How Many 2024 Garbage Pail Kids OS 7 Chrome Cards Were Produced?

Chrome 7 is a huge set. The structure of this release is unmatched in GPK history. Topps completely revamped the parallel structure, added multiple insert sets, and added multiple parallels for all inserts and autographs. There are more odds than any set in GPK history. What are the chances Topps got those odds right? Believe it or not, turns out, pretty good. Much like Chrome 6, Chrome 7 odds look to be fairly accurate. Not only does the math work out for the listed odds, but based on case break results the odds seem to be close. Let’s take a look at the numbers and find out just how much 2024 Garbage Pail Chrome was produced.

First my disclaimer! Production numbers are never an exact science, and Topps makes it tough on us. In order to attempt to solve this riddle we need to look very closely at the clues in both the odds and the sell sheets. Some things to keep in mind for this post. 1) Topps doesn’t want the public to know exactly how much of each card was made. Why? No idea really, I think it’s dumb, but historically Topps only provides enough information to get close. 2) We need to make some assumptions. Those assumptions will be based on the clues we have, but still some guessing has to happen. 3) The odds never quite seem to come out completely equal. However, we can round and get pretty close to how much was produced. 4) Topps changes what is printed from what the sell sheet says all the time. This will throw off all our numbers. 5) Keep in mind Topps historically holds back up to 5% of the print run to cover missing hits, damaged cards, and their No Purchase Necessary program. These numbers would include that 5%. With all that in mind let’s get started…(Warning lots of math coming up. If you don’t want to read about the process, skip to the bottom for the answer sheet!)

Much like with Chrome 6, Topps is making it really easy for us to figure out production numbers. Because there are exclusive insert sets for both Hobby and Retail, and those inserts have numbered parallels, we can easily figure out the pack production for each. Let’s take a look at Hobby production first. You can use any of the insert parallels, I choose four random ones.

  • C Cards Red Parallel – 50 cards in set * 5 made per card = 250 total C Reds * 3,142 odds = 785.500 total Hobby packs
  • Krashers Aqua – 20 cards in set * 199 made per card = 3,989 total Krashers Aqua * 199 odds = 792,020 total Hobby packs
  • Krashers Orange – 20 cards in set * 25 made per card = 500 total Krashers Orange * 1,575 odds = 787,500 total Hobby packs
  • WATN Gold – 42 cards in set * 50 made per card = 2,100 total WATN Gold * 376 odds = 789,600 total Hobby packs

As you can see all four of those are all in the same ballpark. Why the differences? Topps rounds up with their odds, as you will see in better detail later in the article. I’m going to go with 790,000 Hobby packs for our number going forward. Something that’s in the middle and a good round number. Now let’s look at Retail Blasters. Again we can use any of the insert parallels. I picked four random ones.

  • Rory Green Parallels – 42 cards in set * 99 made per card = 4,158 total Rory Greens * 198 odds = 823,284 total Blaster packs
  • Rory Red – 42 cards in set * 5 made per card = 210 total Rory Reds * 3,913 odds = 822,730 total Blaster packs
  • Contest Gold – 26 cards in set * 50 made per card = 1,300 total Contest Golds * 632 odds = 821,600 total Blaster packs
  • Music Orange – 54 cards in set * 25 made per card = 1,360 total Music Orange * 608 odds = 820,800 total Blaster packs

Again like with the Hobby numbers, those four are all very similar. I’m going to go with 822,000 total Retail Blaster packs. That’s going to put total production a little ahead of Chrome 6, but not quite as high as Chrome 4. Both Hobby and Retail production is up slightly over Chrome 6. Now we can also check our work to see if we are close. The Auto parallels have the same odds listed for both hobby and retail. Therefore, we can use one of those to get a total production number.

  • Rory Auto Gold – 42 cards in set * 50 made per card = 2100 total Rory Auto Golds * 770 odds = 1,617,000 total C7 packs

When you add my numbers above for hobby and retail you get 1,612,000. That sure is close to the Rory Auto Gold numbers. I’m confident we are really close to how many C7 packs were produced.

Let’s take a look at how Chrome 7 production compares to previous chrome releases.

