GPKNation Set for Silver Garbage Pail Kids Coins on Friday

GPKNation never sleeps it seems. After offering the final playing card coin last week, the company is going back to what got them started. They announced that starting this Friday, 10/9 @ 1:00 PM EST, they will be offering Garbage Pail Kids Challenge Coin #1 in a silver plated version. This will be the third version of the coin after the white and gold versions. GPKNation will be selling coin #2 on 10/16, and coin #3 on 10/23. Each coin is limited to 100 copies. The company promises there will be other surprises on sale throughout the month.

While this is the third version of the original coin being offered, that’s not all that exists. As Adam Goldberg and Louis Gregory were launching their endeavor they had six different color proofs made; red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, and green. After receiving the proofs, they couldn’t decide on a color and ended up offering the white version. There are /5 proof sets of each color that exist. Eventually the colors would spark the idea for the colors on the emblems and patches that GPKNation have sold.


Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Oct. Week 2

October rolls on and so do the daily holidays. Today Toops launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Oct. Week 2. This week’s set contains 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. The set also comes with one pink parallel card. Each set can be purchased for $19.99, or in a lot of ten for $179.99. There are also 10×14 posters of each card available for $19.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.

•6A Free Fryin’ BRIAN
• 6B Bald Bill
•7A Loop Leif
•7B Viking Vic
• 8A Smokey Barry
• 8B Fiery Fran
• 9A Hells ANGEL
•10A Maya Party
• 10B Happy BERTA

FYE Offering Exclusive Garbage Pail Kids Promo Card With Mini Cereal

Update 10/4: There appears to be two different FYE cereal promo cards. GPK collector Matt Rocco pulled what appears to be the rarer Barf Bits cars. According to signage in the store the Barf Bits card is limited to 300 copies. Thanks to Matt for the picture!

FYE begin selling the previously advertised mini-cereal 3 pack in stores and online yesterday. If you purchase the cereals in store, they are passing out an exclusive Bony Tony’s Skull Crunch promo card. Artwork for the card and cereal boxes was done by GPK artist Joe Simko. The card comes wrapped in a silver wrapper. So far no other cards have surfaced. If additional cards surface this post will be updated. No idea how many cards will be available or if all stores received them. Thanks to GPK collector Kelly Eve for the pictures of the card and cereal! Get down to your local FYE now, to check availability!

Trash Talkin’ With Former GPK Art Director & Artist Jeff Zapata

Interview is republished, by permission, from Sybil Ferro and the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group, © 2020.

This week’s victim for Trash Talkin’ was once the Artist and Editor for comic book companies; Valiant, Acclaim and Crusade Comics. He was Art Director, Editor and Artist at Topps for Wacky Packages, Mars Attacks, Hollywood Zombies and our beloved Garbage Pail Kids. And he continues to contribute sketch cards for Topps, Fleer, and Upper Deck Trading Cards. In 2017, He co-directed and co-produced 30 Years of Garbage: The Garbage Pail Kids Story. Yes, it is of course, the man with the greatest signature EVER, the one and only, Jeff Zapata!

Let’s get to it!

Sybil Ferro – Is working on GPK as fun as you make it look?

Jeff Zapata – GPK’s are fun to draw. My main ambition and concern is keeping true to the style, however very nerve racking when trying to make a new aesthetic. in the style (which is always my main ambition and concern.). The guys who draw the main cards are like big league football players. I find it amazing they can still do dozens at a time and still make it smooth. If given the same opportunities and encouragement as the pros did when starting I think anyone with heart, technique, and commitment can do the same. Once an artist has encouragement and feels confident the art becomes fun.

SF – 30 years of Garbage has got to be something you’re very proud of. We’re now at 35 years and for sure GPK is hotter than ever… how much do you think that documentary has helped shape new fans and reignite old fans’ passion in GPK?

JZ – The documentary was an odyssey for me, Joe Simko and his wife June Gonzalez as GPK fans. Working at Topps for over 13 years in the main office I heard stories that I always wanted to track down and clear up for history sake. The documentary clears the air of the history I always heard and wanted others to hear. Joe had his questions about the GPK movie, fans and overall impact as well. I was originally just one of the interviews. After Joe and our then partner/director Sean Tiedeman (the guy with all the camera equipment and Hollywood connections who actually filmed the movie) heard my stories, I became part of it. We never made a cent. Joe and June are in charge of it really. They put their heart and soul to make it happen . We had some copies that we were able to sell. But that’s about it (for me) after we sold the rights to the distributor . Did it teach some about non-sport cards and the “real” history of Topps? I hope so. That was my intention. I had fun interviewing and helping direct the other stuff too. Joe and June are really in charge of it , deal with the sales etc. and nurse it. I don’t think we’ll ever forget the experience. I hope people get the first 30-45 minutes. It’s what I was very interested in getting out to the public. It can be seen on Amazon Prime, iTunes , Vudu and other streaming websites. Plus, I think copies are still available from Joe and June.

