Trash Talkin’ With GPK Sketch Artist Bekki Jayne Sharp

Interview is republished, by permission, from Sybil Ferro and the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group, © 2020.

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the third instalment of Trash Talkin’. We caught up with Bekki Jayne Sharp and asked her 13 questions to find out what makes her tick.

Sybil Ferro – We’re just gonna barge right in and start with the big one. The most important question for anyone who doesn’t know you…Whats so good about the 80s?

Bekki Jayne Sharp – Well what isn’t? How much time do you have? Is there a limited amount of characters for this response?

Haha well to be honest with you for me it was the era of freedom . I was a carefree kid, with no responsibilities. The only thing that matterd to me was trying to save enough of my spending money to buy some Santa Cruz wheels for my skateboard.

There were things I’d never or even the world had never seen or read before that lit my brain up like a Christmas tree.

Like the weird and wonderful worlds of Roald Dahl..Jim Henson..Spielberg I could go on. The imagination and talent of the time was so fresh and innovative like nothing ever before it … which is probably why 80s movies get remade often these days and referenced. The music was great games were so awesome even though we all know they were basic. It was the last decade before the internet came along and ruined everything. Don’t get me wrong I love social media its helped me get where I am today, but if I could eradicate it tomorrow I would.. sadly it’s the only way I can really show the world my work!

I had a rather traumatic childhood and the movies, games and music of the time allowed me to escape.
The 80s holds a special place in my heart and always will.

SF – What is your earliest memory of GPK?

BJS – The Garbage Pail Kids movie was the first time I really found GPK. I’d have been 7 years old..I just remember laughing my head off at these funny little gross characters..soon after I started buying the little packs of stickers . I’ll be honest though it wasn’t until last year that I really got back into it.

SF – Who’s been the toughest character to draw and why?

BJS – FRYIN RYAN !!! I just can’t seem to get his scaly skin right ..if I ever have to paint him again it’ll be extremely close up infact just painting his eyes will be fine.

SF – What’s the wackiest custom commision you’ve had to draw? (Or had to turn down for being too weird?)

BJS I never turn work down unless I’m just really booked up with commissions but I haven’t had a weird custom commission as yet. I’m sure I will in time ..who knows!

SF – You can turn your hand to so many different art styles, was that a deliberate move on your part – to not pigeonhole yourself in one particular genre?

BJS – You know it wasn’t deliberate actually. I’ve just always been able to. I distinctly remember in college having it drummed into me that I NEEDED to have a style or I wouldn’t get anywhere. I could never understand this. Wouldn’t that mean you turning away work or being turned away for work because it doesn’t fit? It made no sense to me. I can knock out some weird creepy sketches from my imagination or paint Adam Bomb with tinsel on his butt doesn’t matter ..I just love art in all forms and the more forms I’m familiar with the better!!

SF – Who would you say are your biggest art influences? Who’s your favourite artist outside of GPK right NOW?

BJS – A couple of oldies..Van Gogh and Dali ..adore their work! Quentin Blake was a master . Drew Struzan brought to life some of my most treasured movies with his poster art. Brian Froud – His work blows me away and of course the late great GIGER! My favourite artist outside of GPK would have to be Christopher Lovell. His vivid imagination and attention to detail is insane!

SF – Do you remember the first piece of art you sold? If so, what was it and did it make you feel any different about yourself as an artist?

BJS – Haha it was my take on an old Lichtenstein painting and it sold on Ebay for £50…how did it make me feel? Filled me with joy that someone was willing to part with their hard earned cash just to buy something I made. I still feel like that today when people buy my work. I am ever so grateful for it! Yeah.. that feeling has never gone away.

SF – The massive amount of sketches you have had to create for your first GPK series…. can you tell us what this experience has been like for you?

BJS – Man..all I can say is ..MY EYEEEESSSSSS !!!
Haha nah it is such an amazing franchise to work on and it’s by far the most fun I’ve ever had painting.

