Adam Bomb Mis-Fortune-Telling Machine to Debut at NYCC

Step right up and Adam Bomb will tell you your misfortune! Topps will debut their new Adam Bomb Mis-Fortune-Telling Machine at this year’s New York Comic Con. The machine is built by the same company that built the Zoltar fortune telling machines. There is a full animatronic Adam Bomb complete with sound track. For a fee, collectors will have their misfortune told and receive a special Garbage Pail Kids misfortune card. No details on the cards or pricing are available yet. Collectors will want to be sure to visit the Topps booth (#2819) for all their misfortune telling needs. Here are the details as released by Topps:

Global Debut of Adam Bomb ‘Mis-Fortune-Telling Machine’ (Topps booth # 2819) – custom built by the same company who created the popular ‘Zoltar’ machine as seen in the 1988 hit movie BIG. This first-of-its-kind unit will feature an animatronic 3-D Adam Bomb character, complete with lights, sound effects, voice track and pulsating mushroom cloud. Players will receive a special GPK ‘Mis-Fortune’ Card upon completion of each turn. Credit card payment accepted.