SF – What can you tell us about the new RL Stine book? (Or I heard a rumour…books plural?!?) How did that come about? Who approached who there?

JZ – The RL Stine book. First, I’m at a loss why they picked me. I was in the deep woods collecting antique glass when I received a call. I was asked to do a favor. Concepts which was my specialty at Topps (when I was art director) was asked. I drew concept drawings thinking it would go to another artist. Later I heard they wanted “me” to draw it. Why me?!!! I haven’t talked or asked for a job at Topps for years. Except helping them out with a legal problem a year or so before. So I said yes to the job as if it was a joke. I saw advertising about the book but wasn’t really updated about scheduling. Finally, 14 days before the book needs to be at the printer I’m asked to draw 75 detailed images. I even called several sketch artists to see if they wanted to do it. But they were too busy and successful with sketch cards and not ready to jump in at this point in the schedule as I saw it. And the pressure, timing and pay wouldn’t make it worth their time. So I said, “Damn it, I’m the closest ship to a distress signal to a ship I used to command. I have to do it. I’m the only one close enough to the ship (GPK’s) at that time. I called my friend who knew my inking and drawing style, Fred Wheaton, to assist and help embellish some of my inks. He was a life saver. And we did it! The outrageous deadline dictated the style but I tried to make it like we had weeks to do it . I have no idea what people may think of the art or story. But we did it within 20 days (counting the time with meetings etc). In the end, I think we did a great job considering the delays and last minute rewrites. Some of you may have heard a bit of my record. This was not my first crisis. It was one of many. During it (based on the distress timeline), I did what my training and experience taught me to do. I took the proper steps at the proper time. I did what had to be done , when it needed to be done overnight. Given the same circumstances, I would do exactly the same. Because the steps that I took and the order they took these were absolutely necessary to save the ship. more important than my ship. Nevertheless, it’s a great book and different and made by people trying to reach a different audience. It’ll be a blast to see what the reactions might be. But the next book is even better and we should have more time to do the art.

SF – You are a GPK legend and have worked with all the other big names in the scene. What would you say is your most memorable experience…a moment where you had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming?

JZ – Legend? I’m not sure about that. I’m more like Forest Gump. That guy in the corner of an old picture. Just in the right place at the right time. But I pinched myself every time I worked with Tomas Bunk and John Pound. Jay Lynch and I became close friends. He was at my apartment all the time. Thus, I became friends with Art Spiegelman and others. So I’d say my friendship with Jay Lynch and really get to draw and hang out with him is a big highlight . The Stine book is sort of an homage on what he taught me to do (quickly).

SF – You have been sharing some GPK art in epic comic book scenes…. Will we be seeing the next GPK comic series coming out anytime soon? If not, any other big releases you are excited about?

JZ – Don’t get me started on a real GPK comic book. I thought of origins, the dynasty and locations. What I have in mind for my GPK universe is maybe too deep. I recently pitched a comic but haven’t heard back. I decided to make a website doing the comics I always wanted to do. You’ll see Adam Bomb being made in WWII, you see who Dead Ted really is, you’ll see how GPKs connect through history and how they evolve. Each card will make sense. After working with these guys for years, they kinda whisper who they are, where they came from and who their family is. It’s pretty deep. Dead Ted was born in WWII same time as Adam Bomb. But back then he was G.I. Blow Joe. It’s a long story. GPK’s are more than what you see in the cards. It all has meaning. My first story explains all of this. It has to be done for my sanity.

SF – Do you have a “go to” process to get your creative juices flowing for a job? To get your brain pumping and your fingers twitching?

JZ – What gets me excited and gives me courage when I see a blank piece of paper is Max Fleischer’s Superman cartoon intro. The music speaks of possibilities and amazement. My wife thinks I’m crazy when I play it in a loop. I suggest anyone hear it to kick ass. Also hiking and reading about history gets me going.

SF – What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you, or you can give, to any fellow creative who is suffering from writers/illustrators block?

