2017 GPK Adam-Geddon Sketch Card Artist List Comes Together

Updated 1/26 to add Joe Simko.
Updated 12/13 to add Brent Engstrom.
Updated 11/15 to add Joe McWilliams.

panobackThe last six weeks have been very busy for Topps and the Garbage Pail Kids brand. Topps has been busy with the release of 2016 GPK Trashy TV and the online exclusive presidential election sets. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of time from now until Jan. 20th to get 2017 Garbage Pail Kids Adam-Geddon ready for release. Last week sketch cards artists for the set have begun to receive invitations to work on the set from Topps. With an early Dec. deadline to have sketches finished, artists will be drawing cards with their turkey this Thanksgiving. In fact artists have already received their blanks, and are hard at work on those sketches. The sketches feature a black back, with a pink autograph bubble on the regular sketch front. See below for pictures of all the blank sketches, thanks for artist Magnus for the pictures!

With the 2016 GPK Trashy TV set Topps expanded the artist lineup. 34 total artists completed sketch cards for the set. The majority of those artists have confirmed they will return for the first set of 2017, while some newcomers will also make their debut. The following is a list of artists who worked on the Trashy TV set, and will return for the Adam-Geddon set. Simone Arena, Michael Barnard, Neil Camera, Daniel Contois, Sobot Cortez, Jason Crosby, “GPK” Dave Dabila, Vincenzo “Chenduz” D’Ippolito, Patrick Giles, Dennis Gortakowski, Cecilia Granata, Jon Gregory, Kelly Greider, Jason Heil, Marisol Henriquez, Lowell Isaac, Robert Jimenez, Matthew Kirsch, Chris Meeks, Lily Mercado, Ryan Moffet, Rich Molinelli, JM Monserrat, Sean Norvet, Barry Nygma, Steve Potter, Cathy Razim, Chad Scheres, Denis St. John, Matt Steffens, Magnus Von Robotsoon, and Dan Burn Webster. Long time GPK artist Jeff Zapata has decided to take a break from GPK, and will not be completing sketch cards for the set. The mystery artist from last set, Yeldarb, as been confirmed as artist Brad Tabar. Brad will not be doing sketches on the Adam-Geddon set. Also of note, mainstay GPK artists Brent Engstrom and Joe Simko are returning to sketch cards after not doing them for the last few years. That makes 34 returning sketch cards artists.

Topps also decided to add on additional artists to the set who have all worked for Topps in the past. Joining on for the Adam-Geddon set is Jasmine Contois, Dustin Graham, Joe McWilliams and Anthony Skubis. Dustin Graham is a veteran GPK sketch artists who missed the Trashy TV set, but has worked on multiple sets in the past. The other new artists are all veteran Topps sketch artists. That brings the current total sketch artist count to 38 for the Adam-Geddon set. If anyone knows if any other artists confirmed for the set, please let me know!

Despite the large number of artists, Topps is cutting way back on the number of sketch cards each artist will complete. According to some of the sketch artists, their work load has been cut back 50% or more for the various sketch types. Its too early to tell, but this could have a huge effect on the set. If Topps prints the same amount of Adam-Geddon as they did Trashy TV, sketches will be very tough to find. Probably up to twice has hard or more on the odds. The only other possible explanation would be if the Adam-Geddon was severely under ordered by distributors for both retail and hobby. The bottom line is there will be far less Adam-Geddon sketches available this time around.

Topps has also made some changes to take note of with the sketch return card process. Once again artist’s return sketch cards need to be completed prior to the release of the set, and approved by Topps. This was a controversial change Topps started with the Trashy TV set, however this time the cards do not need to be mailed into Topps. The art director will be approving scans of the returns this time around, limiting the possibility of damage by the postal service. Another change is more additions to the “banned” character list. Previous, artists could not draw cards featuring Stan Lee, Gene Simmons, or the Hundreds set. This time around no Disney properties can be drawn, this includes Star Wars and Marvel. Also the recent music festival set cards from, Riot Fest, can not be sketched most likely due to license agreements. Finally, Topps also will no longer allow the artists to show teasers of their sketch cards prior to the release date. Personally this is disappointing, as GPKnews usually compiles all the previews right up until the release date. Let’s hope Topps backtracks from this, and realizes the previews is the best free PR Topps can get.

2016 GPK Prime Slime Trashy TV Sketch Preview

Last Updated 10/5 with sketches from Steve Potter, Henriquez, Norvet, Camera, and Monserrat..

