More Details on GPK x Beyond the Streets Set

The organizers behind the Beyond the Streets street fair have shared some additional details with GPKNews on their upcoming card set. The set will be 81 total cards, done by 20 different artists. The artists lineup includes street and graffiti artists as well as longtime GPK artist Joe Simko. The artists are creating self portraits paired with a classic GPK character. While Joe Simko is painting many of the artists as GPKs. They will be once again selling 20 pack boxes, each pack will contain 8 cards. No other details were released by the organizers, including pricing information. The launch time has already changed from earlier, now according to the NTWRK app the boxes will launch 12/1/21 at 2:00 PM EST. Collectors will want to continue to check the app for additional details and any launch time changes. See below for the information from Beyond the Streets including the artist lineup.

Once again BEYOND THE STREETS and NTWRK partner with the legendary Topps Company to release an exclusive limited-edition line of Garbage Pail Kids cards, 81-sticker set featuring 20 contemporary artists plus GPK illustrator Joe Simko.

Honoring the tradition of two-card sets, each artist has drawn a GPK-style self-portrait, paired with one of the classic characters, adding their own twisted takes on the iconic brand.

The cards come in a sealed full-color blind box of 20 packs, each holding 8 cards, guaranteeing a wild mix.

Artist roster includes: Alex Pardee, Andrew Thiele, Dakota Cates, Diego Bergia, DEFER, Mario DESA, Sophia Enriquez, Huskmitnavn, JK5, Crocodile Jackson, Cleon Peterson, Morning Breath, Noelle Lee, POSE, Eli Quinters, Gustavo Zermeño, RUNSYYY, Spacebrat, and Lauren YS.

PLUS BONUS ARTIST JOE SIMKO— longtime illustrator of the legacy Garbage Pail Kids brand created original never-seen-before Garbage Pail Kid characters of the following: TAKI183, KILROY WAS HERE, SABER, MISTER CARTOON, POSE, Estevan Oriol, the pervasive letter “S”, Maya Hayuk, Tal Cooperman and Cleon Peterson.