Topps Launches Garbage Pail Kids Dressed to Grotesque

Update: Let’s take a Quick Look at the production numbers for this one.

  • 60 cards in set * /25 green foils = 1500 total green foils + 60 Hex Fractor = 1560 total foils
  • Relics are 1:4 boxes, that makes foils 3:4 boxes. That equates to 520 total relics + 1560 foils = 2080 total boxes or 10,400 total packs.

If there are 2080 boxes here are some interesting numbers for some of the cards:

  • Hex Fractor 2080 boxes / 60 total Hex’s = 1:34.6 per box odds. Nice odds for a 1/1
  • Celebrity Wrapper 2080 total wrappers / 5 subjects = 416 of each Wrapper card
  • Character Variations 2080 boxes / 16 odds = 130 total variations / 5 subjects = 26 each Character Variation
  • C Names 2080 boxes * 2 odds – 130 variations = 4030 total C Names / 30 subjects = 134.3 each C Name
  • Base Cards 10,040 packs * 7 per pack = 72,800 total base cards / 60 subjects = 1,213.3 each base card.

The GPKs are dressed in their finest duds for the newest online offering. Today Topps launched Garbage Pail Kids Dressed to Grotesque. Much like the previous MLB GPK release, this set is being sold as a packed out box from Topps’ website. The base set contains 60 cards, 30 new characters in a/b versions. There are nine artists that did base card artwork for the set. Artists for the set are Brent Engstrom, Joe Simko, Joe McWilliams, Neil Camera, Chris Meeks, Simone Arena, Jeff Dionise, and making their final artwork debuts, Mike Stephens and Dave Dabila,  Each box purchased comes with five 8-card packs. Each pack contains 7 base cards, and one “hit”. The various different types of hits include; Slim Green Foil (/25), Hex Fractor (1/1), C Name, Celebrity Wrapper, Character Variations (1:16) Boxes, Relics (1:4 Boxes) or Sketch Cards. Each box will have 1 sketch, 1 celebrity wrapper, 1 foil or relic, and either 2 C Names or 1 C name and 1 variation. There are a total of 30 sketch artists on the set. Artists along with total sketches done include; Mike Ritchey (New Artist) (20), Roobeeo (14), Barry Nibert (36), Carmen Santa Ferrara (60), Jasmine Contois (60), Aaron Laurich (50), Barry Nygma (60), Jeff Dionise (?), Dave Dabila (60), Robert Jimenez (60), Bobby Blakey (60), Marion Miller (100), Karl Jones (60), Steve Crockett (70), Erik Muller (70), Tim Clinton (40), Greg Treize (70), Kimber Grobman (80), Brandhen Snyder (60), Cesar Lopez (100), Neil Camera (?), David Acevedo (100), Chad Scheres (100), Joey Fitchett (?), Chenduz (100), Simone Arena (100), Darrin Pepe (70), Nik Muggli (100), Nik Castanada (70), and Eric Medina (120). Boxes can be purchased for 99.99 via Boxes are available until sold out. Checklist for the set can be found here. Here are pictures of some of the cards. Don’t delay, these might go quick!