Initial Details on GPK x WAX OS 2 Digital Release

The following of digital GPK collectors and WAX NFT enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the next release from Topps and WAX. We are only seven days away from the release of Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2. This will be the fourth GPK release between the companies on the WAX blockchain.

Topps was able to share a few initial details with GPKNews about the makeup of the upcoming set. Topps is advertising the set will include original artwork animations and special effects. The different variations of cards being offered will make this the largest digital release to date. In addition to the regular a/b base cards, Topps is adding some cards that were released in the physical GPK Chrome OS 2 release from 2014. Special “C” name variations will be available randomly in packs. There were 20 C name cards in the Chrome set. Topps will also include the 26 card Returning Card subset that was in the Chrome release. There will be five different parallel card types offered in various scarcities in the set; Raw, Slime, Gum, VHS, and Sketch card. There will also be new Animation and Relic cards inserted. See list at the end of the article for a description of the card types.

Topps has shared there will be three different pack types available for sale for this release with varying card amounts and odds per pack. However, specific details around the pack types, including number available, has not been released. No other details around the release are available yet, including initial sales process or pack distribution. While not set in stone the set is expected to launch next Wed., Sept. 30th, at 12:00 PM EST.

Collectibles to expect:

  • Static A/B Cards: digitized versions of physical GPK Series 2 release
  • Static C Cards: released in GPK Chrome Series 2 (debuted in 2014)
  • Returning: reimagined character art based on 2014 GPK Chrome Series 2 release
  • RAW: Original GPK Series 2 cards with no nameplates or logo
  • Slime: Original GPK Series 2 Card with “slime” motion effect
  • Gum: Original GPK Series 2 Card with “gum” motion effect
  • VHS: Original GPK Series 2 Card with “VHS” motion effect
  • Sketch: Original GPK Series 2 Card with sketch motion effect
  • Animation: Exclusive animation card created for this release
  • Relic: Exclusive animation card created for this release

Trash Talkin’ With GPK Sketch Artist Kelly Greider

Interview is republished, by permission, from Sybil Ferro and the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group, © 2020.

Wait…what was that sound? Shhhh can you hear it? It’s the sound of anticipation, expectation, delectation and exhilaration – oh yes… it’s time! More important than water, tastier than taste buds and juicier than a freshly squeezed puss bubble… it’s Trash Talk!

And this week it is our absolute pleasure to welcome Kelly Greider!!!!!!!

Slippa Chervascus – Kelly, what was the defining moment that made you want to be part of GPK/Topps?

Kelly Greider – Probably when they offered me a job, haha. What got me back into collecting GPK and focusing more on sketch card work was a perfect storm of dating a woman who was a big GPK collector, peer pressure from friends, and the release of the Calvin America/Steve Rotters sticker in BNS1.

SC – Tell us about your earliest experience with garbage pail kids? Do you remember your first pack? Where you were…who you were with?

KG – My first pack was an OS4 pack from the Osco in Mishawaka, Indiana bought after my kindergarten teacher banned them from class, thus ensuring every kid HAD to show up the next day with some.

SC – What are your hobbies outside of GPK??

KG – Now that I think about it, I have generally the same hobbies as I did when I was 10. Art is always going to be #1. As far as trading cards, I’m also a big collector of Mars Attacks, Marvel and Carolina Panthers cards. I have a massive collection of Lego, every so often I like to freeform build just to see what comes together. I’m also pretty big into tabletop gaming, primarily D&D because it’s such a great creative outlet.

SC – What/who has inspired you to be an artist?

KG – I’ll do this one in a Top 3 format:
1. My mom. It’s almost like artistic ability is inherited genetically and passed down from the first born in each generation, it’s weird. Check out @dawns_wood_earrings and @dawns_sweet_treats on Instagram.
2. Aaron Warner has been a huge influence on my work and sort of mentor when I was younger. Used to collect the Friday Magazine insert from the Kalamazoo Gazette to save his Adventures Of Aaron strips. Check out his work at
3. Spite. I can do all things through spite, which strengthens me.

SC – What’s your art corner like? Would you dare to share a photo of it? Do you have a ritual before/while sketching?

KG – Oh jeez it’s a disaster area with the loosest sense of organized chaos, so no photos. Like Lenny from The Simpsons, please don’t tell anyone how I live. I don’t have any drawing rituals necessarily but every so often I’ll make a Spotify playlist specifically as a soundtrack to a piece I’m working on.

SC – Ok, imagine the scene. You are the Casting Director for the new GPK remake movie. Spielberg and Nolan are looking to you for advice. Which 3 Garbage Pail Kids should be in it and which 3 actors/actresses should portray them?

KG – I’m gonna run with the assumption it’d be an animated film and just cast voice actors:
-Tara Strong as Messy Tessy, because she’s the voice of every female lead for a reason.
-Peter Dinklage as Brainy Brian, honestly he’s a holdover from attempting to cast this as a live action movie.
-Will Ferrell as Adam Bomb…do you know Will Ferrell?

SC – You have done sketches for multiple sets now, what was it like the first time someone pulled and posted one of your sketches?

KG – I honestly don’t recall the first, it was probably on eBay, I’m kinda shameless about searching the auctions for my name to see what’s been pulled and jow the Kelly Greider market is doing haha.