While the 2016 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime Trashy TV set is not set to release until 10/5, artists have begun to let slip some previews of sketches they have been drawing that will be inserted into packs. (Note: All sketches must be approved by Topps before they are inserted into packs. Also all sketches will not be inserted as Topps holds some back for damaged or missing hits.) Expect the a flurry of sketch previews about 4-6 weeks before the set’s release. I will continue to update this post as artists continue to show off sketches. All photos courtesy of the artist’s Facebook page and/or website.

Artist: Jeff Zapata

Artist: Lowell Isaac

Artist: Cecilia Granata

Artist: Jon Gregory

Artist: Chad Scheres

Artist: Patrick Giles

Artist: Jason Heil

Artist: Matt Steffens

Artist: Dennis Gortkaowski

Artist: Michael Barnard

Artist: Magnus Von Robotsson

Artist: Barry Nygma

Artist: Robert Jimenez

Artist: Rich Molinelli

Artist: Lily Mercado

Artist: Sean Norvet

Artist: Kelly Greider

Artist: Cathy Razim

Artist: Chris Meeks

Artist: Jason Crosby

Artist: Sobot Cortez

Artist: GPK Dave Dabila

Artist: Daniel Contois

Artist: Matthew Kirscht

Artist: Simone Arena

Artist: Neil Camera

Artist: Chenduz

Artist: Ryan Moffett

Artist: Dan Burn Webster

Artist: JM Monserrat

Artist: Marisol Henriquez

Artist: Steve Potter

2016 GPK Trashy TV Sketch Artist Lineup Takes Shape/Topps Changes Sketch Return Rules

Article updated 10/10/`6 to remove Chris Koning and add Yeldarb.

Article updated 8/21/16 to add Daniel Contois..

Article updated 8/2/16 to add Cathy Razim.

Article updated 7/7/16 to add Rich Molinelli.

Article updated on 6/26/16 to add Lowell Isaac, and remove Mark Pingitore.

image002Official Topps sketch artists began receiving their blank sketch cards this week for the Garbage Pail Kids 2016 Series 2 Prime Slime Trashy TV set. The photos posted by some of the artists on Facebook show OS 1 character Tee-Vee Stevie is used as the artwork for the back of the cards, sticking to the television theme for the set. Also of note is the green nameplate on the regular sized sketch cards.

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Confirmed returning for Topps are 18 sketch artists from the last series, 2016 Series 1 American As Apple Pie; Simone Arena, Michael Barnard, Neil Camera, “GPK” Dave Dabila, Vincenzo “Chenduz” D’Ippolito, Cecilia Granata, Jon Gregory, Robert Jimenez, Matthew Kirscht, Chris Meeks, Lily Mercado, JM Monserrat, Sean Norvet, Steve Potter, Chad Scheres, Denis St. John, Dan Burn Webster, and Jeff Zapata. There are four artists who were part of 2016 Apple Pie and will not be returning for this series. Veteran GPK artists Layton DeJarnette, Brent Engstrom, and Mark Pingitore will not be completing sketch cards, along with popular artist Dustin Graham who mentioned he should return in 2017. Engstrom and Pingitore will continue to paint finals for the set.

While 2016 Apple Pie hosted the largest artist sketch lineup to date, Topps is blowing that out of the water by adding at least 16 new sketch artists to the mix. The confirmed new artists so far are; Daniel Contois, Sobot Cortez, Jason Crosby, Patrick Giles, Dennis Gortakowski, Kelly Greider, Jason Heil, Marisol Henriquez, Lowell Isaac, Ryan Moffett, Rich Molinelli, Barry Nygma, Cathy Razim, Matt Steffens, Magnus Von Robotsson, and Yeldarb. Patrick Giles, Jason Crosby, and Daniel Contois have drawn for other Topps brands in the past, while Lowell Isaac, Rich Molinelli, and Cathy Razim are veteran artists. The remaining new artists are well known GPK fan artists who have been drawing GPK characters for years. The one mystery is Yeldarb, who while that is Bradley spelled backwards, no one can quite figure out who this artist is. This brings the known total of sketch artists to 34 for the new series.

In addition to increasing the artist lineup for the next series, Topps also made a controversial policy change for artists when it comes to their Return Sketch Cards. Return Sketches are sketch cards artists are allowed to keep and sell individually themselves. In previous GPK sets Return Sketches could be approved by Topps management via scan/email, and could be completed after the set’s release. New rules put in place by Topps now forces artists to complete all their Returns prior to the set being released, and they also now have to mail the returns in for approval from Topps. Topps will in turn mail back the cards once approved. Many artists were not happy with the changes because it not only forces them to rush on the return sketches that are generally more intricate than a normal sketch, and artists are worried about lost sketch cards in the handoff from them to Topps and back. Because of the changes, sketch artists have been actively offering commissions for their Return Sketches. Be sure to reach out to your favorite artist quickly if you want one of their Return Sketches for the upcoming set before they sell out.

