Topps Selling Player Autos for MLB x Garbage Pail Kids Series 1 Set

Topps is making all they can out of their new MLB/GPK mashup. The company began today selling player autos individually on their website for the first two players in the set. On-card autos from Bobby Witt Jr. and Juilo Rodriguez are available for 7 days or until sold out. Each card is available in various parallel colors; Green /99, Blue /49, Purple /25, Red /10, Orange /5, and Gold 1/1. Topps is using dynamic pricing on these, meaning the cards are being priced based on player collectibility and perceived demand from Topps. Rodriguez cards are priced higher across the board compared to Witt for example. The cards are not cheap, prices range from the low of $199.99 for the Witt Green to a high of $1,499.99 for the Rodriguez Gold. Both Gold 1/1 cards sold out quickly, with the Orange Rodriguez soon after. All others remain available as of this writing. The initial pack sale for this set sold out after a few days, although print run information has not been released by Topps. Topps also sold artist proof versions of each card /49 over a number of days. Collectors should expect other autos to go up for sale in the coming days.