  • Total Production
    • Chrome OS 1 – 1,096,370
    • Chrome OS 2 – 513,260
    • Chrome OS 3 – 1,310,000
    • Chrome OS 4 – 1,812,500
    • Chrome OS 5 – 3,225,400
    • Chrome OS 6 – 1,464,500
    • Chrome OS 7 – 1,612,000
  • Hobby Pack Production
    • Chrome OS 1 – 407,000
    • Chrome OS 2 – 71,500
    • Chrome OS 3 – 560,000
    • Chrome OS 4 – 982,500
    • Chrome OS 5 – 1,050,000
    • Chrome OS 6 – 769,500
    • Chrome OS 7 – 790,000 or 32,916 boxes or 2,743 cases.
  • Retail Pack Production
    • Chrome OS 1 – 689,370
    • Chrome OS 2 – 441,760
    • Chrome OS 3 – 750,000
    • Chrome OS 4 – 830,000
    • Chrome OS 5 – 2,175,400 (1,841,400 Blaster/334,000 Hanger)
    • Chrome OS 6 – 695,000
    • Chrome OS 7 – 822,000 or 117,428 boxes or 2,935 cases.

It looks like Tooos has decided this is the sweet spot for GPK Chrome production. Overall numbers are similar to Chrome 4 & 6. Chrome 7 is the third highest produced GPK Chrome set. However, it falls behind most of the regular retail releases from the past few years.

There are a number of unnumbered parallels and inserts in this year’s set. Because we have production numbers for each we can easily figure out how many of each parallel and insert there are. Let’s look at the unnumbered parallels first.

  • Refractors – (790,000 Hobby packs / 3 odds = 263,333) + (822,000 Blaster packs / 2 odds = 411,000) = 674,333 Total Refractors / 100 cards in set = 6,473 each regular Refractor
  • Drool Refractors – 822,000 total Blaster packs / 2 odds = 412,000 total Drool / 100 cards in set = 4,120 each Drool Refractor.
  • Prism Refractor – 790,000 Hobby packs / 3 odds = 263,333 total Prisms / 100 in set = 2,633 each Prism Refractor
  • Negative Refractor – 790,000 Hobby packs / 4 odds = 197,500 total Negative / 100 in set = 1,975 each Negative Refractor
  • Magenta Refractor – 790,000 Hobby packs / 6 odds = 131,666 total Magenta / 100 in set = 1,316 each Magenta Refractor
  • Purple Refractor – 790,000 Hobby packs / 7 odds = 112,857 total Purple / 100 in set = 1,128 each Purple Refractor

As expected there are a lot of each unnumbered parallel card. However, in actuality there are more than what the odds tell us. Earlier I mentioned Topps looks to round up on every odd. No matter how small the decimal is, they still round up. Based on real life breaks we see the biggest differences in the Drool, Regular Refractor, and Negative. Let’s take a look at Drool Refractors. The sell sheet advertised 6 per Blaster, and that’s what we are seeing. Those odds would be 1:1.17 packs. Well, Topps rounded up to 1:2. I don’t know why they are ignoring the math rules of rounding, but they are. So if we rework the Drool numbers using 6 per box we get.

  • Drool Refractors 117,428 Blaster boxes * 6 per box = 704,569 total Drool refractors / 100 in set = 7,045 of each Drool Refracfor

Wow! That’s a different of nearly 3000 more each card, just because of Topps poor rounding math. There are also a significant higher amount of Regular Refractors and Negative Refractors because of these same rounding mistakes by Topps. So keep that in mind we looking at the parallel production numbers.

Now let’s take a look at all the various insert card in Chrome 7

  • C Name Card – 790,000 Hobby packs / 25 odds = 31,600 total C cards / 50 cards in set = 632 each C Name Card
  • Krashers – 790,000 Hobby packs / 61 odds = 12,950 total Krashers / 20 cards in set = 647 each Krashers
  • WATN – 790,000 Hobby packs / 37 odds = 21,253 total WATN / 42 cards in set = 506 each WATN
  • Remember – 790,000 Hobby packs / 577 odds = 1,369 total Remember / 10 cards in set = 136 each Remember the Name
  • Contest – 822,000 Blaster packs / 4 odds = 205,500 total Contest / 26 in set = 7,903 each Contest card
  • Rory – 822,000 Blaster packs / 2 odds = 411,000 total Rory cards / 42 in set = 9,785 each Rory card
  • Music – 822,000 Blaster packs / 7 odds = 117,428 total Music cards / 54 in set = 2,174 each Music card

As expected easy odds on the Blaster inserts means there are a lot of them out there. However the considerably harder odds on the Hobby inserts will made those sets much tougher to put together. Next let’s look at the Artist Autograph cards. Because the odds are nearly identical across both pack types we can determine how many of each base auto there is.

