Topps Announces 2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh The Horror-ible

After word began to leak recently that the theme for the next set would be Horror, it was only a matter of time before Topps began to solicit for the product. Today, Topps officially announced 2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh the Horrible. The set will feature parodies of everything horror and science fiction. After last year’s successful Halloween set, Topps saw that the horror theme was something GPK fans naturally latched on to. The artists also took the theme to heart. In their excitement over 300 concepts were submitted to Topps for the set. After narrowing it down to 100, Topps is ready for what might be the most anticipated themed GPK set yet.

Topps is making a few changes this time around to the base setup. The complete set consists of 200 cards, made up of 100 new pieces of artwork available in a/b versions. This is up from the previous sets of 180 cards. Once again the set will be broken into various subsets in horror and science fiction themes. The familiar parallel format returns. All Hobby and Retail packs will contain one Puke (Green) parallel. Fool’s Gold parallels will once again be numbered /50, and are available in all pack types. Also, Bruised (Black), Spit (Blue) /99, and Bloody Nose (Red) /75 parallels will only appear in Collector packs. Collector packs will also contain an insert set called Horror Film Poster Parodies. These are Wacky Packages inspired parodies of famous horror films. Most likely these will fall one per Collector Box.

Artist autographs and printing plates will continue to be found in all pack types. Hobby and Retail packs will have regular sketches inserted. Collector boxes are once again guaranteed one hit per box, either a shaped sketch, artist auto, printing plate, or patch card. For the first time the die-cut sketches will be available both in the traditional trashcan shape, and the brand new coffin shape. Dual artist panoramic sketch cards which debuted in the 30th anniversary set are no longer mentioned on the sell sheet. Instead a new sketch type called the, “Tryptych”, will debut and be found in Collector packs. This new sketch is a three panel foldout sketch.

Once again the overall construction of the set is familiar to the other theme sets released the past few years. Once we get retail sell sheet info, I will pass it along. For now you can see the sell sheet here in PDF form, or check out the pictures below. There is also a gallery of examples of the cards for the new set. 2018S2 GPK Oh the Horror-ible is set to hit stores on Sept. 19, 2018.

2018 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 80’s Retail Sell Sheet

Earlier this week Topps released the information for Hobby/Collector packs of 2018 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 80’s retail set. The setup for 2018’s first set appears to be very similar to the sets from 2017. The base set will consist of 90 new pieces of artwork available in a/b names for a 180 card set. As Topps has done the last couple of years, the set will be broken into various themed subsets, all focused on parodies from the 1980’s.

Both 24 pack Retail display boxes, and 36 pack Gravity Feed boxes are slated to return. Parallels remain the same, as one Green Puke parallel card will come with each Retail and Hobby pack. Gold parallels will be randomly inserted throughout all pack types in the set. While Yellow Pee borders should once again be found in Gravity Feed packs. All pack types will also have the chance at hitting an Artist Autograph card to a Printing Plate. Regular sized sketch cards can also be found in Retail and Hobby pack types.

Blaster Boxes (Value Box) will once again be sold in two versions. Gross Bears bonus cards can be found in the “SE Value Box”, while Bathroom Buddies ca be found in the “EA Value Box”. This will mark the fifth straight release that has featured the Gross Bears and Bathroom Buddies as Blaster Box bonus cards. Blasters will continue to be sold with five, (8) card packs in each box. Each Blaster case will contain 16 boxes. Also returning to Blaster boxes are the very popular Loaded Puzzle Sketch cards.

Fat Packs will also return to the pack lineup. These packs are more than double the size of a retail pack. Each pack contains 20 base cards, two Puke parallels, and two Classic 80’s Stickers. The Classic 80’s Stickers subset features previously released GPKs that parodied things from the 80’s in a redesign. On the sell sheet the Classic 80’s cards have a yellow background on the banner matching the sketch cards. Panoramic Sketch cards can also be found randomly inserted in Fat Packs for this release.