It’s tough though. This job isn’t for the faint hearted. You have to be fast ..accurate and reliable ..deadlines are tight too.But the community has welcomed me with open arms. I’m still quite new to the GPK world..there are some seriously amazing people I’ve had the pleasure to connect with I really hope this is the start of something amazing.

SF – What are your GPK aspirations?

BJS I genuinely don’t know ..I’ve so many ideas I wanna execute it’s just finding the time I guess. Ask me in a year!!

SF – If you made an 80s themed set, who would be your figure head (Adam bomb)?

BJS – Captain Chunk from Goonies of course!!!!!!!

SF – Are there any other franchises you would love to work on, outside of GPK?


SF – If you were a GPK character who would you be?

BJS – Is there a GPK character that’s annoying, short and has a penchant for Guinness?

SF – Who would win in a fight between Drunk Ken and you after a night on the Guinness?

BJS I tend to pass out after 8 pints so probably Ken ..unless I plied him with tequila chasers at the beginning of the night!
Instagram @truffleshuffledesigns

Interview was conducted by longtime GPK collectors Sybil Ferro, Will Marston, Slippa Chervascus, Roddy Francisco Fell, and Alicia Forrest in August 2020, and originally appeared on the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group. Sybil can be contacted here.

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays August Week 3

Just because schools are starting up around the country doesn’t mean the holidays are over. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays August Week 3. This week’s set contains the customary 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. Each set also comes with one light green parallel card. The set can be purchased for $19.99 or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. There are also 10 x 14 posters of each card available for $19.99 each. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist and pictures of the cards.

•11A Hip Kip
• 11B Open Mike
• 12a Wilbur Wright
•12b Propelling Porky
• 13A Annoying ANNIE
• 13B Mo Squito
• 14A Lloyd to Rest
•14B Retired Randy
•15A Fiona Fairy
• 15B Tooth Mary

eBay x Topps Garbage Pail Kids Set Print Run

The partnership between Topps and eBay looks to be very successful. Earlier today the week long sales of the exclusive eBay x Topps Garbage Pail  Kids set ended. According to the sales counter on the ebay listing, the set sold a total of 1,937 copies. These are huge numbers for a GPK online set. The sales total puts this set as the second best selling online set after the first Tiger King set from earlier this year. (Untold Stories sold more units, but not complete sets.) Any way you look at it, this was a very successful venture for Topps. With sales this high, could we see Topps begin to offer online exclusives via eBay more in the future?

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Crash Gordon 40th Anniversary

Topps surprised collectors today with an online launch of Garbage Pail Kids Crash Gordon 40th Anniversary. The set looks to celebrate the anniversary of Flash Gordon. There are 10 cards in the set, 5 with a/b versions. The set can be purchased for $19.99 or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available for 7 days on Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is a checklist along with pictures of the cards.

•1A Crash Gordon
• 1B Flying Flash
• 2A Flush Gordon
•2B Dethroned Ming
• 3A Merciless Ming
• 3C Noah Mercy
• 4A Revolting Vultan
•4B Hawkman Hank
•5A Doctoring Zarkov
• 5B Handy Hans

Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Aug. Week 1

It’s remarkable how consistent not only sales, but also the high and lower weeks have been with these weekly holiday sets. After ending yesterday, Topps revealed the print run for Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Aug. Week 1. Sales for the week ended at 489 copies. Sales were down from the last week of July. This continues a trend of the sets selling well the last week of the month, but going lower to start the next month. Regardless sales overall remain consistent.

Trash Talkin’ With GPK Sketch Artist Lowell Isaac

Interview is republished, by permission, from Sybil Ferro and the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group, © 2020.

In the second installment of Trash Talkin’, we caught up with illustrator extraordinaire Lowell Isaac and asked him 13 lucky questions and some bonus ones, so we all get to know him better.

Sybil Ferro – First question, nice and easy… what kind of deal did you strike with the devil to draw like you do? You don’t have to answer that…but seriously…what demon possessed you?

