Dynamite Comics Previews Garbage Pail Kids Origin Issue #3

The comic story behind the origins of GPKs is set to come to a dramatic conclusion. Dynamite Comics has released the preview for Garbage Pail Kids Origins Issie #3. This is the final issue in the short comic series that was the brain child of Jeff Zapata. Like the other issues, the comic was written by Zapata, Adam F. Goldberg, and Hans Rodionoff. Zapata and Chris Meeks did the artwork for the comic, while Dustin’s Graham worked on coloring in this issue. The preview for this issue reads, “The stunning conclusion to the most important Garbage Pail Kids comic book OF ALL TIME! This unprecedented “origin” series has an epic conclusion you DO NOT WANT TO MISS!” Covers being offers for this release were done by Zapata, Tom Bunk, Frank Kadar, and a trading card cover featuring Adam Boom. There are also virgin covers of all three being offered, along with many more to be announced in the coming weeks. Preorders will be available wherever comics are sold. The final GPK Origins Issue #3 is set to hit store shelves 12/14/22.