Premium DNA Teases GPK Classic Figures Coming This Summer

Premium DNA, the company behind the recent GPK vs Madballs figures preorder, is teasing new Garbage Paul Kids figures for later this summer. The GPK Classic line will feature 6” figures that are a faithful recreation of the OS cards. The company answered a number of collector questions through Facebook recently revealing the details. The sculpts, paint, and accessories will look exactly like the card, recreated in 3D. The packaging will make collectors feel like they are opening a 3D version of am OS pack. Like their Madballs figures, they will have 26 points of articulation and come with swappable parts and accessories.

The company has 3 series planned with a total of 6 waves of figures for the Classic line. The first wave will consist of 4 characters. There will also be limited “b” named character packaging variants available for each character. The company is planning on revealing the characters, pictures, and pricing information closer to release. The figures are scheduled to debut at this year’s San Diego Comic Con in July. Collectors can still get in on the GPK vs. Madballs figure preorder, ending on 5/1/22.