Lowell Isaac – The deal is that you have to be willing to be bad at everything else in life to be decent at drawing cartoons. I think it is the same amount of work that it takes to become a doctor or lawyer, but none of the benefits. Just the satisfaction of depicting a convincing pile of vomit.

SF – Did you collect Garbage Pail Kids when you were younger and what is your earliest memory of GPK?

LI – I think I had a few, to me they blend together with all the great gross irreverent creepy content we had at our disposal in the 80s. GPK, Mad Magazine, Madballs, and all manner of grotesque toys and comics. That was so natural to us, it’s in our DNA. Maybe as a reaction against corporate sell-out culture in the 80s there was this strong undercurrent of subversive, anti-social material that struck a nerve with young odd-balls like me. I don’t even question why I gravitate to that kind of imagery still– but I do feel like it’s missing from the scene a bit today. Instead of figuring out how to sell weird new ideas, everyone just wants to sell-out. Or maybe I’m just old and grumpy. But the truth is, my wife is the hardcore GPK nut, and she got me back into it. Without her it would never have crossed my mind to pursue this.

SF – I have to ask you about your influences. Who inspired you to get into illustration and who else working right now, rocks your socks, bakes your cake and ruffles your truffles?

LI – I was really lucky to grow up in an art family, going back to my grandfather– so there was a constant flow of art-books and museum trips– which means too many influences to name. Some that stand out would be R. Crumb, Ralph Steadman, Jack Davis, Kathe Kollwitz, but the list would go on and on. I always tend to look back at artists from the past more than now (although many of my old heroes are still around and kicking). There are some current European comics artists I love, like Jorge Gonzalez and Lorenzo Mattotti– reaching back again Alberto Breccia and Jordi Bernet knock my socks off. I think they do more interesting things with comics in Europe– even though the US invented the medium we haven’t moved too far past men in tights.

SF – GPK is riding a crest of a wave at the moment, any ideas why and what do you think is still missing?

LI – Selfishly, I would love to see Topps embrace more diverse styles and approaches, because then they might let me do some of the official cards. I’m not too good at changing my approach, it’s hard-wired at this point– but it seems to me that many fans get excited about that. We’ve got some sketch artists doing really innovative and interesting work– and I personally think they should all be doing official cards, and guiding the property in new directions. I think that would please the core fans, but also possibly attract some new ones. Plus that’s the kind of art I like; I want to see the hand of the individual artist in the work. Yes, Topps is a big company, and big companies are risk-averse, but isn’t it sort of at the heart of GPK to go against the establishment?

SF – Do you have a favourite GPK character to draw?

LI – To be completely honest, I can’t get tired of drawing Adam Bomb. He’s asked for a lot– but he’s so simple and perfect that you can do a lot with him. I could draw Adam Bombs all day.

SF – Where else outside of GPK can we find your art? What are you working on at the moment that has you excited?

LI – I always have a few projects going at a time. I’ve got some picture books and comics out there, but lately I’ve been doing more with animation. I got to work on an opening title sequence for an upcoming Troma film (“Kill, Dolly, Kill!”) about a transvestite serial killer– and now I’m working on a wacky animation project on my own that I’ll probably start showing people bits of soon.

SF – What would be your dream illustration job?

LI – Well, the good (and maybe bad) thing about being an artist is that you don’t have to wait for a dream job– if you want to make something you can just make it. You don’t need much money to do it, you don’t have to wait for someone to give you permission– which is great, but it also means that all the steam has to come from you. I have sketchbooks full of ideas that I want to make into books and short animated films and everything else– it’s just a matter of doing it! Once you do the work opportunities tend to materialize– that’s what happened with GPK. I just started drawing goofy stuff for my wife, a sketch artist saw it and connected me to Topps. Now I’m a part of this really cool community.

SF – Would you recommend drawing sketch cards to any of your students? Do you think it’s opened any doors for you?