  • New Art Auto –1,612,000 total packs / 911 odds = 1,769 total NA Autos / 8 cards in set = 221 each New Art Auto
  • Rory Auto – 1,612,000 total packs / 341 odds = 4,727 total Rory autos / 42 in set = 112 each Rory Auto

Wow! That’s lot of autos! Imagine the hand cramps Rory had signing all those cards! These numbers are also confirmed by the artists. Rory said he signed 100 of each base auto, while the new art artists signed 225 of each base auto. Chrome 7 autos are the highest produced in any chrome set to date. But they probably had to do this because for some reason they didn’t have any OS artists sign cards for the set.

Chrome 7 is a heavily produced set. It’s clear Topps believes there is a demand for this amount of product. That remains to be seen as Chrome, 4, 5, and 6 have seen deep, deep discounts since their release. Unopened product from those releases are selling for below cost. With the drastic change in set structure for Chrome 7 it will be interesting to see if prices hold strong longer, or if it will suffer the same fate as previous Chrome releases.

Finally,  let’s take a look at base card production. There are a greater amount of parallels and inserts in this Chrome set than ever before. Because of that, each pack has less base cards on average. Let’s look how that compares to previous releases. Based on real life Hobby case breaks, Hobby boxes are averaging 2.15 base cards per pack. Meanwhile, Blaster packs are seeing most packs with either 2 or 3 base card. So we will use 2.5 base cards per Blister pack.

  • Base Cards – (790,000 Hobby packs * 2.15 base per pack = 1,698,500 base cards) + (822,000 Blaster packs * 2.5 base per pack = 2,055,000 base cards) = 3,753,500 / 100 in set = 37,535 of each base card.

Yes 37k base sets is a lot of sets, but this is one of the smallest base sets produced in years. Half the number of Chrome 4 base cards, a third of Chrome 5, even less than Chrome 3 base sets! Add in tons of inserts and parallels and you get less base cards!

2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 7 Explained

Don’t recheck your calendars, while it is 2025, Topps first set of the year is 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. This is the first retail set released by Topps in a year, and the first Chrome set in 18 months. Originally scheduled for release in Aug 2024, the set saw delays that pushed it into 2025. The base set follows the familiar GPK Chrome format, 100 base cards, primarily made up of reprints from the OS 7 set, 251a/b-292a/b. The card backs feature a puzzle of Barfin Barbara and brand new GPK comics done by Brent Engstrom. The ere are also 16 additional cards, 8 new subjects with a/b versions, done by; Joe Simko (1), Brent Engstrom (3), Joe McWilliams (2), and Neil Camera (2). For the first time in years, Topps finally numbered the new artwork cards correctly in the set. Instead of continuing with the OS numbers all new cards start with AN-.

While the base set format is the same as previous GPK Chrome sets, the familiarity ends there. Topps has completely revamped the parallels, inserts, and autos for the new chrome release. Topps has greatly expanded the insert sets this time around. C Name cards, Where Are They Now, Krome Krashers, and Rember the Name are all exclusive to Hobby packs, while Contests of Garbage, Art By Rory, and A Garbage Music Awards are exclusive to Retail Blaster packs. Topps made an error on at least 4 of the Art By Rory cards. The R- is missing on the card number on cards 269a, 282a, 285a, and 290a. The official checklist also mentions a separate GPK Collector Card – Superfractor Sean that is in the product. The card features the owner of High End Case Breaks. It’s unclear why a card was made of a sports card breaker. The regular version appears to be very rare. There are parallels available of the card, however the odds and production numbers of the base version are unknown. In a controversial move, Topps has removed popular parallels like Atomic Refractors, X-Fractors, Printing Plates, and most of the Wave Refractors collectors have been used to in past sets. Parallel collectors have nothing to worry about though as there are still 15 different parallels of base cards to collect including new versions like, Sparkle, Negative, and Drool Refractors. But that’s not all! For the first time, every insert set also has between two and seven parallels. Topps also moved many of the parallels to be unnumbered versions. That means between all the unnumbered parallels and new insert sets that only about half the cards in boxes will be base cards. Artist Autographs are also changed. For the first time a GPK Chrome set does not feature autographs from any original series artists. The only autos are for the 8 New Artwork cards and the 42 card insert set done by Rory McQueen. There are also parallels available for all the autographs in the set. Finally, perhaps the biggest change to the set is the introduction of sketch cards for the first time in a GPK Chrome set. Topps introduced a new sketch card process with four different sketch tiers. Falling one sketch per Hobby case, a record 95 artists completed sketches for the set.

