Topps Launches GPK Summer Comic Convention Online Set

For the first time in years Topps is not offering exclusive GPK cards at the San Diego Comic Con going on this week. However, that doesn’t mean Topps is ignoring the comics world completely. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Summer Comic Convention online set. The 10 card set consists of 4 new GPK cards with a/b versions, and 2 Wacky Packages cards. The cards are all based on popular comics. In a bit of a surprise the complete set is available for $19.99, this is quite a bit cheaper than recent online sets have be sold for. Individual cards are not available. Shipping is free in the US by using the SmartPost option, while international shipping is $10. The cards will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist and pictures of the cards.

1a: I Have the POWELL (Artist: Simko)
1b: Activated ADAM
2a: Lazy LIONEL (Artist: Simko)
2b: Thunder KAT
3a: Unmasked MATT (Artist: Engstrom)
3b: Tricky TRAKKER
4a: CHASE Hugger (Artist: Engstrom)
4b: AL-iens
5: RoboCorpse 3 Poster (Artist: Camera)
6: Itchie Comics (Artist: Jimenez)