Topps Announces 2020 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 3

Hell has frozen over, and yes, those are pigs flying. After years of being pestered by GPK collectors, Topps has finally made their dreams come true. Today Topps announced 2020 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 3. After two Chrome launches in 2013-14 Topps is back with the third set featuring GPKs on shiny chrome card stock. Topps has decided to continue on with the Chrome product picking up where it left off with OS 3. The base set will be comprised of the original series 3 cards. The sell sheet advertises some, “limited new art” in addition to the base set.

The popular parallels are scheduled to return. Refractors found 1:3 packs, Prisms Refractors /199, X-Fractor /150, Black Refractors /99, Gold Refractors /50, Superfractors 1/1, and Printing Plates 1/1 are all set to be found in packs. Artists autographs and C Name variations are also set to return. Once again each pack will contain 4 cards, 24 packs to a box, and 12 packs to a case.

You can view the complete sell sheet here, or see pictures below. Collectors are being given a second chance by Topps to prove they can support a Chrome GPK product. They better start saving their money now, 2020 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome is set to hit store shelves 11/25/20.

2020 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids 35th Anniversary Retail Sell Sheet

After yesterday’s release of the Hobby sell sheet, today brings us the 2020 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids 35th Anniversary retail sell sheet. The format of the second series of 2020 is much the same as the first series of the year, Late to School, with just a couple of changes. The base set still appears to be numbered 1-100a/b, but the set features cards from 5 different themes. The themes help celebrate Garbage Pail Kids through the last 35 years. Collectors can expect to see familiar characters and art styles throughout all eras of Garbage Pail Kids. Like Late to School the set will have back art, featuring puzzles, checklists, and more.

Of course Retail Display boxes are back once again. These 24 pack boxes were not very popular with Collectors with the Late to School set since Topps removed the Yellow Parallels. In order to help rectify that, the Spit Blue Parallels (/99), formerly found in Collector boxes, have moved to Retail Display boxes. While this increases the value of Retail Display boxes, it hurts the Collector box as there was no value replacement for them. Green Parallels return 1 per pack in all retail types. Gold Parallels also can be found in all pack types, however this time they will be /35, instead of the usual /50. Artist Autos and Printing plates are also available in all pack types. The Retail Display boxes will be the only place to find the “No Ragerts” Temporary Tattoos. The artwork on these are done in American Traditional tattoo style. Finally, collectors can also hunt for regular sized sketch cards.

Value boxes will be available again in retail stores like Target and Wal-Mart. These 5 pack boxes will once again come in 40 box cases, a change Topps made with the Late to School set. The Phlegm Yellow parallels will be back in Value boxes again, one per box. Midlife Crisis insert cards will appear 3 per Value box, wrapped in a separate cellophane wrapper. These will be classic characters facing midlife and millennial issues. Also just like Late to School, Value boxes are scheduled to feature both Loaded and Panoramic sketches. This didn’t happen with the Late to School set, as Topps switched the Pano and Triptych sketches during production.

The last retail pack type will be the familiar Fat Packs. Fat Packs will see the return of 1 Jelly Purple parallel per pack. Each pack will also include 2 Fan Favorite insert cards. The sell sheet says these will be the favorite GPKs as voted on by fans. No word yet on how or when Topps will hold voting.

The sell sheet also advertises that collectors will have a chance to have a custom GPK created of themselves. To view the retail sell sheet click here, or see below for pictures. 2020 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids 35th Anniversary is set to hit store shelves on 9/23/20.

Topps Announces Garbage Pail Kids 2020 Series 2 35th Anniversary Set

Garbage Pail Kids celebrate their 35th anniversary! Today Topps announced the second retail set of the year, 2020 Garbage Pail Kids Series 2 35th Anniversary. The set is scheduled to once again be 200 base cards, featuring 100 new paintings broken down with a/b versions. Topps appears to be going back to the themes, as the base set will feature 5 themes, Al Grown Up, 35 Years of GPK, Snot Another Anniversary, 135th Anniversary Flash Forward, and Battle of the Decades. Once again the familiar parallel colors are scheduled to be back. Although the sell sheet does advertise back card art as well. All retail packs will contains 1 Booger Green parallel. While Bruised Black  and Bloody Nose Red /75 parallels will  return to Collector packs, Spit Blue /99 parallels have moved to the Retail Display boxes. Fool’s Gold parallels can be found throughout all pack types and will be numbered to only /35 this time. Printing Plates and Artist Autos can also be found in all pack types.