To view the Retail Sell Sheet as a PDF click here, or check out the pictures below. 2018 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 80’s is set to release on Jan. 17, 2018.

Topps Announces 2018 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 80’s

After being expected for a few weeks now, Topps confirmed rumors by announcing the first Garbage Pail Kids retail set for 2018. Today Topps announced 2018 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 80’s. The set will focus on parodies of everything from the 1980’s, the decade GPKs were born. The setup looks to be identical to the next GPK set, Battle of the Bands.

Once again there will be 180 base cards, consisting of 90 new pieces of artwork available in a/b names. The set will be broken up into various subsets, all themed with 80’s references. Parallels remain the same. Hobby and Retail packs will contain one green Puke parallel per pack. Gold parallels will once again be numbered /50, and are available in all pack types. Also, Bruised, Spit /99, and Bloody Nose /75 parallels will only appear in Collector packs. Collector packs will also contain an insert set called 80’s Wax Pack Parodies. These are Wacky Packages style cards that are parodies of various Topps products from the 80’s. Most like these will fall one per Collector Box.

Artist autographs and printing plates will continue to be found in all pack types. Hobby and Retail packs will have regular sketches inserted in them. Collector boxes are once again guaranteed one hit per box either a shaped sketch, auto, printing plate, or patch card. Also returning to collector packs will be dual artist panoramic sketch cards.

The setup appears to match the 2017S2 set exactly. Once we get retail sell sheet info, I will pass it along. For now you can see the sell sheet here in PDF form, or check out the pictures below. There is also a gallery of examples of the cards for the new set. 2018S1 GPK We Hate the 80’s is set to hit stores in Jan. 17, 2018.

2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands Retail Sell Sheet

Retail information is out for the next GPK retail set. Topps is returning this upcoming October with 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands. The base set will feature 90 new paintings with a/b versions for a total of 180 cards. The base set will consist of subsets for various genres of music.

Topps appears to be following the same exact format as they did with 2017 Series 1 GPK Adam-Geddon. Once again Fool’s Gold parallels (/50), can be found randomly in all pack types. Green Puke parallels will be found 1 per retail pack. Artist Autographs, Regular Sketch cards, and Printing Plates also will be available in all pack types. Although the sell sheet does make note that Regular Sketches are only available in Retail & Display Boxes only, so there is some confusion if those will also appear in Blaster and Fat Packs like usual.

The popular Blaster Boxes return once again. For the forth straight series Gross Bears and Bathroom Buddies return as the “bonus” cards in the boxes. Gross Bears will once again be inserted into SE Blaster boxes according to the sell sheet. Bathroom Buddies will appear in EA Blaster boxes. Blaster boxes will continue with five packs per box. Also returning to Blaster boxes is randomly inserted Loaded Puzzle Sketch cards.

Fat Packs will also return to your local Target stores with this set. These packs are a little more than double a regular retail pack, containing 20 base cards per pack. In addition to containing two Puke parallels per pack, the Fat Packs will come with Classic Rock Stickers inserted in each pack.  These stickers are based on classic GPK musicians in new designs. The sell sheet also confirms that Panoramic Sketch cards will continue to be randomly inserted into Fat Packs.

To view the Retail Sell Sheet, click here. Or check out the pictures below. 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands is set to release in stores on Oct. 18th, 2017.


Topps Announces 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands

Topps today announced their next GPK retail set, 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands. The latest GPK set will be all about music. Topps says there will be 180 cards, 90 a/b different paintings, the same as with the Adam-Geddon set. Once again the set will be broken up into various subsets based on genre. The layout of the set appears to be identical to the first set of 2017, Adam-Geddon.

