Topps Launches GPK Network Spews Cards #63-#64

Topps is back at it for the third straight day of online releases. Today Topps released Garbage Pail Kids Network Spews #63 -#64 (Artist: Arena (both). After some controversy yesterday over one of the cards, the artwork appears to be back on track today. Additional Topps also launched one Trumpocracy and one Network Spews Wacky Packages card today. Each card can be purchased fro $9.99 or in lots of 5 for $29.99, 10 for $49.99, or 20 for $79.99. A four card bundle featuring one of each card is available for $29.99. Free shipping within the US is available using the SmartPost option, while international shipping is $10. The cards will be on sale on for 24 hours. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here are pictures of today’s cards.