JZ – I think watching an old movie or listening to a movie soundtrack helps me. This advice I’ve gotten from Marvel Artists. But sometimes I’d go hiking or play an old video game, do yard work, fix an engine, something completely different to get my mind off drawing so I can feel refreshed. But artist block does happen and can be depressing so doing something adventurous helps.

SF – We’ve seen you draw, sing, strum the guitar, feed raccoons and we know you have a mean vintage glass collection – the world of Jeff seems like one giant ball of fun. Is that the secret ingredient for creativity?

JZ – Like I said for the last question, it helps refresh my imagination to do other things that may seem silly, odd, scientific or adventurous. I also like to cook and fix things around the house to loosen up or keep my mind off stressful stuff, I like to keep my hands busy to deal with stress or boredom. I end up taking up hobbies that keep me moving in some way. It helps me fall in love with my stress. I’d like to study magic and look for meteorites as my next hobbies to explore.

SF – Tell us a GPK secret that you could get in trouble for.

JZ – I try not to tell any company secrets (if any), but I think I did already during this interview.

SF – The GPK licensing scene has never been more vibrant and more varied. From GPK Monopoly and Challenge coins to Adam Bomb fizzy drinks and car sunscreens… tell us some of your product ideas that never made the cut? Surely there must be one that we can bring to life now?

JZ – Those are still top-secret. But there was always a pudding dispenser idea being submitted by me or someone. Seems like that was always a cliche idea by every fan and inventor. But I have ideas that I’m still trying to bring forth. Mostly interactive novelty items.

SF – What’s the weirdest/hardest commission you’ve had to do?

JZ – I say this R.L. Stine book because of the last minute timing, weird-funny-story and pressure was way up there. Brought me back to my comic experience. So I used those old comic tricks to get it done in time.

SF – Tell us about your experiences with the GPK super fans at Gross Card con? And are you missing the convention scene?

JZ – The last Gross Con was full of great memorable times with great fans during and after convention hours. I got to know a bunch of the fans better than the last actual Gross Con a couple of years ago and we became a club. Thanks to them I really got an idea of all the type fans that love GPK and how we all can hang out together no matter our occupations, color, gender, etc. We had a ball and still talk about certain hilarious moments. Including when some of them had a whole restaurant sing me Happy Birthday with a cake and all. The joke was it wasn’t my birthday and I just got through explaining how much I hate when that ever happened to me. People were wishing me Happy birthday the rest of the weekend who had no clue it was a joke and we cracked up every time. I miss that show and the gang that goes to it.

SF – We always ask, “who would win in a battle between two GPK characters, but this time we want to ask you, if you had to put a band together what GPK characters would be in there and what would they be playing?

JZ – That’s tough. Adam Bomb lead singer, Evil Eddie Bass, Dead Ted lead guitar, Ray Gun on drums? That’s just top of my head and probably would have a different answer if asked again.

SF – And finally, bonus question! Are you scared that one day you will open an old bottle and release an ancient fart?

JZ – I think I’ve came close. Some of those bottles that still have the caps on after centuries must let out something. I hope i dont discover any diseases. Thanks so much for asking such great questions and keeping GPK alive.

Interview was conducted by longtime GPK collectors Sybil Ferro, Will Marston, Slippa Chervascus, Roddy Francisco Fell, and Alicia Forrest in Sept. 2020, and originally appeared on the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group. Sybil can be contacted here.

Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 4

September ended on a down note for sales of the weekly holiday sets. After ending earlier this week, Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Sept. Week 4. Total sales of the set was 423 copies. This is the second lowest selling of the holiday sets just three more than Sept. week 2. Will October’s sets being different sales?

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2 Digital Set

Topps contained their digital partnership with WAX today by launching their 4th set on the Wax Blockchain. Garbage Pail Kids x WAX OS 2 packs went on sale at 12:00 PM EST. Initial demand for packs was strong, but once again the launch produced errors that frustrated collectors. For the first 10 mins of the launch, collectors were not able to purchase any packs due to receiving a network error. According to initial reports the error once again was due to an issue with the credit card processor. After that things began working smoother, although many users reported problems with opening packs.

For the first time since OS 1, packs did not sell out right away. There were three different pack types sold, Standard $9.99 (8 cards), Mega $24.99 (25 cards, and Ultimate $49.99 (55 cards). Topps offered 5000 of each pack at launch. Standard packs sold quickly and were gone within the first 5 mins. By 9:27 the large Ultimate packs also sold out. The hold out turned out to be the mid sized Mega pack. As of press time, almost two hours after launch, there are still over 1500 Mega packs left for sale.

