Topps Reveals Checklist for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7

It may have a 2024 label and be just a few months late, but collectors are ready for the next GPK Chrome release. Topps today shared the checklist for 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 7. In a bit of an odd move Topps uploaded two different checklists, one for hobby boxes and one for retail boxes. The base set once again is 100 cards, made up of the 84 original cards from OS 7, (251a/b – 292a/b), along with 16 new cards, 8 subjects with a/b versions. Believe it or not, Topps actually numbered the new artwork cards correctly for the first time in years. They are listed as AN-1a/b-AN-8a/b. While the base set size has been known, the big reveal is the various set sizes for the insert sets. For Hobby the insert set sizes are C Name (50), Krashers (20), and Where Are They Now (42), while Blasters have Contests of Garbage (26), Art By Rory (42), and Music Awards (54). Additionally, there are a couple of unannounced things on the checklist. Hobby boxes have an insert set called, Remember the Names short Prints (10). Each checklist also shows a GPK Collector Card, Superfractor Sean on it. Some of those insert set sizes might make it tough to put together.

The popular Artist Autographs return once again. But this time it appears only the new artwork cards from the base set have auto. Joe Simko (1), Brent Engstrom (3), Joe McWilliams (2), and Neil Camera (2) signed the “A” card for the new artwork they did in the base set. Despite the sell sheets advertising David Gross autos, his base card does not appear in the set and therefore does not have any autos. Unlike previous sets, it doesn’t show that original artists Tom Bunk, James Warhola, or John Pound signed any cards for the set. In some good news for collectors, the Art By Rory autos appear in both Hobby and Retail versions.

For the first time a GPK Chrome set contains sketch cards. A staggering 95 artists did sketches for the set with 18 making their GPK debuts. This marks a new record for number of sketch artists on a GPK set. The list of sketch artists is; David Acevedo, Simone Arena, Andrew Artz, Robert Ball, Sam Barugh (New Artist), Bobby Blakey, Jason Bryant (New Artist), Kyle Calmbacher (New Artist), Neil Camera, Nik Castenada, Slippa Chervascus, Tim Clinton, Jasmine Contois, Daniel Contois, Sobot Cortez, Jeff Cox, Steve Crockett, Jason Crosby, Ted Dastick Jr (New Artist), Michael Davidson (New Artist), Vincenzo “Chenduz” D’Ippolito, Adam Dobrzeniecki, Adam Edwards(New Artist), Keith Farnum (New Artist), Joey Fitchett, Robert Garcia, Shane Garvey, Patrick Giles, Rusty Gilligan, Daniel Goodroad, Terry Gordon, Dustin Graham, Kelly Greider, Kimber Grobman, J Hammond, Robert Harris, Ryan Harris (New Artist), Guy Holzer, Lowell Isaac, Robert Jimenez, Karl Jones, Debjit Kar, Rickey Kipfer, Brandon Klein, Julie Kuaniver (New Artist), Jim Kyle (New Artist), Mike LaPeruta (New Artist), Eric Lassen, Aaron Laurich, Fox Layng, Cesar Lopez, Dan Lydiate, Steve Martin, Mike McHugh, Julia McKenzie, Rory McQueen, Eric Medina, Chris Meeks, Sandy Meeks, Lily Mercado, Marion Carole Miller, Rich Molinelli, John “Ziggy” Monserrat, Victor Moreno, Nik Muggli, Erik Muller, Barry Nygma, Justin Olson, Julien Pannetier (New Artist), Mark Parisi, Kris Penix (New Artist), Darrin Pepe, Jean Pierre, Anthony Pietszak, Vini Pirani (New Artist), Vincent Rappa (New Artist), Cathy Razim, Paul Reynolds, Eddie Rhodes III, Rich Rios, Mike Ritchey, Lee Rumball, Carmen SantaFerrara, Chad Scheres, Brent Scotchmer, Bryan Siegel (New Artist), Brandhen Snyder, Matt Steffens, Mike Stephens, Steve Stylianou (New Artist), Gregory Tilson, Greg Treize, Nicole Vuong (New Artist), Gavin Williams, and Clinton Yeager.

