Topps Launches GPK Network Spews Card #58

Amid all the excitement this morning with the announcement of the next GPK set, Topps slipped in their latest online exclusives. With sales being very poor last week Topps decided to change things up a tiny bit. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids GPK Network Spews card #58. The artist for the GPK card is Simone Arena, this is his first final after previously only doing sketch cards. After being Wacky Packages only for weeks, Topps is starting to mix and match again. They also released three new Trumpocracy cards, but this time they are all Wacky Packages. Each of today’s cards can be purchased for $9.99 or in lots of 5 for $29.99, 10 for $49.99, or 20 for $79.99. A four card bundle featuring one of each card is available for $29.99. Shipping is free within the US via the SmartPost option, or international shipping is  $10. The cards will be available on for 24 hours. Topps will reveal the print run at the end of the sale. Here is a picture of today’s lone GPK card.