Topps Launches GPK Thanksgiving Set

img_0330After a very successful Halloween set, Topps is continuing with the holiday themed sets. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids American as Apple Pie GPK Thanksgiving set. The set consists of 11 total cards. There are five new pieces of GPK artwork with a/b versions. There is also one Wacky Packages Thanksgiving card. Each GPK card can be purchased as an a/b pair for $9.99 each. The Wacky Packs card is also $9.99. The entire 11 card set can be purchased for $29.99. Free shipping is available with the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps said they will reveal the print run after the end of the sale. It will be interesting to see how the Wacky Packs cards sells as part of the set. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.

1A: Dismissed DONALD
1B: Turned Back TRUMP
2A: Pardoned PARKER
2B: SAL Monella
3A: Food Fight EARL
3B: DEE Bate
4A: Trypto FRAN
5A: Black FRYE DAY
5B: Last Box BOBBY
6: Duck and Hide Pie Flinging Mix