In another rarity for Topps, it appears the odds are fairly accurate based on early breaks. If this holds, based on some quick math the production for Chrome 7 falls right in line with Chrome 4 and 6. There appears to be about the same number of hobby packs as Chrome 6, and slightly higher number of retail blaster packs then chrome 6. The total production looks to be the third highest Chrome set, but slightly lower than most of the recent regular retail sets. I will have a detailed production article in the coming days. You can find the Hobby Checklist here and the Retail Checklist here. For now here is what you can find and where you can find it in 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 7.

(Note: I will continue to update this post as new information comes to light and any new parallels/inserts are found.)

  • Base Set –  (100 Cards).
    • OS 7 251a/b – 292a/b (84 Cards)
    • New Art AN-1a/b-AN8a/b (16 Cards)
  • Parallel Sets – Same exact cards from the Base set, except with a different color border or background pattern.
    • Refractor – 1:3 (Hobby) 1:2 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Prism Refractor – 1:3 (Hobby) (100 Cards)
    • Negative Refractor – 1:4 (Hobby) (100 Cards)
    • Magenta Refractor – 1:6 (Hobby) (100 Cards)
    • Purple Refractor – 1:7 (Hobby) (100 Cards)
    • Drool Refractor – 1:2 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Sparkle Refractor /299 – 1:30 (Hobby) 1:252 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Aqua Refractor /199 – 1:45 (Hobby) 1:379 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Blue Lava Refractor /149 – 1:60 (Hobby) 1:505 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Green Refractor /99 – 1:90 (Hobby) 1:761 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Blue Wave Refractor /75 – 1:119 (Hobby) 1:1,004 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:178 (Hobby) 1:1,504 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:355 (Hobby) 1:3,024 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Red Refractor /5 – 1:1,775 (Hobby) 1:14,781 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
    • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:8,871 (Hobby) 1:66,514 (Blaster) (100 Cards)
  • Insert Sets – All the various insert subsets that can be found in packs.
    • C-Name Variation – 1:25 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Aqua Refractor /199 – 1:80 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Green Refractor /99 – 1:160 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Blue Wave Refractor /75 – 1:211 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:316 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:631 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:3,142 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:15,389 (Hobby) (50 Cards)
    • Where Are They Now – 1:37 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      • Aqua Refractor /199 – 1:95 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      • Green Refractor /99 – 1:190 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      • Blue Wave Refractor /75 – 1:251 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:376 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:752 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:3,752 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
      •  Superfractor 1/1 – 1:18,392 (Hobby) (42 Cards)
    • Khrome Krashers – 1:61 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Aqua Refractor /199 – 1:199 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Green Refractor /99 – 1:399 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Blue Wave Refractor /75 – 1:526 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:789 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:1,575 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:1,7774 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:37,702 (Hobby) (20 Cards)
    • Contests of Garbage – 1:4 (Blaster) (26 Cards)
      • Green Refractor /99 – 1:320 (Blaster) (26 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:632 (Blaster) (26 Cards)
      • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:1,261 (Blaster) (26 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:6,188 (Blaster) (26 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:29,562 (Blaster) (26 Cards)
    • Art By Rory – 1:2 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Green Refractor /99 – 1:198 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:392 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:783 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:3,913 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:19,004 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
    • A Garbage Music Awards – 1:7 (Blaster) (54 Cards)
      • Green Refractor /99 – 1:154 (Blaster) (54 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:305 (Blaster) (54 Cards)
      • Orange Refractor /25 – 1:608 (Blaster) (54 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:3,024 (Blaster) (54 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:14,781 (Blaster) (54 Cards)
    • Remember the Name Short Print – 1:577 (Hobby) (10 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:15,389 (Hobby) (10 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:37,702 (Hobby) (10 Cards)
  • Autographs/Sketches/Others
    • GPK Collector Card – Superfractor Sean (Odds Unknown) (Hobby)(Blaster) (1 Card) *Has not surfaced
    • Artist Autograph – 1:911 (Hobby) 1:912 (Blaster) (8 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:4,099 (Hobby) 1:4,094 (Blaster) (8 Cards)
      • Red Refractor!/5 – 1:41,891 (Hobby) 1:38,008 (Blaster) (8 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:188,509 (Hobby) 1:266,056 (Blaster) (8 Cards)
    • Art By Rory Autograph – 1:341 (Hobby) 1:342 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Gold Refractor /50 – 1:770 (Hobby) 1:769 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Red Refractor /5 – 1:7,695 (Hobby) 1:7,602 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
      • Superfractor 1/1 – 1:37,702 (Hobby) 1:38,008 (Blaster) (42 Cards)
    • Sketch Cards (95 total artists within 4 Tiers)
      • Green Sketch Card – 1:481 (Hobby)
      • Silver Sketch Card – 1:1,152 (Hobby)
      • Gold Sketch Card – 1:2,878 (Hobby)
      • Black Sketch Card – 1:5,766 (Hobby)

