30 Years of Garbage Charts on Opening Weekend of Release

While distributor Indican Pictures said the Garbage Pail Kids documentary, 30 Years of Garbage, was set to open last Friday (8/18), it appears the movie got a jump start on things a weekend earlier. According to tracking website boxofficemojo.com, 30 Years debuted as the 74th ranked movie the weekend of 8/11-8/13. The movie fell to 92nd place in its second weekend, 8/18-8/20. So far the movie has earned $8001 at the box office.

Now for a little perspective, those numbers are based off of showings on only 2 theaters. For comparison the big budget movies show in 2500-4000 theaters on a weekly basis. Indican has indicted the movie will continue playing at select theaters through 9/20, and only in very limited showings. In its opening weekend the film grossed $5030. When sorted by average gross per theater the film finished in 25th place, ahead of movies such as Spider-man Homecoming, The Nut Job 2, and The Emoji Movie.