Topps decided not to reveal pack numbers, card inventory, or odds prior to launch. With 5000 of each pack available there is a possibility of 440,000 cards in the series. Not every card type is available in each pack. Each pack has its exclusive parallel card, Standard (Slime), Mega (Gum), and Ultimate (VHS). Odds for each pack, along with average card counts for each one are below.

There were some unannounced surprises in the set from Topps. Topps inserter some “error” cards into the set, including a badly miscut Spilt Kit, and a Censored “Schizo Fran” card. Topps has hinted Schizo might be in the set, but it appears the black bar version will have to do.

(Note: Card counts are based on possible percentages, but will vary slightly due to how cards are minted on the Blockchain.)


  • Slime 4 per pack (20,000)
  • Raw 1 per pack (5,000)
  • Returning 50% (2,500)
  • Sketch 30% (1,500)
  • Collector 1% (50)
  • Base A, B, C – (10,950)


  • Gum 4 per pack (20,000)
  • Raw 3 per pack (15,000)
  • Returning 2 per pack (10,000)
  • Returning “A” 1 per pack (5,000)
  • Sketch 1 per pack (5,000)
  • Collector 4% (200)
  • Base A, B, C (69,800)


  • Raw 8 per pack (40,000)
  • Returning 7 per pack  (35,000)
  • Sketch 3 per pack (15,000)
  • VHS 2 per pack (10,000)
  • Collector 10% (500)
  • Base A, B, C (174,500)


  • Base A, B, C 104 in set (2454 each)
  • Returning 26 in set -28,750 “A”/23,750 “B (“A” 2211 each/“B” 1826 each)
  • Raw 42 in set (1428 each)
  • Slime 84 in set (238 each)
  • Gum 84 in set (238 each)
  • VHS 84 in set (119 each)
  • Sketch 84 in set (255 each)
  • Original Art 9 in set (Odds unknown)
  • Relics Unknown in set (Odds unknown)
  • Collector’s Edition 24 in set (31 each)
  • Errors Unknown in set (Odds unknown)

Abrams Reveals Cover for Thrills & Chills GPK Book 2

While it was announced a few weeks back, Abrams has revealed the cover for Garbage Pail Kids Book 2, Thrills & Chills. This will be the second book in a planned three book series from author R.L. Stine. The cover was first revealed by SYFY in an interview with Stine on their website. The cover advertises there will be four new stickers that come with the book. Once again cover artwork was done by GPK artist Joe Simko. The book is currently up for preorder on Amazon and is scheduled to release on March, 23, 2021.

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Oct. Week 1

Today begins month 7 of the weekly holiday sets. Today Toops launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Oct. Week 1. This week’s set contains 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. The set also comes with one pink parallel card. Each set can be purchased for $19.99, or in a lot of ten for $179.99. There are also 10×14 posters of each card available for $19.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.

•1A Star Becky
• 1B Latte Dottie
• 2A Rob Slob
• 3A Miley Smiley
• 3B Bea Happy
• 4A Techie STEVIE
•4B Gadget GARY
•5A Gopher Grace
• 5B Caddy Jack

Atomic Toybox Set to Launch Two New Garbage Pail Kids Pins

Atomic Toybox has updated their website with two new listings for Garbage Pail Kids Pins. Earlier this year as part of the virtual San Diego Comic Con they offered Outerspace Chase and Alien Ian pins. They are set to offer those pins again, this time in a Glow in the Dark version. The sale is part of a promotion for both Garbage Pail Kids and the Mars Attacks Kickstarter campaign. Sidekick Labs is currently in the process of producing a Mars Artacks set that offers a special GPK x MA mashup pack with brand new art. According to the listings the first 500 pin sales will receive a special black and white promo card from the mashup. No price is listed yet, but the pins will go on sale Oct 1. The listings say they will ship on 10/27.

First Look at Bonus Cards In Welcome to Smellville

Tomorrow marks the official release of Abrams Books Welcome to Smellville. The book is written by Goosebumps author, RL Stine. This is the first book in a planned three book series. Each book comes with 4 exclusive bonus cards. Below is what the cards looks like courtesy of Abrams and Topps.

The first book in a perfectly disgusting new series from @abramskids and @rlstine is here! Can you smell it? Sure to surprise, entertain, and amuse readers of all ages. #GarbagePailKidsBook