Topps Reveals Odds for 2024 GPK Chrome 7

Topps today posted the odds to their website for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. There are a few interesting things that show on the odds. As the checklist revealed, the Art By Rory autographs appear in both Hobby and Retail, while the base cards are just retail. Odds for autographs are very tough, which is expected based on only 8 base autos in this year’s set. Odds for the various insert sets in Hobby boxes are very tough, it will take multiple cases to complete many of the base insert sets. While Topps hasn’t officially explained the new sketch card process, they did list out odds for the different sketch tiers; green, silver, gold, and black. There are odds for two different Blasters, and for the most part the odds are the same, but do differ on some of the rarer cards. There is also a column for 2024 Sapphire, however there are no odds showing. Don’t get too excited, Sapphire will be a stand alone product coming later this year, Sapphire is not in Chrome boxes. The column looks to be added to the odds sheet in error. Finally, after some quick math, if the odds turn out to be accurate, it appears the print run is in line Chrome 4. & 6. I will have a full production article in the coming weeks after real case breaks are posted. You can find the official odds in PDF form here. Get ready chrome heads, 2024 GPK Chrome 7 is set to official release 2/14/25!


  • Refractor – 1:3 (Hobby) 1:2 (Blaster)
  • Prism Refractor – 1:3 (Hobby)
  • Negative Refractor – 1:4 (Hobby)
  • Magenta Refractor – 1:6 (Hobby)
  • Purple Refractor – 1:7 (Hobby)
  • Drool Refractor – 1:2 (Blaster)
  • Sparkle Refractor – 1:30 (Hobby) 1:252 (Blaster)
  • Aqua Refractor – 1:45 (Hobby) 1:379 (Blaster)
  • Blue Lava Refractor – 1:60 (Hobby) 1:505 (Blaster)
  • Green Refractor – 1:90 (Hobby) 1:761 (Blaster)
  • Blue Wave Refractor – 1:119 (Hobby) 1:1,004 (Blaster)
  • Gold Refractor – 1:178 (Hobby) 1:1,504 (Blaster)
  • Orange Refractor – 1:355 (Hobby) 1:3,024 (Blaster)
  • Red Refractor – 1:1,775 (Hobby) 1:14,781 (Blaster)
  • Superfractor – 1:8,871 (Hobby) 1:66,514 (Blaster)


  • C-Name Variation – 1:25 (Hobby)
    • Aqua Refractor – 1:80 (Hobby)
    • Green Refractor – 1:160 (Hobby)
    • Blue Wave Refractor – 1:211 (Hobby)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:316 (Hobby)
    • Orange Refractor – 1:631 (Hobby)
    • Red Refractor – 1:3,142 (Hobby)
    • Superfractor – 1:15,389 (Hobby)
  • Where Are They Now – 1:37 (Hobby)
    • Aqua Refractor – 1:95 (Hobby)
    • Green Refractor – 1:190 (Hobby)
    • Blue Wave Refractor – 1:251 (Hobby)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:376 (Hobby)
    • Orange Refractor – 1:752 (Hobby)
    • Red Refractor – 1:3,752 (Hobby)
    • Superfractor – 1:18,392 (Hobby)
  • Khrome Krashers – 1:61 (Hobby)
    • Aqua Refractor – 1:199 (Hobby)
    • Green Refractor – 1:399 (Hobby)
    • Blue Wave Refractor – 1:526 (Hobby)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:789 (Hobby)
    • Orange Refractor – 1:1,575 (Hobby)
    • Red Refractor – 1:1,7774 (Hobby)
    • Superfractor – 1:37,702 (Hobby)
  • Contests of Garbage – 1:4 (Blaster)
    • Green Refractor – 1:320 (Blaster)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:632 (Blaster)
    • Orange Refractor – 1:1,261 (Blaster)
    • Red Refractor – 1:6,188 (Blaster)
    • Superfractor – 1:29,562 (Blaster)
  • Art By Rory – 1:2 (Blaster)
    • Green Refractor – 1:198 (Blaster)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:392 (Blaster)
    • Orange Refractor – 1:783 (Blaster)
    • Red Refractor – 1:3,913 (Blaster)
    • Superfractor – 1:19,004 (Blaster)
  • A Garbage Music Awards – 1:7 (Blaster)
    • Green Refractor – 1:154 (Blaster)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:305 (Blaster)
    • Orange Refractor – 1:608 (Blaster)
    • Red Refractor – 1:3,024 (Blaster)
    • Superfractor – 1:14,781 (Blaster)
  • Remember the Name Short Print – 1:577 (Hobby)
    • Red Refractor – 1:15,389 (Hobby)
    • Superfractor – 1:37,702 (Hobby)


