piece. I have some other people who might come by later in the show to purchase some other original pieces, so hopefully I’ll sell some more.

GPKNews – Have you see the 30 Years of Garbage movie that Joe Simko and Jeff Zapata did? Did you enjoy the movie?

LD – I’ve seen it. I’m in it for just a short period of time. I love it! It’s one of those tings where I originally thought it was just going to be exclusively about Garbage Pail Kids, but it’s even more. It talks about the non-sport card community and how it started. Also, how it’s influenced pop culture. It’s just a great documentry to learn about non-sport cards.

GPKNews – What is your favorite GPK that you’ve painted?

LD – Its funny because I don’t know if its a fan favorite, but so far my favorite is the GPK card based on the Marvel character Ant-Man. Just because I work at Marvel Animation as well, so its was the best of both worlds. I love Marvel superheroes and I love GPK. The Ant-Man one I painted is a parody of Ant-Man’s first cover. So to me that’s one of my favorite ones.

GPKNews – How about favorite GPK?

LD – Of course Adam Bomb is good, but I would say Dead Ted. He’s my favorite one because he’s so different. He’s a parody of famous monsters. Really great detail.

Topps Reveals Print Run for 2018 GPK Not-Scars Set

Did Topps win any awards from customers for their latest online set? Today Topps revealed the print run for 2018 Garbage Pail Kids Not-Scars online set. The set with celebrated the recent Academy Awards show was a mix of both GPKs and Wacky Packages. In the past customers were not on board with award show sets. However this set bucked that trend with total sales of 172 copies. This handily beat the other awards sets and held its own with recent online holiday releases. The results are a little surprising considered customers only receive 8 cards with a $34.99 price tag. However, the art in the set has been well received by collectors, garnering much better reviews compared to the Valentine’s set. It shows that when the art and gags are done well, collectors are willing to purchase. With awards season coming to a close no word yet on the next online release.

Check out galleries and checklists for past online sets at

10 Questions With…Garbage Pail Kids Artist Joe Simko

Joe Simko has been one of the core GPK artists for a number of years now. With his 30 Years of Garbage doc now complete, Topps has been keeping him busy drawing GPKs. I saw down with Joe and talked with him at this years Gross Card Con in Las Vegas. We talked about what future projects he is working on, his thoughts on the 30 Year movie, and what’s next for movie Director Joe Simko.

GPKNews – In 2017 you guys hooked up with Indican Pictures to distribute the 30 Years of Garbage documentary. The movie was released in a handful of theatres, released to numerous online streaming sites, and had a DVD release. How has working with Indican been?

Joe Simko – Indican has been great because they’re focused on distributing for small independent film makers. They really want to try to get as much word out to as many people as they can to know that it was made by small independent film makers. They’ve been great as far as staying in touch with them when we needed. We do want to get the release of our film out even wider than it is now. They’re making the steps to make sure that happens.

GPKNews – What’s next for the 30 Years doc? Any other promotional things planned with Indican?

JS – As far as streaming, hopefully now most people knows, its on all the major US sites, and there are talks to finally branching out worldwide. We did sign a contract for worldwide release. That is in development, of course as soon as we get the word we will let all the fans and collectors know.

GPKNews – Looking back at the long journey, its been probably 5 years now when you guys started planning the film, how satisfied are you with the way everything turned out?

JS – Jeff, June, and I were very satisfied to not only have a completed film, but to get to hear it from people that have seen it. The most critique we get is how much history they get from it, its actually a learning thing. It was great to hear from Adam Goldberg, who is the creator of The Goldbergs, to go back and forth with him in e-mail and talk to him on the phone. He was blown away by it. He was like, “How did you guys do this?” I was like yeah my wife sat for two years on a chair while she was pregnant editing this entire film! He was just amazed. To hear from him, he was impressed. He’s ready to push it onto Netflix with his agents, I’m like we already signed with a distributor but its good to have you in the wings. He’s a good champion of it.

GPKNews – Do you have a highlight from the production of the movie that stands out to you? Maybe a behind the scenes story, or favorite interview?