That about covers the checklist for this super sized GPK Chrome set. You can find the Hobby Checklist here and the Retail Checklist here. 2024 GPK Chrome 7 is scheduled to launch 2/14/25.

Topps Reveals Checklist for 2024 Series 1 GPK Kids At Play

The first big Garbage Pail Kids release of 2024 is almost here! Today Topps revealed the checklist for 2024 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Kids At Play. Once again the base set is comprised of 200 cards, 100 new pieces with a/b versions.

After taking the last set off, GPK cards will return to retail stores like Target and Walmart. More pack types mean the insert sets are spread out. No matter which configuration collectors purchase, there are a lot of inserts to collect. Retail Display (Hobby) boxes will have Tom Bunk’s Let’s Get Physical (10), while Blaster boxes will have the Ill-Influencers (20) insert set. Collector boxes will have a number of exclusive inserts; Game Over (24), Bored of Board Games (10), Wacky Packages: Playthings (8), GPK “TCG” (12), and GPK of America Patch Cards (10).

Once again, Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, and Joe McWilliams did all the base card art for the set. As with 2023S2, there will be three different artist autos inserted throughout all pack types; Base /90, Fool’s Gold /50, and Foilfractor 1/1. Base auto print run is up to /90 of each. While sketch artists don’t appear on the checklist, GPKNews can confirm there are 68 sketch artists that completed sketches for the set. This includes 5 making their GPK sketch debut. The list of sketch artists on the set are; David Acevedo, Simone Arena, Andy Artz, Ro Garcia Astorga, Robert Ball, Bobby Blakey, Neil Camera, Marion Carole Miller, Nik Castaneda, Chenduz, Slippa Chervascus, Tim Clinton, Dan Contois, Jasmine Contois, Sobot Cortez, Jeff Cox, Steve Crockett, Jason Crosby, Adam Dobrzeniecki, Rusty Gilligan (New Artist), Daniel Goodroad, Terry Gordon, Kelly Greider, Kimber Grobman, J Hammond, Robert Harris, Guy Holzer, Lowell Isaac, Robert Jimenez, Karl Jones, Debjit Kar (New Artist), Ricky Kipfer, Brandon Klein (New Artist), Eric Lassen, Aaron Laurich, Fox Layng, Dan Lydiate, Steve Martin, Julia McKenzie, Rory McQueen, Eric Medina, Chris Meeks, Lily Mercado, Rich Molinelli, Victor Moreno, Nik Muggli, Erik Muller, Barry Nygma, Justin Olson, Mark Parisi, Tim Parsons (New Artist), Darrin Pepe, Jean Pierre, Anthony Pietszak (New Artist), Cathy Razim, Paul Reynolds, Eddie Rhodes III, Rich Rios, Lee Rumball, Chad Scheres, Brent Scotchmer, Brandhen Snyder, Mike Stephens, Greg Tilson, Greg Trieze, Gavin Williams, Clinton Yeager, and Ziggy.

You can find the checklist for 2024 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids GPK Kids At Play here. The kids officially hit the playground this Friday, 2/16/24.

Topps Releases Checklist for 2023 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids InterGoolatic Mayhem

Update 12/3/23 – Topps has provided GPKNews the checklist with the Sketch Artist checklist. Click here to see updated checklist.

The final major retail GPK release is upon us, as Topps gets ready to launch collectors into space! Today Topps released the checklist for 2023 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids InterGoolactic Mayhem. As has been the recent tradition, the base set contains 200 total cards, 100 new pieces with a/b versions.