  • Artist Autograph – 1:911 (Hobby) 1:912 (Blaster)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:4,099 (Hobby) 1:4,094 (Blaster)
    • Red Refractor – 1:41,891 (Hobby) 1:38,008 (Blaster)
    • Superfractor – 1:188,509 (Hobby) 1:266,056 (Blaster)
  • Art By Rory Autograph – 1:341 (Hobby) 1:342 (Blaster)
    • Gold Refractor – 1:770 (Hobby) 1:769 (Blaster)
    • Red Refractor – 1:7,695 (Hobby) 1:7,602 (Blaster)
    • Superfractor – 1:37,702 (Hobby) 1:38,008 (Blaster)
  • Sketch Card – 1:481 (Hobby)
  • Silver Sketch – 1:1,152 (Hobby)
  • Gold Sketch – 1:2,878 (Hobby)
  • Black Sketch – 1:5,756 (Hobby

Topps Reveals Checklist for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7

It may have a 2024 label and be just a few months late, but collectors are ready for the next GPK Chrome release. Topps today shared the checklist for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. In a bit of an odd move Topps uploaded two different checklists, one for hobby boxes and one for retail boxes. The base set once again is 100 cards, made up of the 84 original cards from OS 7, (251a/b – 292a/b), along with 16 new cards, 8 subjects with a/b versions. Believe it or not, Topps actually numbered the new artwork cards correctly for the first time in years. They are listed as AN-1a/b-AN-8a/b. While the base set size has been known, the big reveal is the various set sizes for the insert sets. For Hobby the insert set sizes are C Name (50), Krashers (20), and Where Are They Now (42), while Blasters have Contests of Garbage (26), Art By Rory (42), and Music Awards (54). Additionally, there are a couple of unannounced things on the checklist. Hobby boxes have an insert set called, Remember the Names short Prints (10). Each checklist also shows a GPK Collector Card, Superfractor Sean on it. Some of those insert set sizes might make it tough to put together.

The popular Artist Autographs return once again. But this time it appears only the new artwork cards from the base set have auto. Joe Simko (1), Brent Engstrom (3), Joe McWilliams (2), and Neil Camera (2) signed the “A” card for the new artwork they did in the base set. Despite the sell sheets advertising David Gross autos, his base card does not appear in the set and therefore does not have any autos. Unlike previous sets, it doesn’t show that original artists Tom Bunk, James Warhola, or John Pound signed any cards for the set. In some good news for collectors, the Art By Rory autos appear in both Hobby and Retail versions.

For the first time a GPK Chrome set contains sketch cards. A staggering 95 artists did sketches for the set with 18 making their GPK debuts. This marks a new record for number of sketch artists on a GPK set. The list of sketch artists is; David Acevedo, Simone Arena, Andrew Artz, Robert Ball, Sam Barugh (New Artist), Bobby Blakey, Jason Bryant (New Artist), Kyle Calmbacher (New Artist), Neil Camera, Nik Castenada, Slippa Chervascus, Tim Clinton, Jasmine Contois, Daniel Contois, Sobot Cortez, Jeff Cox, Steve Crockett, Jason Crosby, Ted Dastick Jr (New Artist), Michael Davidson (New Artist), Vincenzo “Chenduz” D’Ippolito, Adam Dobrzeniecki, Adam Edwards(New Artist), Keith Farnum (New Artist), Joey Fitchett, Robert Garcia, Shane Garvey, Patrick Giles, Rusty Gilligan, Daniel Goodroad, Terry Gordon, Dustin Graham, Kelly Greider, Kimber Grobman, J Hammond, Robert Harris, Ryan Harris (New Artist), Guy Holzer, Lowell Isaac, Robert Jimenez, Karl Jones, Debjit Kar, Rickey Kipfer, Brandon Klein, Julie Kuaniver (New Artist), Jim Kyle (New Artist), Mike LaPeruta (New Artist), Eric Lassen, Aaron Laurich, Fox Layng, Cesar Lopez, Dan Lydiate, Steve Martin, Mike McHugh, Julia McKenzie, Rory McQueen, Eric Medina, Chris Meeks, Sandy Meeks, Lily Mercado, Marion Carole Miller, Rich Molinelli, John “Ziggy” Monserrat, Victor Moreno, Nik Muggli, Erik Muller, Barry Nygma, Justin Olson, Julien Pannetier (New Artist), Mark Parisi, Kris Penix (New Artist), Darrin Pepe, Jean Pierre, Anthony Pietszak, Vini Pirani (New Artist), Vincent Rappa (New Artist), Cathy Razim, Paul Reynolds, Eddie Rhodes III, Rich Rios, Mike Ritchey, Lee Rumball, Carmen SantaFerrara, Chad Scheres, Brent Scotchmer, Bryan Siegel (New Artist), Brandhen Snyder, Matt Steffens, Mike Stephens, Steve Stylianou (New Artist), Gregory Tilson, Greg Treize, Nicole Vuong (New Artist), Gavin Williams, and Clinton Yeager.