SC – If you could do a tripitch piece along with two other artists (doesn’t have to be GPK) who would it be and why?

KG – I’ll go with a GPK artist and a non-GPK artist. Chad Scheres for sure, love his work and we always seemed to get paired up when Topps still did the dual artist pano cards. And of course the aforementioned Aaron Warner, working on a piece with him would be a dream come true.

SC – Kelly, you’re about to be stranded on a deserted island, you can bring one item and one Garbage Pail Kid with you… tell us what what and who you’re taking?

KG – A boat and a ragged old Adam Bomb card to act as my Wilson, maybe scream the “Hark, Triton!” bit from The Lighthouse at it.

SC – What is GPK missing right now?

KG – I’d like to see the comics and flipbooks return to the card backs, also the gimmicky lower level chase cards especially Loco-Motion.

SC – What is some advice you can offer new artists wanting to draw GPK or who have just started drawing GPK?

KG – Get an old Cabbage Patch Doll to use for a visual reference. Keep sharing to the groups and hitting up Topps with your work.

SC – Imagine yourself doing art in 2030.. how far do you see yourself going?

KG – I see myself going til the day I die like a lot of the old Marvel greats, which given current events may well be before 2030.

SC – And now the big one! The battle to end all battles. The fight to end all fights! The skirmish to end all skirmish-ish-es?!? Sorry… Jelly Kelly Vs Smelly Kelly?

KG – Jelly Kelly, the fact they made Smelly Kelly a fleshy color instead of red has always given that one a creepy dong vibe about it.

Interview was conducted by longtime GPK collectors Sybil Ferro, Will Marston, Slippa Chervascus, Roddy Francisco Fell, and Alicia Forrest in Sept. 2020, and originally appeared on the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group. Sybil can be contacted here.

GPKNation to Offer Adam Bomb GPK Patches

GPKNation is still going strong with the releases this week. Tonight will see a limited release of four officially licensed Adam Bomb GPK Patches. There will be red, blue, yellow, and pink patches available. Each patch is limited to /50 for sale. Don’t go to sleep early on this one. The patches will launch at 10:00 PM Eastern time tonight!

They will also be launching the forth playing card medallion coin this Friday. The coin features the Mick Dagger character. The coin will be limited to /100 copies, and will go on sale this Friday, 9/25, at 1:00 PM EST.



Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 4

Month six of weekly holidays sets is coming to an end. Today Toops launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 4. This week’s set contains 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. The set also comes with one deep blue parallel card. Each set can be purchased for $19.99, or in a lot of ten for $179.99. There are also 10×14 posters of each card available for $19.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.

•16A Elephant Manny
• 16B Sideshow Joe
• 17A Bilbo Barber
•17B Mowing Frodo
• 18A Blue Doug
• 18B Red Rolph
• 19A BUD Bunny
•19B Benny Rabbit
•20A Uncrushed Ken
• 20B Stu Brew

FYE Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bowl/Spoon Set

The next round of officially licensed FYE merchandise looks to be hitting shelves. FYE has launched a Garbage Pail Kids bowl and spoon set. Thanks to GPK collector Wendy Miller for the picture who spotted these in her local FYE store going out of business. The bowl features green slime and a number of GPK characters on the outside. The store had these available for $14.99. Topps has already announced there would be a set of new mini cereals coming for FYE later this year. This bowl would make the perfect addition to your breakfast.

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Skateboard Stickers

We already know GPK and skateboards is a match made in heaven after the successful Santa Cruz deck mashup from a couple of years back. In a take off the skateboard theme, today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Skateboard Stickers. The set contains 10 different stickers all done by artist Rory McQueen. McQueen also did the skateboard deck insert set from the Untold Stories online set earlier this year. Each set can be purchased for $19.99 or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be on sale for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.

• Adam Bomb
• Tee-Vee Stevie
• Beasty Boyd
• New Wave Dave
• Gutsy Gabriel
• Junk Food John
• Creepy Carol
• Dead Ted
• Hot Rod
• Max Axe

Bony Joanie Medallion Coin Launching Friday

The next medallion coin from Adam Goldberg and Louis Gregory is set to launch this Friday. Bony Joanie is the next character to get her own officially licensed playing card coin. The coin will go on sale at 1:00 PM EST time on Friday. Coins can be purchased on The website recently underwent some construction, and now shows previously offered GPK merchandise. There will only be 100 copies of the coin available. Be prepared as previous coins have sold out in just mins.

Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 2

The holidays never stop at Topps, but do the sales? After ending yesterday, Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 2. Sales for the week were 420 sets. This marks the lowest selling holiday set so far in the almost six month series. Sales remain consistently in the 400’s, but have overall fallen the past few weeks not hitting in the five or six hundreds. Is Topps finally starting to hit the saturation point with online sets?

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 3

The holiday party at Topps continues on. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 3. This weeks set comes with 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. Each set also comes with one deep blue parallel card. They can be purchased for $19.99 each or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. There are also 10×14 posters available of each card for $19.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The cards will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is this week’s checklist along with pictures of the cards.

•11A Hat On Adam
• 11B Hat Builder Billy
• 12A Sediment Stan
•12B Granite Gregory
• 13A Play Bo
• 13B Doughy Joey
• 14A Rowdy ROGER
•14B PETER Poet
•15A Putt-Putt Pat
• 15B Mini Miguel