JS – Gosh there’s so many different ones, I’m trying to think of some. The Goldberg set was a great one because we actually got to go to the set to do some of the interviews with actors from the 1987 GPK movie. We interviewed them on this Goldbergs set, its different from a lot of sets with how television shows do them. This was a real house that they built inside of a studio. So we got to go into the rooms and there’s a backyard and a front yead. I think filming the actors from the movie was great. They were super friendly. Going to their homes they had food and water out for us, they really treated us like family. They would set things out on the table that they could find. Kevin Thompson who played Allie Gator had a gold record where they did a Garbage Pail Kids song. They were very inviting and warm.

GPKNews – The feedback on the film has been overwhelmingly positive from what I’ve seen. The movie has received numerous positive reviews from various websites. I’m sure you’ve heard from all kinds of GPK fans. That has to be the best thing hearing all the great feedback?

JS – Yes, of course the GPK fan, fans of anything, are always going to be vocal so you’re going to hear what ever kind of criticism or critiques on things they’d prefer to have or people that may have been left out. It’s like we did what we could. I personally would have loved to film another two hours on the fans and go to their rooms and their collections, but I know that’s a second movie. I don’t think I’m the one to do it, I think a fan could do it cause they would probably know more about it. Jeff and I were always focused on just coming from the background of an artist, the artist who created it, we’ve got to get that history. So this would make a good first movie. If there was ever to be a second movie, hey guys anyone out there, start the collector sequel because I want to see all these crazy collections.

GPKNews – Is there anything you wish you had done differently on the film? Any interviews you weren’t able to complete for whatever reason?

JS – No, you know, there’s nothing I would do different in the pre-productions. I would say if anything maybe in the post production doing the editing I would have shelved out more money to pay for the licensing of those 80’s television news clips of Ted Copel and Dan Rather talking about Garbage Pail Kids. You know what, that needed to be in the beginning scene when the television starts appearing. It was getting into the thousands of dollars to have a newscaster. Once you get a distributor you have to pay even more money. It’s funny all these little tiny things you don’t even know, hundreds of dollars per second. So when we are editing it, we have to say ok that’s 8 seconds, can we do that? No, we have to shave some off. So if anything just the tiniest little changes. I’m very proud of it, very proud of it.

GPKNews – When’s the sequel coming out? What’s next for Film Director Joe Simko?

JS – Oh my gosh, I don’t know when the sequel will come out. Peel Here Productions is a company that now exists. Jeff, June, and I have talked about, oh we could do a Wacky Packages thing which would focus on the collector aspect of it. Now that, if you want to get into stories, these are the 10-20 year age older guys. We have doctors, lawyers, accountants from serious money, and there’s real drama, fighting and craziness. Again it’s a matter of time and money, and we have none of that. So I would love to see that be made. Peel Here Productions is still around, but for now its just 30 Years of Garbage.

GPKNews – With 30 Years winding down, what other projects are you working on?

JS – Really Topps is keeping me busy with the Garbage Pail Kid line. We are working on the new series that will be out in the fall. Hopefully they will be able to make an announcement soon. Of course we already know, and this theme is something that fans have been wanting for a long time. I’ll just say that! The 80’s set was my favorite one ever to work on, and that inspired me to do some cool comic covers, these 80’s synth wave style. That’s what I do in my down time. Its crazy to think, I’m getting freelance work outside of Topps, but when I do get contacted by these companies or individual people they always ask can you do it GPK style. Even in the down time it’s Garbage Pail all the time.

GPKNews – You are involved on Chance Raspberry’s Little Billy project, right?

JS – Chance is like one of the super sweetest guys, I’ve never met him in person, I’ve only talked to him online. He’s the lead animator for the Simpsons for several years now. Physically animating in California, he’s not in Korea, he’s not an in-between artist, he’s a lead animator, so he’s setting up the scenes. He is also a child of the 80’s and is trying to get his own animation series called Little Billy, based his own life experiences of having Turrets or ADD. The character Little Billy itself embodies all children that have some form of disability and bringing it to light that they are normal too, its just what makes them unique. He reached out to me, its great we connected. I did some poster work. If he gets the project off the ground, which he got his Indigogo backing, I think I’ll be involved in doing some background art for him, some cool paintings. I wish the best for him, I’m really pulling for him, I want him to get it done. He wants to do this traditional 80’s squash and stretch style animation you don’t see anymore.