That about covers the checklist for this super sized GPK Chrome set. You can find the Hobby Checklist here and the Retail Checklist here. 2024 GPK Chrome 7 is scheduled to launch 2/14/25.

Topps Shares Box/Pack Art for 2024 GPK Chrome 7

We are just under two weeks away from the release of 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. Topps has shared with GPKNews images of the box and pack art for the upcoming set. This year’s chrome set is bigger than ever with multiple insert sets to collect along side the OS 7 base set. Much like the original OS 7 packaging, the boxes and packs are purple and feature the artwork for the On the Mark card. There will be two SKUs, 24 pack hobby boxes, and 7 pack blaster boxes. All packs contain 4 cards. GPK collectors don’t have much longer to wait for their Chrome fix, 2024 GPK Chrome 7 is scheduled to release 2/14/25.


Topps Making Big Changes to GPK Sketch Cards

In what might be the worse kept secret for the last 6 months, sketch cards for the first time will be in 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. While that in and of itself is a huge change, it’s just the tip of the iceberg with the changes Topps is making to sketch cards in GPK products. Collectors of Star Wars products might have recognized Topps changed sketch cards in early 2024 by introducing a tier system. The changes were born out of a need for Topps to not only simplify the process on their end, but also insure better quality sketch cards. They’ve adapted that system and migrated it to the GPK brand.

Starting with Chrome 7 Topps is launching Universal GPK Sketch blanks. The idea is the blanks will remain the same from set to set. It allows Topps to collect sketches earlier for retail releases, theoretically giving artists more time to complete sketches. Since there are now universal blanks, Topps informed the artists they would no longer be commissioning shaped, panoramic, triptych, and puzzle sketches. Unless something changes, going forward all retail releases will use the same type of sketch blanks. The universal GPK sketch blanks are broken up into four different tiers; green, silver, gold, and black. The current plan, and how it was done for Chrome 7, is the blanks are ordered by scarcity. Greens are the most common sketch card, then silver, then gold, with the rarest being the black sketches. Tiered sketches can be distinguished by the color of the Garbage Pail Kids header on the front, and the primary color of the card back. Topps is making these changes to attempt to improve the quality of sketch cards collectors pull from sketches. Gone will be basic B&W pencil sketches with minimal shading, sketches with partial faces, and sketches created using stencils. Instead there are guidelines sketch artists must follow based on the sketch tier. Green sketches can be color or B&W of a full head through full figure. Head only sketches must be in color. Silver sketches can be color or B&W with full shading of a head and torso through full figure. Gold sketches are color only of a head and torso through full figure. Black cards are color only and must be the full figure with enhanced background detail. Cards that are submitted not following these guidelines won’t make it into packs.

At the same time as the new sketch process was launched, Topps also issued new guidelines regarding restricted sketches. Many of the same guidelines that existed in the past are still in place. Artists can not do sketches of any licensed GPKs, Disney owned characters, Beyond the Streets, Hundreds, and all cards featuring Donald Trump. They also spelled out cards should not contain racial stereotypes, overly gross depictions, and excessive blood, poop, and urine. The company also for the first time supplied a list of cards that are off limits. The list has been significantly expanded from previous guidelines. The list also shows cards that can be sketched, but changes must be made. For example removing weapons, removing depictions of domestic violence, and in the case of Joe Blow removing the Bazooka Gum logo from his shirt. These guidelines must be followed on both pack inserted and artist proof sketches.

For Chrome 7 artists were asked to do 40 sketches and given right around two months to complete. Topps made an effort to distribute the sketch tiers based on previous work submitted by artists. While all artists primarily received green and silver sketch blanks, artists that previously submitted full color sketches received gold and black sketch blanks as part of their allotment. Sketch artists continued to receive 1 artist proof blank per each 10 sketches completed. All Artist Proof sketches use the green tier blanks. In some good news, for the first time since sketches launched in GPK packs, the artists received a raise for each sketch completed. While they won’t become rich, prices paid for each sketch varies by sketch tier.

