Collector’s Pack Odds for GPK 30th Set

Chad via eBay (kuhawk913) was nice enough to share the odds from the new Collector’s boxes for the 30th Anniversary Garbage Pail Kids set. Some things of note; The odds for the Parallels (Silver, Red, Pink, Sepia, and Character Back) are all twice as high as what’s on the sell sheet. Despite that Chad said the Red’s and Character Backs did fall one per pack, while the Silver, Pink, and Sepia’s also fell one per box. Also the Artist Relic set is larger than what was mentioned on the sell sheet as Chad pulled 5 different from his two cases.


Black 1:4
Silver 1:48
Gold 1:72
Metallic Red 1:2
Pink 1:48
Sepia 1:48
Printing Plate 1:1516
Character Back 1:2
Foreign Legion 1:24
Famous Movie Scene 1:4
Horror Movie 1:8
Super Fan Tattoo 1:12
Die-Cut Sketch 1:144
Loaded Sketch Card 1:831
Autograph Card 1:96
Dual Autograph 1:1017
Triple Autograph 1:2712
Autograph Pen Relic: 1:2543
Manufactured Medallion Card 1:92
i Mitici Sgorbions Relic 1:115
Artist Relic 1:28
Stamped Buyback 1:24

The official release date for the 30th set is 7/8, so more should be showing up soon. Be sure to check out what Chad pulled from his two cases!