Topps Reveals Print Run for 2017 GPK Prime Slime Awards Set

Topps celebrated last weekend’s Emmy awards by putting out a 12 card set featuring gags from popular TV shows. However, it doesn’t look like Topps will be winning any awards. Today Topps revealed the print run for 2017 Garbage Pail Kids Awards online set. Historically online sets based around TV shows have not sold well, and this set was no exception. Sales dropped to a total of 87 sets sold. Interesting was Topps initially released the print run as 132 sets, but has since been corrected to 87. Collectors commonly complain that they don’t get the gags on many of the TV related cards. If you don’t watch the show, you won’t understand the gag. The price point for this set was also higher at $39.99 compared to the recent music sets released. This all led to a lower number of sales than usual. With the holidays right around the corner, let’s hope Topps has some plans for Halloween!