Insert cards this time feature “No Ragerts” Temporary Tattoos. These can be found only in Retail Display boxes and are described as GPK inspired temporary tattoos in American Traditional style. GPK Wacky Packages inserts can be found 1 per collector box. These will be Wacky Package styled paintings parodying GPK merchandise. In addition, Collector boxes will contain new Location Relic Cards. These will contain relics from characters locations, like sand from Wrapping Ruth or dirt from Dead Ted’s grave. The usually sketch card options will be available. Regular sized sketches can be found in retail pack types, while shaped and Triptych sketches can be found in Collector boxes. Collectors boxes are advertised to come in special Garbage Can Shaped Tins. Finally, the sell sheet also advertises there will be a chance to have a custom GPK created of you!

You can view the sell sheet here in PDF form here, or see below for pictures. Garbage Pail Kids 2020 Series 2 35th Anniversary is scheduled to hit stores 9/23/20.

2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late for School Retail Sell Sheet

With Monday’s release of the Hobby sell sheet for 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late for School, you knew the retail sheet would be too far behind. The info is out, and there are a number of changes being made to where parallels and sketches will be found in the upcoming set. The first set of 2020 will no longer feature subsets. Instead, card numbering is back on the fronts of the cards. The backs will feature new artwork, puzzles, and checklists. Also in a change from recent sets, the subject matter is back to being kids. These cards will not be based on real life people in pop culture. Many of these things collectors have been begging for since Topps drastically changed the way sets were done back in 2015.

Retail Display boxes are back again. The 24 pack boxes will be the only place to find the GPK Mascots insert set. GPK Mascots will feature characters as GPK-inspired school mascots. Fool’s Gold parallels (/50), printing plates, and artist autograph cards will continue to be randomly inserted in all pack types across the series. The Booger Green parallels will continue to come 1 per pack. There is a discrepancy on the sell sheet for the green parallels. The sell sheet says they will be found in only Display packs. However, Topps has confirmed with GPKNews that the green parallels will continue to be found in Fat and Value packs. Another change being made is Phlegm Yellow parallels will no longer be in Display boxes. Those will be moving to the Value Boxes. The sell sheet also says regular sketch cards will only be in Display boxes. However, once again Topps has confirmed with GPKNews that the plan is to continue to have regular sketches inserted into all retail pack types.

Value boxes are back, and one again will come 40 to a case like with Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible. The tradition of non-traditional packaging for the Value boxes continues. This time each Value box will be shaped like a school. Each Value box will come with three Class Superlatives insert cards. These will be classic characters who were voted most popular and more. As mentioned above, according to the sell sheet the Phlegm Yellow parallels are moving to Value boxes. The sell sheet lists them as 1:5 packs. Which would make them one per Value box. Loaded sketches will once again also be found in Value boxes only. In a strange twist, Panoramic sketches will be inserted into Value boxes as well. Topps has confirmed pano sketches are moving to Value boxes.

Finally, Fat Packs will also be returning. These 22 card packs act as almost a double pack. Each Fat pack will include two Faculty Lounge insert cards. These will be classic characters in their new roles as teachers. Jelly Purple parallels will also be back in fat packs, inserted 1 per pack.

To view the retail sell sheet in PDF click here, or see the pictures below. 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late for School is scheduled to be released 1/15/20.

Topps Announces 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late to School

Topps today announced their next retail set, 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late to School. The first series of 2020 will feature a brand new theme, this time not focused on any real life people. Unlike previous sets focused on movies, TV, and music, this set will feature new gags of more general kids. The base set will once again feature 100 new pieces of artwork with a/b versions. However, just because the base set size is staying the same there are some major changes. The sell sheet advertises there will be checklists on the back! Also the base cards show the card numbering and Peel Here arrows on the front! Could this mean the return of card back artwork and puzzles?

Perhaps the biggest change is how Collector boxes will be packaged. Lunchboxes!!! That’s right, the Collector box will be a lunch box. There will be 4 different versions to collect. Patch cards will also be returning, as this time School Pennant Patch cards will be randomly inserted into Collector boxes. Also a new insert set School Wacky Packages will come one per Collector box. The sell sheet also advertised a new shaped sketch will be appearing as well. Artist autos, printing plates, and Triptych sketches will all also return to collector boxes. Retail Display boxes will be back again, and contain regular sketch cards, printing plates, and artist autos.

