Garbage Pail Kids Collector’s Club Set #3 GPsKaters

Collectors who have subscribed to Topps’ GPK Collector’s Club began receiving the third set in the year long club. Thanks to Uncle Louie from GPKNation for the picture of his set. The set is called GPsKaters. The set, which is focuses on Joe Blow, includes 20 base cards and 1 header card. Artists David Gross, Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, Joe McWilliams, and Neil Camera each did 2 pieces of art for the set. The set depicts GPKs all doing their best skateboard moves with a Joe Blow theme. Topps informed club members recently that the included gift with this set is delayed at customs. Topps said they will be shipping the gift separately from the set. Here are a few pictures of some of the final art created by the artists for the set.