Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Krashers

After ending earlier this week Topps revealed the print run for On Demand #17 Garbage Pail Krashers. The GPKs meet Weird Wheels mashup sold a total of 1800 sets. These sales are just slightly lower than the previous On Demand set, Untold Stories. The print run was determined based on how many sketches were completed for the set. A total of 900 would have been completed to get an 1800 print run. So far GPKNews has been able to identify 645 sketches. The artists who so far have come forward are Dustin Graham (50), Jasmine Contois (40), GPK Nik (60), Rory McQueen (50), Joe Simko (10), Darrin Pepe (50), Greg Treize “Greg13*” (40), Pat Chaimuang (50), Anthony Skubis (60), Shane Garvey (60) Chenduz (80), Simone Arena (40), and Bekki Jayne Sharp (55). There are still at least 4-5 artists that haven’t come forward yet. The print run also reveals that there will be 360 of each insert set, License Backs and Artist Roughs. Will this be the last collectors see of the Krashers? I wouldn’t bet on it…