The parallels will have a similar feel as before. Booger Green will appear one per Display pack. Collector boxes will have the familiar Bruised Black (1 per pack), Spit Blue (/99), and Blood Nose Red (/75). Gold parallels will be inserted into all pack types and be limited to /50 copies.

Yo can view the complete sell sheet here, or see pictures below. GPK collectors better get their lunches packed, because school starts Jan. 15th, 2020.

2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible Retail Sell Sheet

That didn’t take long, just after the Hobby sell sheet began making the rounds this morning, the retail sell sheet for the next retail GPK set is out. 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible is a sequel based off of last year’s successful Horror themed set. 2018S2 Oh the Horror-ible was one of the most successful selling GPK sets in recent memory for Topps. The artists still had plenty of gags and ideas that were not used from the last series, so this Halloween season will feature another round of horror themed cards. A number of changes are being made to the set compared to the last one. What’s not changing is the number of base cards. The set is scheduled for 200 base cards made up of 100 new pieces of artwork with a/b name versions.

It would appear the final nail in the coffin has been made to gravity feed boxes. Once again they are not being offered to retail partners. Topps also didn’t make the Dollar Store feeds for the last set, We Hate the 90’s. It would appear the popular with collector boxes are now a thing of the past. However, there will still be plenty of retail options. The regular retail display 24 pack box will return once again. These are marketed and sold by Topps to both retail partners and hobby distributors. While some places still call them Hobby Boxes, they are the same exact box as a retail display box. As with all retail pack types, the renamed Blood Splatter Green parallels will come one per retail pack. Blood Splatter Gold parallels numbered out of /50 can be found in all pack types. While Artist Autographs, Printing Plates, and regular Sketches will also be randomly inserted in all retail pack types. Blood Splatter Yellow borders parallels are scheduled to return to display boxes for this set. They are advertised to be inserted at 1:4 packs, like the previous set. Display boxes is also where you will be able to find the Trick or Treats insert set. While GPKNews hasn’t been able to confirm, GoGTS is reporting that a case of Value Boxes will contain 40 boxes this time! This would be up dramatically from the 16 boxes they have been in the past.

Value Boxes, formerly referred to as Blaster Boxes, are back once again. This time with a major change. Gone are Bathroom Buddies and Gross Bears. For years now these boxes contained reprints from these past Topps sets. Collectors have grown tired of the inserts, which bore little to no resemblance to GPKs. A brand new insert called GPK Horror Victims will be taking their place. Each box will received 3 GPK Horror Victim cards. These, “bonus cards”, are described as GPK characters meeting their untimely end. Once again, Loaded Sketches will be randomly inserted into Value Boxes.

Fat Packs are back and have a familiar structure. Each Fat Pack will come with 2 Green parallels and 1 of the returning Blood Splatter Purple parallels. The OS reprints will also return to Fat Packs. Each pack is scheduled to receive 2 Classic Monster insert cards. Panoramic sketches will also be inserted into Fat Packs.

To view the Retail sell sheet as a PDF click here, or check out the pictures below. 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible is set to release Sept. 25, 2019.

Topps Announces 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible

Last year’s Oh the Horror-ible set was largely well received by collectors. So much so, that the second retail set of 2019 will once again feature the horror theme. Today, Topps announced 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh, the Horror-ible. The artists had so many fantastic gags left over from last year’s set, they were primed and ready to paint an entire set this time featuring only horror themed cards. The set’s theme isn’t the only former idea being used in this set.

This is the first set completely under the direction of Topps Brand Manager Jessica Kanzer, who replaced Colin Walton last year. David Gross and his fellow artists pushed Topps for a number of changes collectors have been asking for over the years. In the end some changes were implemented, while others will have to wait for future sets. Cards will once again feature a similar themed subset approach as previous sets with card numbers appearing on the backs. One big change for collectors is the pairing down of final art artists in the set. While the sell sheet doesn’t specify who is completing final art, sources say only Brent Engstrom, Joe Simko, David Gross, and Smokin’ Joe McWilliams will have art featured in the set.

