Topps Expands Online Offers with GPK Spews Set/Launches GPK Disg-Race #117-#120

After taking two weeks off of selling presidential elections sets, Topps is starting off the new year by expanding their online offerings. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Disg-Race to the White House #117-#120. The cards consists of three GPK and one Wacky Packages card. Once again current events with the US political scene are the focus of the cards. In addition Topps also Launched Garbage Pail Kids Network Spews card #1. This is a brand new online only set that Topps says will parody current pop culture newsworthy moments.  Card #1 parodies Mariah Carey and her New Year’s Eve performance. With the GPK Disg-Race set coming to its end soon, this looks to be Topps new way to continue to offer daily online only GPK cards.

As usual each of the new cards can be purchased for $9.99 each or in lots of 5 for $29.99, 10 for $49.99, or 20 for $79.99. A five card bundle containing one each of today’s offerings (Disg-Race and Network Spews) can be purchased for $34.99. Free shipping is being offered via the SmartPost option. The cards are available for sale for 24 hours on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here are pictures of the new cards.