Topps Reveals Print Run for 2017 GPK Holiday Online Set

Topps closed out 2017 with their now customary Christmas themed set. It took a while, but Topps is finally getting around to revealing print run information. Today Topps revealed the print run for 2017 Garbage Pail Kids Holiday Set. The set featured 10 GPK cards, (5 a/b versions), and 5 Wacky Packages cards. The GPKs in the set were painted by artists Brent Engstrom and David Gross. Despite pleas from collectors, for the last few online sets of 2017 Topps has reverted to including both GPKs and Wackys in the same set. The decision was sure to have an effect on total sales of the sets. This year’s set sold a total of 207 copies. This marks the end of a very busy year for GPKs from Topps. Topps has already hit the ground running with the first online cards of the year. 2018 is shaping up to be another big year for online GPK offers.