Topps Reveals Print Run for GPK Disg-Race Cards #87-#90

artgpk-stic-16gpkrace-0087-1The Thanksgiving break or Christmas shopping don’t seem to be stopping collectors from buying the latest cards based on the presidential election. Today Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Disg-Race to the White House cards #87-#90. Once again the Wacky Packs card leads the way in sales. When Wacky collectors combine with collectors buying the bundle the cards easily leads in sales on a daily basis. The GPK cards all sold in the low to mid 300 range. The cold weather isn’t going to stop more of these cards from showing up soon. Check mack tomorrow for print run information on the latest batch. Here are the final numbers.

#87 – Roped In Romey – 321
#88 – Countin’ Clinton – 316
#89 – Tantrum Trump – 341
#90 – Kill Stein Recount Calculator (Wacky) – 375