Topps Reveals Print Run for GPK Disg-Race Cards #99-#101

16gpap_disgrace_h_12_7-1It all started back in September, right as the first presidential debate was set to begin. Now three months later Topps has crossed the 100 card marker in their presidential election set. Today Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Disgrace cards #99-#101. like usual, the Wacky Packs card lead the way in sales with 441. The other two GPK cards came in right around 300. Sales have been consistent the past few weeks, as set collectors continue to purchase what Topps releases. Expect Topps to put card #100 in the rear view mirror, as many more cards will be on their way. Here is the final print run information.

#99 – Tag Sale Trump – 308
#100 – Construction Carson – 277
#101 – Donald Trump Thank Me Tour (Wacky) – 441