Collectors will only have two options this time for pack configurations, both Collector and Hobby boxes. Despite that, there are still a number of inserts for collectors to chase. Collector boxes will have a number of inserts that will be exclusive to that box. Wacky Packages Plantery Provisions (8 cards), Kosmic Krashers (5 cards), and GPK Morph Cards (4 cards) will all fall at one card per Collector Box. GPK Patch cards (10 cards) will also be random hits in Collector boxes. Two other insert sets, the Tom Bunk’s Space Farce (10 cards), and Time Warp (20 cards) can be found at a minimum in Hobby boxes. It’s not clear yet if those inserts will also be included in Collector boxes.

All final card artwork for the set was once again done by Joe Simko, David Gross, Brent Engstrom, and Joe McWilliams. There will once again be artist autographs in the set /75 and FoilFractor 1/1. The Time Warp insert set also has artist autos versions /50. Finally, while the sketch artist checklist doesn’t appear on the main checklist, GPKNews can confirm there is a total of 69 sketch artists for this release, with 15 of those making their GPK debut. You can find the checklist for 2023S2 Garbage Pail Kids InterGoodlatic Mayhem in PDF form here. The set is scheduled to hit hobby stores in time for Thanksgiving on 11/22/23.

Topps Reveals Checklist for 2023 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 6

This week’s latest GPK Chrome release will mark the third GPK Chrome release in the past 53 weeks. Due to catching up after Covid and production delays Chrome collectors are getting more than they bargained for. Today, Topps finally revealed the checklist for 2023 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 6. There aren’t a lot of surprises with the checklist, which in one major part is a big bummer. The base set once again contains 100 cards, 88 cards from OS 6 (44 original characters with a/b versions), and 12 cards featuring brand new artwork (6 new characters with a/b versions). New characters were completed by Joe Simko, Joe McWilliams, Brent Engstrom, and David Gross. Once again, the powers that be have decided to completely ruin the numbering of the set. With Chrome 5, instead of numbering the new artwork with an “AN#”, the company just continued the numbering. As expected, that will now cause confusion as numbering for this set starts at 207a. That’s means both Chrome 5 and Chrome 6 have 207a/b-216a/b as part of their sets. You would think the same mistake wouldn’t have been made again. Well you’d be wrong, as once again the new artwork cards just continue on with numbering. For Chrome 6 the new cards are numbered 251a/b-256a/b. So when Topps launches Chrome 7 next year, we will see the same doubling up of numbers in the sets. There are once again 50 C Name chards randomly inserted into packs. Each artwork has a third brand new name for collectors to find.

Artist autographs are back again. There are a total of 23 autos in the set. Longtime original artist Tom Bunk signed the “A” names for the 7 cards he painted in the set. First time Chrome signer James Warhola signed the “A” names for the 10 cards he painted in the set. The 6 new cards also feature sticker autos from the artists of those cards. John Pound did not sign any autos for the set. There is also a new type of card called, Color Error. A collector has already pulled an example of these, the name plate and banner are different colors, in addition to being numbered CE-#. There is one CE per “A” card in the set similar to the No Blue Errors from C5. You can check out the complete checklist here. 2023 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 6 is set to be released, tomorrow, 8/30/23.

Topps Releases 2023 Series 1 (2021S2) Garbage Pail Kids GPK Goes on Vacation Checklist

We are inching oh so close to finally seeing the release that collectors have been waiting a year and a half for. With less than one week to go, Topps has released the checklist for 2023 Series 1 (2021S2) Garbage Pail Kids GPK Goes on Vacation. The base set iscontains 200 cards, 100 new paintings in a/b versions.

