Topps Reveals Print Run for GPK Shammys Cards

Kanye-214x300Kanye West didn’t win any awards at this year’s Grammys, but he’s proven to be the big winner of the Shammys! Topps today revealed the print run for their 24 hour+ sale of the special Garbage Pail Kids Shammys cards. The Shammys were not as successful as the previous Pesidential Candidate sets from Iowa and New Hampshire. However, the numbers are greater than sales from the recent 5×7 campaign posters, which are still for sale. The official numbers for each artist set released via the Topps Blog are:

Kanye West – 281
Adam Levine – 272
Justin Beiber – 262
Lady Gaga – 257
Nicki Minaj – 256
Glenn Frey – 256
Pink – 254
Kendrick Lamar – 252
Sia – 251

What else does Topps have up their sleeve for this extension of the Apple Pie set?