WAX announced today the rescheduled launch date for their second digital set with Topps, GPK Goes Exotic. The set is now scheduled for July 14th at 12:00 PM EST. Originally scheduled for 7/8, WAX had to postpone the launch due to a technical issue with one of their third party providers and the shipping cart. It appears that issue has been resolved and the tigers are ready to be released!
Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays July Week 1
After ending June on a high note, how did July’s sales start out? After ending yesterday, Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays July Week 1. Totals sales for the set was 514. This is down over 100 from the previous week’s record sales. There appears to be a trend the last couple of months where the first weeks sales starts out lower and slowly improves throughout the month. It will be interesting to see if that continues throughout July.
Topps x WAX GPK Goes Exotic Launch Delayed
WAX announced today, via their Twitter account, that the launch of the digital set GPK Goes Exotic has been delayed. Originally, the set was scheduled to launch tomorrow, 7/8, at 12:00 EST. No reason was supplied for the delay. However, based on messages posted on Telegram by WAX representatives, there is a technical problem with a third party provider and their shopping card. Once that is resolved a new launch date will be announced. WAX reps said there would be at least a 24 hour notice given before launch.
Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays July Week 2
As the summer heat continues, so does the weekly holiday sets. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays July Week 2. This week’s set has the usual 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. Each set also comes with one Red parallel card. Artists Brent Engstrom, Joe Simko, and Neil Camera did the artwork for this week’s set. Each set can be purchased for $19.99 or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be for sale for 7 days on Topps.com. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist and pictures of this week’s cards.
•6A Tee-Vee Stevie
• 6B Geeky Gary
• 7A TEDDY Bear
• 7B Salvatore DOLLY
• 8A Blue Eyed Bowie
• 8B Alexander the Green
• 9A Foolish FRED
• 9B Paradise PERRY
• 10A Mugged Marcus
• 10B French Fry FRED
Details on Upcoming Topps x WAX GPK Goes Exotic Digital Set
Can’t get enough of Netflix’s popular Tiger King documentary? Then Topps has you covered. Earlier this year Topps released three GPK sets based on Tiger King that were available for purchase on Topps.com. Those sets proved popular with collectors and fans of the show. The first series set a record for sales for a online only release. Now digital collectors will have a chance to buy and trade those cards as part of the WAX Blockchain platform. This will be the second release on the platform after last month’s very popular release of OS 1 cards. Packs of OS 1 sold out in just over 24 hours, and continue to be actively bought, sold, and traded in various online groups.
Today Topps shared with GPKNews details around the upcoming release of GPK Goes Exotic. The set will feature all 30 base cards, 15 with a/b versions, that were available in the original physical release. Those cards can be found in Base versions (Common), Prism (Uncommon), Tiger Stripe (Rare), and Tiger Claw (Super Rare). There will also be 6 Collector’s Edition cards, 3 with a/b versions. These will also be Super Rare.
Topps is increasing the number of packs available this time around at launch. Standard Packs will be available one again at $4.99 each. Each pack comes with 5 cards. There will be 13,000 standard packs available. The Mega Pack returns at the price of $19.99 each. This time the mega pack will come with 25 cards. There will be 7,000 mega packs available. There will be 240,000 total cards available for the GPK Goes Exotic release. This is up significantly from the OS 1 total of 110,000.
Other details such as card rarity numbers and any buying restrictions at launch haven’t been released yet by the companies. Below you can check out some examples of the cards. GPK Goes Exotic is still to launch July 8th at 12:00 PM Eastern time.
Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays June Week 4
For whatever reason collectors spend the last week of the month. After ending earlier today, Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays June Week 4. The set sold a total of 650 copies. This sets a new record for the bizarre holidays sets. June might have started slowly for these sets, but the final week brought the customers out. This matches a similar formula in May. After weeks of increases, May ended with over 600 sold as well. How will July start out?
Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays July Week 1
The odd daily holiday cards continue into their forth month. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays July Week 1. This marks the 14th weekly release so far in the series. This week’s set has the usual 10 cards, 5 new paintings with a/b versions. Artists Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, and Neil Camera painted this week’s cards. Each set also comes with a red parallel card. The sets are available for $19.99 each or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. There are also 10 x 14 posters of each card available for $19.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps.com. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of this week’s cards.
Topps Launches On Demand #10 Garbage Pail Kids 35 Years of Untold Stories
The 35th anniversary of Garbage Pail Kids celebration continues on Topps.com. Today Topps launched On Demand #10 Garbage Pail Kids 35 Years of Untold Stories. This is a different type of set in many ways. The 90 card set is made up of comic style cards. The comics were written by former GPK Brand Manager Colin Walton. Artists doing the comic cards for the set are Darren Pepe, Chris Meeks, Dan Contois, and Neil Camera. This marks the debut of Pepe and Contois on card GPK finals. In addition to the 90 card base set, there are also two insert sets 80’s Style Skateboard Decks (Rory McQueen) and Cover Stories (Brent Engstrom/Camera). Each pack purchased comes with 24 base cards, and 1 insert from each set. Sketches are also included this time. Each set purchased has a 1:2 chance at a sketch. Sketch artists confirmed so far for the set include Jasmine Contois (40), GPK Nik (50), Robert Jimenez (40), Neil Camera (50), Joey Fitchett (50), Dan Contois (31), Rory McQueen (40), Derrin Pepe (30), Mike McHugh (60), Shane Garvey (40), Greg Trieze (40), Brandhen Snyder (50), Bekki Sharp (40), Cheduz (50), Barry Nygma (50), Chad Scheres (50), Gavin Williams (40), Jeff Dionise (?), and Anthony Skubis (40). For the first time ever special sketch card boxes will be inserted randomly at 1:100 sets ordered. Jasmine Contois, GPK Nik, Jimenez, Fitchett, and Camera all painted 4 sketch boxes. With 20 sketch boxes there appears to be 2000 total packs available. That translates to 533 base sets, 400 skateboard insert sets, and 285 Cover Insert sets. Each pack can be purchased for $40. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The packs will be on sale for 7 days or until they sell out. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.
•Adam Bomb – Darrin Pepe (1-9)
• Nasty Nick – Chris Meeks (10-27)
• Alin Al – Daniel Contois (28-36)
• Slobbie Robbie – Darrin Pepe ( 37-45)
• Wrinkled Randy – Chris Meeks (46-63)
• Virus Iris – Neil Camera (64-72)
• New Wave Dave – Neil Camera (73-90)
(5) 80s Style Skateboard Deck Stickers
(7) Cover Story Stickers
Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays June Week 3
Results for the most recent holiday set are in. After ending yesterday, Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays June Week 3. Sales continue to creep up for the odd holiday sets, as last week’s set sold a total of 502. Those numbers are slightly higher than the previous week, but remain cocnsistant with sales throughout the spring. The final set for June is up for sale now, and collectors can expect the holidays to continue throughout July.
Topps Teases Next Wax Digital Release Garbage Pail Kids Gone Exotic
After weeks of rumors online, Topps has confirmed the next digital release with their Wax partnership. Garbage Pail Kids Gone Exotic will be making its digital debut. No release date or other details were shared, just that the set will be coming see. The first WAX x Topps release was OS1 and was a huge success, selling out in just over a day. Demand of the limited product has remained high on the various secondary markets. It will be interesting if the newer Gone Exotic cards will see similar demand. While not officially announced yet, OS 2 should also see a digital release in short order.