Topps Reveals Print Run for GPK Summer Comic Convention Set

Despite ending last week, today Topps released the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Summer Comic Convention online set. This ten card set consisted of four new GPKs with a/b variations, and two Wacky Packages. The set was based on various comic characters. For the first time in years Topps decided against offering anything GPK related at this year’s San Diego Comic Con. Instead they offered this set online only during that time frame. Topps ended up selling 209 sets. This is up almost double from the previous online set. Two reasons could be attributed to the higher print run. Topps lowered the cost of the set to only $19.99. At $2 per card this is the lowest Topps has offered online cards. Additionally, the artwork and gags were well received by collectors online. It will be interesting to see how Topps continues the online offers with both structure and pricing.