Beyond the 180 base cards, Collectors boxes will once again come with various parallels. Bruised will fall one per Collector pack, Spit /99, and Bloody Nose /75 will be randomly interred into Collector packs only. Collector boxes will also be the only place to find some of the “hits” in the series. Shaped sketches, Patch cards, and Dual Artist Panoramic sketches will only be found in collector boxes. Meanwhile it appears Hobby boxes will suffer the same fate as last series. Hobby packs will come with one Puke parallel per pack. Only regular sketches and Gold borders can be found in Hobby boxes, along with all other pack types for the series. As with the Adam-Geddon release both pack types will remain with 8 cards per pack.

Also mentioned in the sell sheets are a Collector box exclusive insert set, GPK Album Covers. These are Wacky Packages style parodies of famous album covers.

See below for pictures of the sell sheet, or you can download the PDF version here. There are also pictures of some of the upcoming cards. 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands is set to release on October 18th, 2017.


2017 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Adam-Geddon Retail Sell Sheet

imageRetail info is out for the first series of next year, 2017 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Adam-Geddon. For the most part Topps is following the same formula as they did with both 2016 sets. However, as with Hobby/Collector packs, Topps is making major changes to the number of cards in each pack. All regular retail packs found in retail boxes, gravity feeds, blasters, and blisters will now contain 8 cards per pack. Each pack will come with 7 base cards and 1 Puke parallel card. Previously, retail packs have been coming with 10 cards per pack. No word yet on the manufacture’s suggested retail price from Topps on retail packs. Pre-order prices for Hobby/Collector boxes are lower than previous series.

The rest of the retail formula stays pretty much the same. As mentioned, Puke green parallels will fall 1 per retail pack, while Gold Dust parallels numbered to /50 can be found in retail. Once again artist autographs, regular sized sketch cards, and printing plates will be randomly inserted. This matches the Hobby pack configuration for this release. For the first time since the Flashback series it appears there will be little difference in Retail and Hobby packs, (Of course pack odds could end up being the difference maker once released.)

Blaster boxes are returning, but with one other big change Topps is making. Blasters will now come with 5 packs per box, compared to the previous 4 packs per box. Once again, Topps is making two types of Blasters, SE boxes will include 3 Gross Bears reprinted cards, while the EA boxes will contain 3 Bathroom Buddies reprinted cards. The popular Loaded Artist Sketches will also be randomly be inserted in Blaster boxes.

Jumbo “Fat Packs” will also be offered at retail. Each Jumbo pack will contain 19 base cards and 3 Green Puke parallels. Also inserted will be two “Classic Adam-Geddon Stickers”. There is no mention of Panoramic Sketches on the sell sheet this time. In the 2016 sets the Panoramic Sketches were found inserted in the Jumbo packs. Blister packs previously sold at Toys r Us and Wal-Mart will also return. Each Blister will contain new versions of Adam Bomb/Boom called, “Adam Bomb’s Armageddon Stickers”.

To view the Retail Sell Sheet in PDF, click here. Or check out the pictures below. 2017 Series 1 GPK Adam-Geddon is set to hit store shelves Jan. 18, 2017.

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Topps Announces 2017 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Adam-Geddon

imageTopps today announced 2017 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Adam-Geddon. The series is setup much like both 2016 series were. Once again there will be a 220 card base set, this time focusing on on GPKs in end of the world scenarios such as flooding, meteors, zombie attacks, etc. Topps is making one huge change for this series. The cards per pack for both Hobby and Collector packs are changing. Both pack types will now come with 8 cards per pack. This is a change from previous sets that offered 10 card for Hobby packs and 6 cards per Collector pack.

The same parallels return once again with slight changes. According to the sell sheet Puke parallels will fall in Retail packs and Hobby packs this time. Bruised parallels will fall one per Collector pack. Spit parallels numbered to 99 and Bloody Nose parallels numbered to 75 will also be found in Collector packs. Also found only in Collector boxes will be the Best of 2017 US Presidential Election cards, featuring reused artwork from the recent online sets but with new names. Fool’s Gold parallels numbered to 50 will also return in all pack types.