LI – I think I would– but it would need to be one who could draw really quickly. I wouldn’t recommend anyone do sketch cards who would spend time laboring over them, because the money from Topps is an insult (I don’t even bother to send in my invoices half the time, to be honest!). However, for me, “GPK” means the fans more than Topps. The fans are so enthusiastic, supportive, appreciative, and they make it worthwhile both creatively and financially. The thrill of saying you’re employed by Topps wears off fast– and I will admit I don’t treat them with much reverence anymore. But I will always be loyal to the fans, they’re such great people to work with– I would call a few of them real friends. And yes– I’ve made some interesting connections with GPK fans that led to other work, for sure.

SF – With the world in the state it is, do you think we need GPK right now more than ever (to parody politicians and champion counter culture)?

LI – We do– and again I think we’re missing a vibrant anti-commercial counter-culture right now. I don’t know how much good it does though, to be honest; we’ve got big problems, and too many people who want to ignore them (and are ready to fight to the death to preserve their ignorance). I’m a lot more cynical about the power of parody than I used to be. But, it makes me feel better to draw the things that piss me off or freak me out– it’s cathartic to make, and I think cathartic to look at, if nothing else.

SF – If Topps asked you to work on a political set, would you/could you do it?

LI – In a heartbeat– as long as I had some say about what I was drawing.

SF – What’s the last thing you drew? And can you show us?

LI – Sure– it was a weird little animation experiment I did last night– I’ll attach it as a gif.

SF – Are there any other franchises you would love to work on, outside of GPK?

LI – It was fun to do my take on TMNT– and when they let me do Star Wars, which I’m a life-long fan of, I was compelled to make fun of Jar Jar on every card. They wouldn’t accept a single one– but I made myself laugh, which is ultimately the goal. I just couldn’t play it straight– Star Wars has been eaten up by this massive corporation and my heart isn’t in it anymore. The truth is, I’m pretty tired of franchises altogether. You know what was great about all these franchises from the 1970s and 80s that we all love so much? They were new ideas! People were throwing out whatever odd-ball gross-out thing they could come up with– and we loved it! Star Wars, Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Robocop, Toxic Avenger, Pee-Wee, Beetlejuice, etc. etc. — there was no formula, it was just crazy shit– and we ate it up. If we really want to keep that spirit alive, we need to come up with crazy NEW ideas! Or at least visit these old properties in completely new ways.

SF – If you were a GPK character who would you be?

LI – I drew myself as a GPK character– I’ll send that along. I’ve done quite a few actually– the first GPK I ever did was my wife. That’s what I originally thought people would want– new characters based on themselves, that would be a lot of fun on my end. A couple of folks have asked for that. If I had to say, I guess Nasty Nick– what’s better than a Dracula? They did one Lowell card– a hockey player named Lowell Goal. Yuck!

SF – Who’s your favourite artist outside of GPK right NOW?

LI – I’m going to choose an illustrator who I was a fan of, who became a teacher, and eventually a friend. C. F. Payne could easily have done GPK, he did a lot for Mad Magazine and other editorials, and I’ve learned a lot from him in every way. That includes some of his techniques but also his approach to art and to the creative life– he’s a great artist and educator.

SF – We started on Demons so let’s end there too…(bonus question!) who would win in a fight between Hot Scott and Cranky Frankie?

LI – I’ll say Hot Scott because I think he looks cooler.

Lowell Isaac
Illustrator, Lecturer

Interview was conducted by longtime GPK collectors Sybil Ferro, Will Marston, Slippa Chervascus, Roddy Francisco Fell, and Alicia Forrest in July 2020, and originally appeared on the Garbage Pail Kids Misfits Facebook group. Sybil can be contacted here.

Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays Aug. Week 2

The summer of holidays continues. Today Topps launches Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays August Week 2. This week’s set contains 10 cards, 5 with a/b versions. Each set also comes with one light green parallel card. Sets can be purchased for $19.99 each or in a lot of 10 for $179.99. Shipping is free when choosing the SmartPost option. The set will be available on for 7 days. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is the checklist along with pictures of the cards.