According to the sell sheet the new set will feature 200 base cards, made up of 100 pieces of new artwork available in a/b versions. While the familiar parallel format returns for the most part, the names have changed. All Hobby and Retail packs will contain one Blood Splatter Green parallel. Blood Splatter Gold parallels will once again be numbered /50, and are available in all pack types. Blood Splatter Blue /99, and Blood Splatter Red /75 parallels will only appear in Collector packs. The former Black Bruised parallels have changed to the brand new Black Light parallel found 1 per Collector pack. Hobby Boxes will once again contain the Trick or Treats insert set. While, Collector packs will contain an insert set called Horror Film Poster Parodies. These are Wacky Packages inspired parodies of famous horror films. Most likely these will fall one per Collector Box.

Artist autographs and printing plates will continue to be found in all pack types. Hobby and Retail packs will have regular sketches inserted. Collector boxes once again will feature, either a shaped sketch, artist auto, or printing plate. The three panel foldout Tryptych sketches will return again and be found in Collector packs. Collector boxes will also now feature a brand new Tombstone Figurine. Coming 1 per box, there are 12 total to collect. These measure 3″ x 1 7/8″ and will be inserted in blind box packaging according to the sell sheet.

While there are some positive changes with the new set, many more will have to wait for future sets. Once we get retail sell sheet info, I will pass it along. For now you can see the sell sheet here in PDF form, or check out the pictures below. 2019S2 GPK Revenge of Oh, the Horror-ible is set to hit stores on Sept. 25, 2019.

2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 90’s Retail Sell Sheet

Earlier this week Topps released the Hobby/Collector sell sheet for 2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 90’s. Thanks to Wildwood Enterprises we are able to bring you the retail sell sheet. The first set of 2019 is shaping up to be almost a sequel to 2018’s We Hate the 80’s set. Just like with this month’s 2018S2 Oh the Horror-ible set, the base set will contain 200 cards, (100 new paintings in a/b versions). This is the last set that Colin Walton was the Art Director/Editor on. The majority of the set was complete prior to him leaving Topps. The formula is much the same as the previous sets. The decade of the 90’s will be parodied in a handful of subsets. Topps however, is making a few changes to the insert lineup.

In perhaps a bit of a surprise, Gravity Feed boxes are being offered by Topps for the 90’s set. After offering them initially for 2018S2 Oh the Horror-ible, Topps announced a short time later they were cancelled. The fate of Gravity Feeds for the 90’s set will rest on weather Target wants to order them. You can expect more cancellations if retailers don’t order the feeds. To hedge their bets, Topps states on the sell sheet that the Classic 90’s Insert set will appear in both Gravity feeds and regular retail display boxes, (also marketed as Hobby boxes). This way if Gravity feeds are cancelled again, the insert will still appear in retail packs. Previously the “Classic” insert sets were found in Fat Packs. Not only has the set moved pack types, but will now be 10 cards instead of 20. The set is described as, “The top ten 90’s pop culture GPKs return!” Puke (Green) parallels will return 1 per pack in all retail pack types. Fool’s Gold borders randomly inserted in all pack types are also back and limited to /50 of each. What is not mentioned on the sell sheet are the Phlegm (yellow) parallels. Previously found only in Gravity Feeds, the yellow borders rarely made a mention on past sell sheets. So it remains to be seen if Gravity Feed boxes return, and if Phlegm parallels join them. Finally as always, artist autographs, printing plates, and regular sketches can be found in all retail pack types.

While there are many questions around gravity feeds and regular retail boxes, the same can’t be said for Blaster boxes. The same exact formula is being followed as with 2018S2 Oh the Horror-ible. Once again there will be two different Blaster versions, and once again Bathroom Buddies will appear in both. Both boxes will contain 3 cards from the “lost second series of the 90’s GPK spin-off” Bathroom Buddies. The only difference in boxes appears to be one will have a $9.99 price label, and the other box without. Blaster boxes will continue to have 5 packs each, and contain 16 boxes per case. The popular Loaded Puzzle sketches will be randomly inserted into Blaster boxes once again.

Fat Packs will also follow the same formula being used for 2018S2 Oh the Horror-ible, with one change. The hanger packs are roughly twice the size of a regular retail pack. Each pack will come with two Puke parallels. The packs will also feature two cards in the new 90’s Wacky Pails insert set. The insert set is describes as, “Twenty Wacky Packages from the 90’s, now featuring classic GPK characters!” The new Jelly parallel, expected to debut in the 2018S2 Oh the Horror-ible set, will be returning once again, falling at a rate of one per pack. Finally, Panoramic Sketch Cards will also be randomly inserted into Fat Packs.