In another move to apparently closely match Hobby and Retail boxes, regular sketch cards can be found in both Retail and Hobby packs this time. While Shaped Sketch , Double Artist Panoramic Sketch, and Patch cards will be found in Collector packs. It appears once again each Collector box is guaranteed one hit. Artist autographs and Printing Plates are also mentioned being included as a possible hits in Collector boxes.

You can view the sell sheet in PDF here, or see pictures below. There are also examples of the new cards for the set. 2017 Series 1 GPK Adam-Geddon will hit store shelves on Jan. 18, 2017.






2016 Garbage Pail Kids Series 2 Prime Slime Trashy TV Retail Sell Sheet

image002Last week we posted information on the Hobby/Collector Sell Sheet for the newly announced, 2016 GPK Series 2 Prime Slime Trashy TV. As retailers begin posting the new set for pre-orders we now have the Retail Sell Sheet. Based on the retail sell sheet for 2016 GPK Series 2 Prime Slime Trashy TV, Topps looks to be following the same formula they did in the 2016 Series 1 Apple Pie set.

The usual retail inserts and parallels will once again appear. The Green Puke parallel is back at one per retail pack, in addition the Fools Gold parallel will be found throughout all pack types and will be # /50. Artist Autographs and Printing Plates will also be found through out all pack types. While regular sized artist sketch cards will be randomly inserted into all retail packs.

Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 8.35.59 PMTopps decided to continue the Bathroom Buddies/Gross Bears reprints in Series 2. As with the AAAP release there will be two different Blaster Boxes. “EA” Boxes will contains 3 different Bathroom Buddies cards, while “SE” Blaster boxes will contain three different Gross Bears cards. Also like the previous release, Topps will be randomly inserting artist Loaded Puzzle Sketch Cards in Blaster boxes. These 4 card sketch cards featured some of the best work in 2016’s first GPK series.

Blister packs which were sold in Wal-Mart and Toys R Us with the Series 1 release will also return. This time new versions of Adam Bomb/Boom will be found in Blister packs only called, Adam Bomb Your TV Stickers.

Also returning is Fat Packs. These packs will contain 18 base cards, 2 Puke parallels, and 2 Classic Rerun Stickers. No information yet on the set size for the Classic Rerun stickers, but Series 1 offered an 18 card Patriots set in a similar fashion. Another draw for the Fat Packs is this is the only place to find single artist Panoramic Sketch cards.

As you can see Topps is going with the same formula in Series 2 as they used in Series 1 for 2016. The only thing we don’t know yet is if the Yellow Pee borders will continue as a Target Gravity Feed exclusive. 2016 Garbage Pail Kids Series 2 Prime Slime Trashy TV is set to hit stores on 10/5.

You can dins a PDF version of the Retail Sell Sheet here, or see pictures below.

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Topps Announces 2016 Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime Trashy TV Set

image002Topps today announced the next retail Garbage Pail Kids set, 2016 Prime Slime Trashy TV. The set is based on the “current golden age of television”. Once again the base set will contain 220 cards in various subsets. The base set will feature subsets once again parodying many TV shows. Topps was not as forthcoming this time around with the information on the sell sheet as you will see below. The set appears to follow the same pattern as the American As Apple Pie set released earlier this year.

As with the AAAP release Bruised parallels fall 1 per Collector pack, while Spit parallels #’d /99 will come in both Hobby and Collector packs. Fool’s Gold parallels will appear through all pack types and are 3’d /50 again. New this set will be an GPK Wacky Packages insert set found in both Hobby and Collector boxes. As the previous releases Collectors boxes will guarantee 1 hit each and will find Parody Patch, Artist Relic, and Duel Artist Panoramic sketch cards. Artist autos and Printing Plates will be found in all pack types, while shaped sketches only in Hobby and Collector packs. Based on imageless releases it also appears Bathroom Buddies and Gross bears will continue in this set as part of retail offerings.

The newest GPK release is set to release on Oct. 5, 2016. See below for examples of new artwork as well as the Hobby/Collector Sell sheet.




