Topps Shares Box Art for Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 4

Haven’t completed your Book Worms set yet? Well hurry up! The next retail GPK set is just on the horizon. After a nine month delay, Topps is set to release 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 4. Topps has shared with GPKNews images of the box art for the upcoming set. There are only two box/pack types being offered for this set, a 24 pack Hobby box, and a 6 pack Value (Blaster) Box. The hobby boxes feature Adam Bomb with a yellow and Orange color scheme. The box advertises collectors can find a variety of exclusive colored chrome parallels inside. As expected, the Blaster boxes, that collectors will be able to find at Target and Walmart, advertise each box contains 3 exclusive Atomic Refractor cards. The Blaster box also features Adam Bomb and the same color scheme, but in addition has Bony Tony and Mouth Phil on the top and side of the box. All you crazy chrome collectors get ready, Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 4 is set to release 8/24/22.