To view the Retail sell sheet as a PDF click here, or check out the pictures below. 2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 90’s is set to release Jan. 16, 2019.

Topps Announces 2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 90’s

Time to bust out your Pogs, listen to a little grunge, all while eating a Lunchables. Topps is taking on the 90’s! Topps artists have been finished painting the finals for the next set for a few weeks now. Today today officially announced the next retail set, 2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 90’s. This set is a bit of a sequel off the popular set from earlier this year, We Hate the 80’s. This time the set will feature parodies of cartoons, toys, TV, films, video games, fashion, everything 90’s. This is the last set featuring Colin Walton as Art Director/Editor. The set was nearly complete when Colin left Topps.

Just like with the upcoming Oh the Horror-ible set, the next set will feature 200 cards, made up of 100 new pieces of artwork available in a/b versions. The set will continue the practice of being broken into various subsets. The familiar parallel format will return. All Hobby and Retail packs will contain one Puke (Green) parallel. Fool’s Gold parallels will once again be numbered /50, and are available in all pack types. Also, Bruised (Black), Spit (Blue) /99, and Bloody Nose (Red) /75 parallels will only appear in Collector packs. There are two types of insert cards mentioned on the Hobby sell sheet. 90’s Wax Pack Parodies, which will fall 1 per collector box, and also Classic 90’s Stickers. The Classic inserts in the past have been a retail Fat Pack exclusive, but it appears they might be appearing in other pack types this time around.

Artist autographs and printing plates will continue to be found in all pack types. Collector boxes are once again guaranteed one hit per box, either a shaped sketch, artist auto, printing plate, or patch card. Regular sketches can be found in retail pack types, while shaped sketches and triptych sketches are collector box exclusives. Patch cards will also be found only in collector boxes.

Once again the overall construction of the set is familiar to the other theme sets released the past few years. Once we get retail sell sheet info, I will pass it along. For now you can see the sell sheet here in PDF form, or check out the pictures below. 2019S1 GPK We Hate the 90’s is set to hit stores on Jan. 16, 2019.

2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh the Horror-ible Retail Sell Sheet

Late last week Topps officially announced the details for the next retail set by releasing the Hobby/Collector sell sheet for 2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh the Horror-ible. Thanks to Wildwood Enterprises we are able to bring you the retail sell sheet. While the configuration of the next set is similar to previous releases, Topps is making a number of changes this time. This time 200 cards make up the base set, (100 new cards in a/b versions). This is an increase over the last couple of releases. Once again, the set will be broken down into various subsets all based on horror and sci-fi themes. That’s not all the changes Topps has in store.

Retail 24 pack boxes, and Target Gravity Feed 36 pack boxes are set to return once again. Puke (Green) parallels will return 1 per pack in all retail pack types. Fool’s Gold borders randomly inserted in all pack types are also back and limited to /50 of each. Phlegm (Yellow) parallels will once again be found 1:4 packs in Target Gravity Feed boxes. Topps will debut a new Insert set called Trick or Treats. These are described as Halloween candy inspired GPKs. They will only be found in Target Gravity Feed packs. Finally, regular sized sketches, artist autographs, and printing plates will be randomly inserted in all retail pack types.

Blaster Boxes (Value Box) will return once again and be sold in two versions. However, this time around there isn’t much difference in the “EA” and “SE” versions. After exhausting all Gross Bears artwork, it looks like Topps will focus only on Bathroom Buddies. Both boxes will contains 3 “lost unpublished Series 2 artwork” from the Bathroom Buddies sets. The only difference in boxes appears to be one will have a $9.99 price label, and the other box without. Blaster boxes will continue to have 5 packs each, and contain 16 boxes per case. The popular Loaded Puzzle sketches will be randomly inserted into Blaster boxes once again.

Fat Packs also return to the retail lineup. These packs are roughly twice the size of regular pack. The “Classic” insert series returns as each Fat pack will contain 2 Classic Monster Stickers. These are reprints of past GPK monsters. Dead Ted and Nasty Nick both appear on the sell sheet. Each Fat pack also contains 2 Puke parallels. Topps will be adding a brand new parallel type called “Jelly”. No details on what those will look like yet. Those are set to fall 1 per Fat pack. Much like previous releases, Panoramic sketch cards will also be randomly inserted into Fat packs.

To view the Retail sell sheet as a PDF click here, or check out the pictures below. 2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh the Horrible is set to release Sept. 19, 2018.