GPKNation Set for Silver Garbage Pail Kids Coins on Friday

GPKNation never sleeps it seems. After offering the final playing card coin last week, the company is going back to what got them started. They announced that starting this Friday, 10/9 @ 1:00 PM EST, they will be offering Garbage Pail Kids Challenge Coin #1 in a silver plated version. This will be the third version of the coin after the white and gold versions. GPKNation will be selling coin #2 on 10/16, and coin #3 on 10/23. Each coin is limited to 100 copies. The company promises there will be other surprises on sale throughout the month.

While this is the third version of the original coin being offered, that’s not all that exists. As Adam Goldberg and Louis Gregory were launching their endeavor they had six different color proofs made; red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, and green. After receiving the proofs, they couldn’t decide on a color and ended up offering the white version. There are /5 proof sets of each color that exist. Eventually the colors would spark the idea for the colors on the emblems and patches that GPKNation have sold.