•6A Decays Crew
• 6B Flesh & Blood Judd
• 7A Left Turner
•7B Lefty Louie
• 8A Relaxed Max
• 8B Rest Phil
• 9A Bumbling BEA
•9B Buzzed Bonnie
•10A Adam Bomb
• 10B Thrifty Theo

Topps Launches Exclusive eBay Garbage Pail Kids Set

Seems like a natural fit. For the first time, eBay is working with Topps to launch an officially licensed exclusive card set. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids eBay set. The set features 10 cards, 5 new paintings with a/b versions. All the gags are parodies of all things eBay and trading cards. All artwork for the set was created by artist Joe Simko. The set is available for $19.99. Shipping is free. The set can only be purchased on eBay’s website via the Topps Vault page. The set will be available for 7 days. There is no word if Topps will reveal the print run from the sales. Here is a checklist along with pictures of the cards.

1A eBay Ray
 1B Winning Bud
 2A Leaky Lindsay
 2B Messy Tessi
 3A Nat Nerd
 3B Clark Can’t
 4A Outbid Betty
 4B Loser Lisa
 5A Sniper Sam
 5B Trigger Finger

Topps Partners with Blockchain Heroes for Exclusive Digital Atomic Adam Card

Did you try out any of the digital WAX x Topps Garbage Pail Cards? If so you may have a couple of gifts waiting for you in your account. Topps partnered with Blockchain Heroes to pass out exclusive versions of a new card, Atomic Adam. The card was created to help promote a new upcoming digital NFT launch called Blockchain Heroes. All WAX wallets that contain a GPK or BCH card were gifted two cards Wednesday night. Everyone received the “common” version of the card. Everyone also received one parallel version. The different versions available, and chances accounts had to receive them are; Uncommon (59.35%), Rare (25%), Epic (12%), Legendary (3%), Mythic (.5%), and Golden Fury (.15%).  Blockchain Heroes is a set based on popular blockchain figures, turned into superheroes. This version of Adam Bomb was drawn to match the superhero theme of the set. The back of the card features Atomic Adam’s back story. This marks the first time new Garbage Pail Kids artwork has debuted on the WAX Blockchain. Collectors wishing to check out what card they received must log into their Wax Cloud Wallet at the Atomic Assets website. BCH is based on the new Atomic Assets standard, therefore the Atomic Adam is only visible on sites that support Atomic Assets. Collectors can view their Atomic Adam and buy/sell versions of the card there. Be sure to check your account, you may have a valuable card waiting for you!

Abrams Announces Garbage Pail Kids Book 2 Thrills and Chills

As first reported by GPKWorld, Abrams books has announced the second release in the R.L. Stine Garbage Pail Kids book series. Titled Thrills and Chills, the book is scheduled to be released Mar. 23, 2021. Once again Jeff Zapata and Joe Simko are listed as illustrators on the book. There was no artwork shown, nor mention of any cards as of yet coming with the book. This will be the second book in a planned three book series with Goosebumps author R.L Stine. The first book, Welcome to Smellville is scheduled to be released Sept. 29, 2020. Here is the information given on Abrams website.

  • Imprint: Amulet Books
  • Publication Date: March 23, 2021
  • Price: $14.99
  • Trim Size: 5 12 x 8
  • ISBN: 978-1-4197-4363-4
  • EAN: 9781419743634
  • Page Count: 208
  • Illustrations: Black-and-white illustrations throughout
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Rights: World/All
  • Additional formats:

Goosebumps creator R.L. Stine teams up with the pop-culture phenomenon Garbage Pail Kids for the second volume in this all-new illustrated middle-grade series sure to amuse, entertain, and repulse!

The Garbage Pail Kids are desperate to win the Smellville Pet Contest. But how can they compete against Good Boy, the perfect Chihuahua of the Perfect twins? Good Boy can stand on his head and do algebra problems blindfolded. But the whole thing goes out of control when our heroes meet five new kids who also call themselves the Garbage Pail Kids! Meet Windy Winston, Nat Nerd, Brett Sweat, Nasty Nancy, and Disgustin’ Justin. They all share the grand prize—a free all-day trip to Six Thrills Amusement Park. Will anyone have a good time? And will anyone survive?