There are a number of insert sets, most of them exclusive to a certain pack type. Artist Tom Bunk returns with his own insert set called, Famous Landmarks. This 10 card set can be found in Retail Display (Hobby) boxes. The 10 card Pack Your Bags – Wacky Packages insert set can be found exclusive in Collector boxes. Collector boxes are also the only place to find the 49 card State Quarter Relics insert set. (Note: The checklist only shows 49 states, with Wyoming missing. According to Topps Wyoming was a late removal from the set.) All retail packs are suppose to share the 20 card Don’t Make Me Pull this Car Over insert set. The 8 card Bumper Sticker insert set is the same set that was called Travel Posters on the sell sheet. Those cards were scheduled to be Blaster box exclusives. For the first time, Topps has revealed the employee Short Print cards. There are 9 total in the set, that can be found in all pack types. The rare employee cards first appeared in the 35th anniversary set. Collector boxes are suppose to also have a luggage tag in each box, but those do not appear on the checklist.

Once again the four final card artists, Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, and Smokin Joe McWilliams did all the cards in the set, and their autographs can be found in packs numbered to /75. The autograph checklist is missing three cards, 19 (Artie of Massage), 66 (Absconding Abby), and 100 (Water Fallon) are missing. There are 58 artists that appear on the sketch card checklist for the set. You can find the official checklist for 2023 Series 1 (2021S2) Garbage Pail Kids GPK Goes on Vacation in PDF form here.

Topps Releases Checklist for 2022 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire

We are just two days away from the scheduled release of the next GPK Sapphire set. Today, Topps released the checklist for 2022 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire. This marks the second Sapphire release in the past four months, and allows Topps to continue to catch up on past planned sets. Topps is changing thIngs up with this new release. The checklist contains the same 100 cards from Chrome OS 5. The set features all original OS 5 cards plus the 10 new pieces (20 cards) done by current artists for the recently released Chrome OS 5 set. This is the first time a GPK Sapphire set is focused on one series. No other information has been released by Topps including pricing, parallels, or odds. Distribution could very well be changing for this release. Previously, Montgomery Club members received first crack at GPK Sapphire boxes. However, this time may be different. Topps is playing catch-up throughout January with multiple Sapphire brands. So far none have been offered to Montgomery Club members first. The 2022 Club has ended, and 2023 members were only promised 2023 labeled sets. So Topps has been going with just public releases so far this month with Sapphire sets. Collectors can view the checklist here. Expect a rush of buyers to be ready to go when 2022 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire launches 1/27/23.

Topps Reveals Checklist for 2022 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 5

Christmas isn’t the only thing that’s a week away. One week from today is the release date for the next Chrome GPK release. Today, Topps revealed the checklist for 2022 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 5. This is the second GPK chrome release in the past four months. The set follows the familiar formula of reprinting an OS set, while adding some all new artwork. The base set consists of 100 cards, 80 from OS 5, (40 originals with a/b versions) and 20 new cards, (10 new pieces with a/b versions). Artists Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, Joe McWilliams, and Neil Camera all did two new cards for the set. In a strange move the checklist shows the new cards are not numbered “AN1a/b”, instead the numbering continues at 207a/b-216a/b. This will be super confusing if Topps releases Chrome OS 6 next year. There are also 50 “C” name cards, one for each painting in the set, that will be randomly inserted into packs. These feature brand new names for the existing artwork.

The popular artist autographs are back again. There are a total of 22 autographs in the set. Original Series artist Tom Bunk signed all the “a” names for the 12 cards he painted in the set. Artist John Pound did not sign cards for the set. The 10 All New cards were also signed by their respective artists. Auto cards are numbered /50 for this release. There is also 50 No Blue Ink Short Prints listed on the checklist, one for each card in the set. You can check out the complete checklist here. 2022 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 5 is set to be released 12/23/22.

Topps Releases Checklist for 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire

Topps today released the checklist for 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire. Yes, yea it’s being labeled as a 2021 set. Just over a week ago, the release showed up on Topps release calendar for 9/21/22.. The follow up set, to the hugely popular initial Sapphire release, features cards from OS 3 & OS 4. Additionally, Topps has added the 4 additional “B” name cards to push the set total to 170 cards. No other information has been released by Topps including pricing, parallels, or odds. Distribution also isn’t clear. It’s unknown if Montgomery Club members will get first crack at pre-sales tomorrow, 9/20, or if the the sale will be public only on 9/21. You can click here to see the official 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire checklist. GPKNews will have more information when it’s released.