GPKNews – Finally, this is your second GCC here in Vegas. How does this one compare to the first? How has the fan interaction been?

JS – Fan interaction has been great here at Gross Card Con. This has been probably my best show. The first day has been the best day I’ve had of any show. I’ve been selling original art, which is great. I think the Toy Con being in Circus Circus is a little more beneficial to the artist because we are getting a lot more foot traction from the toy crowd who maybe couldn’t find us, or who maybe didn’t have the desire to goto the second floor in the Orleans and find us where we were last year. Although we are in a smaller room there’s a lot more foot traffic. We’re getting more buyers, meeting more people, and hopefully getting them into the next generation of the garbage scene.

Gross Card Con to Return to Vegas Toy Con in 2019

Start saving your money now, this is your one year warning. Almost two weeks after the completion of the 2018 show, work is already underway to make next year’s show even bigger. Organizers for the Vegas Toy Con announced today on their Facebook page plans for the 2019 show.

After receiving complaints from show goes and vendors about Circus Circus, the location of the show will be changing for 2019. The show will now take place at the Westgate Hotel. The hotel is located just off the Vegas strip next door to the Convention Center. The new location allows for 70,000 square foot of continuous show space. Show rates for rooms will be $89 per night. The show announced all rooms booked using the show code will also get a free toy each of the 4 nights. Super VIPs will also have a special area with breakfast and snacks served daily.

Most importantly to GPK collectors, was a comment made after the Facebook post regarding the return of Gross Card Con. Additionally, GPKNews confirmed with Vegas Toy Con Executive Producer Andy Goodman that GCC will indeed be returning at the show. Expect announcements and promotions for GCC in the coming months.

The show is scheduled to take place from March 1-3, 2019. Tickets for the event and vendor space will go live 4/10/18 at 10:00 AM pacific time. Start planning you’re Vegas vacation now!

Topps Launches 2018 Garbage Pail Kids Not-Scars Online Set

Fresh off of last night’s Academy Awards shows, Topps is at it with this year’s online set parodying the best movies of the year. Today Topps launches the 2018 Garbage Pail Kids Not-Scars online set. Unlike the previous awards sets from this year, this 8 card set is a mix of GPKs and Wacky Packages. There are 3 new GPK cards offered in (a/b) versions, as well as 2 Wacky Packages. The entire set can be purchased for $34.99. Shipping is free in the US via the SmartPost option, while international shipping is $10. The set will be available on for 7 days. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is a checklist along with pictures of the cards.

  • 1a: Amphibian MANNY/1b: The SHANE of Water (Artist: Smokin Joe McWilliams)
  • 2a: Periled MERYL/2b: Stuck STREEP (Artist: Michael Barnard)
  • 3a: Wacky WINSTON/3b: Goofy GARY (Artist: Simone Arena)
  • 4: No Man’s Own Caesar! (Artist: David Gross)
  • 5: Tonya To Go (Artist: Neil Camera)

Site News: Partnership With

Notice anything different about With the help of a new partnership with, we put a little lipstick on this pig!

One of the things that makes this hobby great is the web presence of the Garbage Pail Kids community. All the major GPK websites are really good at what they do. I like to think we all compliment each other nicely. tries to do its part by striving to post timely and thorough GPK News. However, the website design and artistic logos may be lacking a bit. Enter a brand new partnership with

The important thing for you the reader is nothing content wise changes here at will continue as it always has, being updated by the same person as before, with the same content you are familiar with. In addition to some snazzy logos, you will now find a link to the fantastic GPK Card Galleries over at There are also direct links to follow on all their social media channels.

For those visitors to, the content there also doesn’t change. Joe Blow continues to add to 100’s of pages of galleries and historical information on Garbage Pail Kids. You might notice an overhaul of their News Page. You can now access all the recent articles, and links to the archives.

It’s great partnering with I’m excited and look forward to a long relationship. What this partnership does is gives GPK collectors quicker access to all the information they need! And in the process spiffy’s up this joint a little…