The changes put in place only apply to retail sets, online sketches will remain themed to the various releases. Collectors should take note, and probably even expect that some of these guidelines could change and evolve as soon as the next retail set in 2025 after Chrome. The guidelines will certainly be fined turned based on both artist and collector feedback going forward. 2025 will be the year of changes in GPK, this is only the beginning.

Retail Sell Sheet for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7

After yesterday’s big reveal of the Hobby Sell Sheet for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7, today we have the Retail Sell Sheet. Thanks to Scott Calvert for sending along the sell sheet! Once again, Chrome will be available at big box retailers in Blaster boxes. The base set contains 100 cards, made up of the 84 original cards from OS 7, (251a/b – 292a/b), along with 16 new cards, 8 subjects with a/b versions, done by current artists Joe Simko (1), Brent Engstrom (3), Joe McWilliams (2), and Neil Camera (2). As with Hobby, there are a number of parallel cards that can be pulled; Refractor 1:2, Drool (6 per box- Retail Only), Speckle /299, Aqua /199, Blue Lave /149, Green /99, Blue Wave /75, Gold /50, Orange /25, Red /5, Superfractor 1/1.

Much like Hobby boxes, Blasters also have a number of their own insert sets. Contests of Garbage feature GPKs participating in a number of different sporting events. A Garbage Music Awards will have some well known performers as GPKs. Finally, there is the Art By Rory insert set. Longtime sketch and GetAGrip artist, Rory McQueen makes his retail final art debut with his own rendition of every OS 7 card! Insert cards will also come in the following parallels; Green /99, Gold /50, Orange /25, Red /5, and Superfractor 1/1. Finally there will also be artist autographs available once again not only for some of the base cards, but Rory McQueen autos of his insert cards as well. Autos come in base, Gold /50, Red /5, and Superfractor 1/1.

Chrome 7 is shaping up to be large set for collectors! You can view the retail sell sheet in PDF here, or see the picture below. 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7 is set to release 2/14/25!

Topps Announces 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7

Topps has finally officially announced the next GPK retail set, 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. The set was originally planned to launch in Aug. 2024, but was pushed back internally multiple times. Perhaps coming out in 2025 actually makes the most sense, because everything collectors knew about GPK Chrome sets is changing. The new chrome set is larger with additional parallels and insert sets. And would you look at that, there are sketches in Chrome! These major changes are just the beginning of what Topps has in store for 2025 for the Garbage Pail Kids brand as it celebrates its 40th anniversary.

The base set once again is 100 cards, made up of the 84 original cards from OS 7, (251a/b – 292a/b), along with 16 new cards, 8 subjects with a/b versions, done by current artists Joe Simko (1), Brent Engstrom (3), Joe McWilliams (2), and Neil Camera (2). Once again there are a number of parallels for the base set. Refractor 1:2, Prism (Hobby Only) 1:2.5,  Negative (Hobby Only) 1:3, Magenta (Hobby Only) 1:5, Purple (Hobby Only) 1:7, Speckle /299, Aqua /199, Blue Lave /149, Green /99, Blue Wave /75, Gold /50, Orange /25, Red /5, Superfractor 1/1.

There are two new Hobby only insert sets that will be randomly inserted into packs. Where Are They Now will feature OS 7 characters in updated versions from 2024. Khrome Krashers Features GPK characters in off road cars, previously the Krashers sets were released as online sets. Krashers cards will also have many parallels; Aqua /199, Green /99, Blie Wave /75, Gold /50, Orange /25, Red /5, and Superfractor 1/1. There will once again be artist autographs of some of the base cards. Besides base autos, there are also parallels; Gold /50, Red /5, and Superfractor. C Name cards will also be making a return as a Hobby only insert. Finally, there will be sketches! Sketches are advertised as falling 1 per Hobby case. GPKNews will have more information on the sketches in the coming days.

Thanks to Ryan Holland for posting the Hobby sell sheet, Here are pictures of the sell sheet. You can view the PDF version here. 2024 GPK Chrome is set to be released 2/14/24.




Topps Reveals Release Date for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome

After many months of delays, Topps has revealed the release date of 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome. According to the release date calendar sent to distributors, the set is scheduled to release 2/14/25. The set was originally planned for Sept. 2024, but multiple printer delays has caused the set to be pushed back into 2025. No other information including sell sheets has been sent out yet by Topps. We should start seeing information very soon.