GPK Artists Share Sketches for Upcoming 2016 Set

Updated with additional sketches Jan. 19th @ 23:35.

The floodgates have opened. Numerous Garbage Pail Kids artists featured in the upcoming 2016 GPK American As Apple Pie In Your Face set have begun posting examples of their sketch card work. Artists have been hard at work these last few months. See below for these examples of sketches you’ll be able to pull starting Jan. 20th.

Lily Mercado posted these examples of some Loaded Sketches via her Facebook page.









New GPK Artist Michael Barnard posted a couple Loaded Sketches in the GPK Art School Facebook Page.















































































Veteran GPK artist Steve Potter also offered a sneak peak of his sketches.






































































































































Jon Gregory followed showing off his sketches.

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Another veteran GPK artist GPK Dave showed off a number of his colored shaped sketches.















GPK Artist Sean Norvet shared some of his sketches.








Another first time GPK artist Chad Scheres showed a little window into some regular sketches for the upcoming set.






































Yet another first time artist Robert Jimenez shared some regular and shaped colored sketches.














New artist Cecilia Granada posted some regular sketches.

































Another newcomer artist Chris Meeks showed off some of his colored sketches.









Dustin Graham shared his sketches via his artwork page. (See individual post for more of his sketches.









GPK Artist Simone Arena shared some Loaded and Shaped Sketches.























GPK Artist Chenduz shared a number of his sketches.

























































Finally Dan Burn Webster shared his sketches he completed for the new set.







































Whew! That’s 14 GPK artists who have come out this week to share examples of their work for the next set! Stay tuned for more posts as artists share their work.

Duel Artist Sketch Cards to Make Their Debut in 2016

Updated with additional sketches on Jan 15th @ 18:12.

A new concept to Garbage Pail Kids sketch cards is set to debut with the next set, 2016 GPK American as Apple Pie In Your Face, Duel Artist Sketch Cards. For the first time you will be able to pull from packs a duel panel sketch card featuring artwork done by two GPK artists! Veteran GPK artist Jeff Zapata shared examples of some of these duel artist sketch cards he created with fellow GPK artist Dan Burn Webster.

























Duel Artist sketch card done by Cecilia Granata and JM Monserrat.




























Here are some more Duel Artist Sketch cards posted by Robert Jimenez that he did with Michael Barnard.















Duel Artist Sketch cards created by Dustin Graham and Steve Potter.



























Duel Artist Sketch cards created by Chad Scheres and Chris Meeks.
















Duel Artist Sketch cards created by Jon Gregory and Simone Arena.






























Duel Artist Sketch cards created by Lily Mercado and Chenduz.















































Duel Artist Sketch cards created by Neil Camera and Mark Pingatore. Neil posted these without Mark’s work. Neil did request is anyone pulls these to send him a picture.























Duel Artist Sketch cards created by GPK Dave and Dennis St. John.



GPK Artist Dustin Graham Shares 2016 Sketches

Veteran Garbage Pail Kids Artist Dustin Graham shared examples of the sketches he drew for the upcoming 2016 GPK American as Apple Pie In Your Face set. Dustin shared the photos via his artist Facebook page, Wacky Graham’s Garbage. These are just some examples of the sketches you can pull in the next set due out Jan. 20th.


Here’s a sneak peek at some sketch cards I did for the upcoming 2016 Garbage Pail Kids set, in stores soon!

Posted by Wacky Graham’s Garbage on Monday, January 4, 2016

GPK Artist Jeff Zapata Sketches for 2016 Series 1 Set

Veteren Garbage Pail Kids artist Jeff Zapata shared the sketches he did for the upcoming 2016 Garbage Pail Kids American As Apple Pie In Your Face set, which is scheduled to be releases 1/20/16. Check out Jeff’s Facebook post here for additional photos: https://www.facebook.com/20531316728/posts/10154009990506729/



New Sketch Artists to Debut with 2016 GPK Series 1 Set

A handful of new artists for the next Garbage Pail Kids set, (2016 Garbage Pail Kids American as Apple Pie In Your Face), have started showing some of their sketch cards for the set. All pictures below courtesy of the artist’s Facebook page.

First up Chad Scheres shows a peek at some color sketches.







Next is Sean Norvet showing off a fully loaded sketch.









Finally Cecilia Granata shows off one half of the duel artist sketch she worked on.









In addition new artist Robert Jimenez mentioned he would be able to share his work soon. The next GPK series is set to release Jan. 20, 2016.