Topps Reveals Print Run for Garbage Pail Kids Funny Valentines

GPK Collectors showed the love last week for this year’s Valentines set. Topps today revealed the print run for 2021 On-Demand Set #1 Garbage Pail Kids Funny Valentines. The set sold a total of 1700 copies. Those sales numbers make it the highest selling Valentines set so far, but falls below many of the GPK On Demand sets sold last year. Of course the sales numbers were limited by Topps based on the available sketch cards. The set sold out in just over two hours after launch, so the demand was there for more sets to be offered. Topps may have had a hard time getting sketch artists as many were busy with other projects. Based on the print run, there will be 850 sketches for the series. Topps has confirmed with GPKNews that there 16 artists that did sketches for the set. They are Jasmine Contois (77), Greg Treize (50), Darrin Pepe (60), Brandhen Snyder (70), Nik Castaneda (50), Daniel Contois (77), Vincenzo d’Ippolito (70), Bobby Blakey (53), Gavin Williams (75), Anthony Skubis (?), Chris Meeks (50), Neil Camera (?), Dave Dabila (?), Rich Molinelli (?), Lowell Isaac (?), and Robert Jimenez (40). That only accounts for approximately 720 sketches, so there are still 2-3 artists missing from the list. As for the print run of the inserts and parallels, there will be 340 complete 10 card Valentine’s Cards Insert sets. There will also be 161 Red Heart parallels sets, and 80 Black Heart parallel sets.