Topps Reveals Checklist for 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 4

We are just one week away from the next chrome GPK release. Today, Topps revealed the checklist for 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 4. The set was originally suppose to launch in Nov. 2021, but was delayed like many other Topps sets the last two years. Like previous Chrome releases, this set reprints the OS 4 set in shiny thicker card stock. The base checklist consists of 100 cards, 88 from OS 4 (42 originals with a/b versions) and 12 new cards (6 new pieces with a/b versions). Artists Joe Simko, David Gross, and Brent Engstrom each did two new paintings for the set. In a bit of a surprise cards 125b, 149a, 158b, and 164b, are listed twice on the checklist. Both the original “famous” name, and the changed name versions will be in the set. There are also 48 “C” name cards, one for each painting in the set, that will be randomly inserted into packs. These feature brand new names for the existing artwork.

Chrome sets are primarily known for their numerous parallel cards of the base sets instead of insert sets. This release is no exception as there are no new insert sets to collect. However, the popular artist autographs return. There are a total of 23 autographs in the set. Original series artists Tom Bunk signed all the “a” and “b” names for the 9 cards he painted for the set (158b has autos for both name versions). Artists John Pound and David Burke did not sign cards for the set. Due to a printing error by Topps, the only new cards have autos are the two pieces by Brent Engstrom. You can check out the complete checklist here. 2021 Garbage Pail Kids Chrome OS 4 is set to be released 8/24/22. 

Topps Reveals 2022 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Book Worms Checklist

We are one week away from the release of the first GPK retail set in 17 months. Today Topps revealed the checklist for 2022 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Book Worms. GPK retail sets have been delayed due to printer and sticker/card stock shortages due to Covid and increased demand in the trading card industry. The base set is listed on the checklist as 1-100 with only one column of names. GPKNews is checking with Topps to see if the “B” names were left off in error, or if base set is only 100 cards. **Update: B cards exist based on an early box break this evening.** The checklist also shows a 32 piece puzzle, and 6 9-card character name puzzles. These are the puzzles for the back of the cards.

There are of course plenty of inserts that are exclusive to different pack types. Although due to sticker stock shortages, Topps cancelled Value Box (Blasters) from the series, eliminating the GPK Gets Graphic insert set. That artwork may find life in the future as part of a different offering. Retail Display packs are being made, and will be the place to find the 10 card Author’s of Their Own Misfortune insert set with artwork done by Tom Bunk. According to the checklist the Gross Adaptations insert set might be found in multiple pack types. The insert set is listed as 25 cards, 1-15 are separated from 16-20, which are labeled as a Walmart MB Exclusive, while 21-25 are labeled as a Walmart MB Toy Aisle exclusive. It appears there might be two different types of Mega Boxes offered at Walmart, while the first 15 cards of the set are available in multiple pack types. The ever popular Collector packs have a number of inserts; 8 card Wacky Package Prose (1 per box), 5 card Book Marked! (1 per box), and the 10 card GPK Patch Card insert set. The Iron-on patches advertised on the sell sheet do not appear in the checklist.

Topps had the four final card artists; Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, and Joe McWilliams sign autos once again for the set. However, the number of autos signed increased tremendously. Each artist signed 170 autos per card(!), 160 for pack insertion, and 10 for replacements. In a change, the autos were not numbered on the card when received by the artists. It’s not known if Topps decided to insert all the autos into the product, given Value boxes were cancelled. Topps did not include an official sketch card artist checklist. GPKNews is working to try to obtain the official list. In the meantime, GPKNews has confirmed 59 sketch artists, with one being new to GPK. Those numbers could change with the release of the product. You can find the official checklist for 2022 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Book Worms in PDF form here.