Better late than never! Despite cards showing up on store shelves this past weekend, today Topps finally released the checklist for the set. The base set contains the original 82 cards from OS 3, (41 with a/b versions). In addition there are 18 new cards, (9 with a/b versions). David Gross, Joe Simko, and Joe McWilliams did two new chrome themed paintings for the set, while Brent Engstrom did three. The checklist also shows there are 50 “C” name variations, one for each card, that can randomly be found in packs. There are also artist autographs from Tom Bunk, Gross, Simko, Engstrom, and McWilliams. Topps previously said they were unable to get John Pound to sign cards for the set. You can check out the complete checklist here. GPK Chrome 3 is set to officially release 12/2/20.
Tag Archives: Checklist
Topps Releases 2020 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids 35th Anniversary Checklist
With just one week to go before the delayed release date, Topps has released the checklist for 2020 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids 35th Anniversary set. As promised on the sell sheets, the base set contains 200 cards, 100 new paintings in a/b versions. Subsets are back for this set, however Topps kept the numbering 1-100a/b. The subsets are; All Grown Up (1-20a/b), Snot Another Anniversary (21-30a/b), 135th Anniversary Flash Forward (31-55a/b), 35 Years of GPK (56-90a/b), and Battle of the Decades (91-100a/b).
All the advertised insert sets are also on the checklist and closely use the same structure as the 2020S1 Back to School set. The Fan Favorites (Original art) insert set contains 20 cards, (1-10a/b), and come 2 per Fat Pack. These characters were decided based on voting a few months ago held by Topps. The Midlife Crisis (Simko/Engstrom) insert set is also 20 cards, (1-10a/b), and come 3 per Blaster Box. This is a change as the Late to School blaster insert was 10 cards. No Regerts Tattoos (Simko/Engstrom/Gross/McWilliams) is a 10 card insert set found only in Retail Display boxes. Finally, GPK Wacky Packages (Gross/McWilliams) and Location Relic cards are both 10 cards, and both are only in Collector boxes. There is also one unannounced insert set that will be a rare insert in packs.
The four final card artists, Joe Simko, Brent Emgstrom, David Gross, and Smokin Joe McWilliams each did 25 base card paintings, and their autographs can be found in packs. Finally, the sketch artist checklist contains 52 artists, including one artist making his GPK debut, Karl Jones. This is an increase of 11 from the Late to School set. You can find the official checklist for 2020 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids 35th Anniversary in PDF form here.
Topps Releases 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late to School Checklist
We are just under one week away from the release of the next retail set, 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late to School. Today Topps released the checklist to GPKNews and other hobby outlets. As advertised, the base set will come with 200 cards, (100 with a/b versions). Gone are the recent familiar subsets! The base set is listed as 1-100!
All the advertised insert sets are as expected. GPK Mascots found in Retail Display boxes contain 10 cards. Class Superlative found in Value Boxes also contain 10 cards. Faculty Lounge, which are found in Fat Packs, contain 20 cards. Wacky Package Parodies, which come 1 per Collector box has 10 cards. The School Pennant Patches contain 10 different patches inserted into Collector boxes. Finally don’t forget there are 4 different lunchboxes, that are the actual Collector box!
Once again the same 4 final card artists return, and all have autographs in the set; Joe Simko, David Gross, Brent Engstrom, and Joe McWilliams. Finally the official sketch artist list contains only 41 artists, the lowest number of artists in years. You can find the official checklist for 2020 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Late to School in PDF form here.
Topps Releases 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible Checklist
Only one week left until 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible is scheduled to hit stores, and the checklist is out! Thanks to Topps for providing GPKNews the checklist. As advertised, there are 200 base cards, (100 with a/b versions). The set is comprised of 7 subsets. Many of the subsets are the same as what was found in the first Horror-ible set. The base subsets are:
- Retro Horror Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- 80’s Horror Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Modern Horror Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Slasher Film Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Cult Horror Sticker (40 cards/20 a/b)
- Horror Personality Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Folklore Sticker (10 cards/5 a/b)
The Trick or Treat insert set found in Retail Display boxes will once again have 10 cards. Horror Film Poster Parodies, found 1 per Collector box, is slightly down to 9 cards in the insert set. Classic Monsters, found in Fat packs, will once again come with 20 cards in the insert set. Finally the Bathroom Buddies replacement, GPK Horror Victims has 10 cards in the insert set. While that takes are of all the cards to collect, that’s not all! Each collector box will have one Faux Character Relic, a statue like figure. There are a total of 10 figures to collect.
This time only four artists completed cards for the set, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, and Joe Simko completed all the base cards and will have autographs inserted in the set. Smokin’ Joe McWilliams completed all the insert cards for the set. There are a total of 51 artists that completed sketch cards for the set. The complete checklist for 2019 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Revenge of Oh the Horror-ible can be found here.
Topps Releases 2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We hate the 90’s Checklist
With just one week to go before the release date of 2019 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 90’s, today Topps released the official checklist. There have been a few changes compared to the sell sheet. The base set contains 220 cards, (110 with a/b versions). This matches the previous high of some earlier sets like the 30th anniversary set.. The subset format is of course back. In total there are 9 subsets in the base set. The base subsets are:
- 90’s Cartoons & Comics (20 cards/10 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Fads (20 cards/10 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Fashion (18 cards/9 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Films (40 cards/20 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Music & Celebrities (16 cards/8 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Politics & News (18 cards/9 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Toys (36 cards/18 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s TV (40 cards/20 w/ a/b versions)
- 90’s Video Games (12 cards/6 w/ a/b versions)
The rest of the checklist varies slightly from the sell sheet. The one per box Collector only “bonus” 90’s Wax Pack Parodies, will once again have 10 cards in the set. Blasters will once again feature Bathroom Buddies. However, unlike the last set there are 8 cards this time. The 20 card Classic 90’s insert set can be found in Hobby/Retail display boxes. The Classic set was originally advertised as 10 cards, and according to Topps will appear in Hobby/Retail Display boxes. Patch cards return to Collector boxes. The set will once again have the same 20 cards that are found in the Classic 90’s set. Finally, the Wacky Pails 20 card insert will be found in Jumbo Fat Retail packs.
Topps also has revealed the artists for the set. This time nine artists completed finals for the set; Brent Engstrom, David Gross, Joe Simko, JungHwa Im, Layron DeJarnette, Maran Kim, Neil Camera, Fred Wheaton, and Smokin Joe McWilliams. Topps also revealed the sketch artist list. A total of 56 artists completed sketches for the set. The complete checklist for 2019S1 GPK We Hate the 90’s can be found here in PDF version.
Topps Releases 2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh the Horror-ible Checklist
Today Topps released the official checklist for 2018 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Oh the Horror-ible. As was stated in the sell sheets, the base set will contain 200 cards, (100 with a/b versions). This is higher than the past couple of GPK retails sets. The subset format returns once again. In total there are 8 subsets in the base set. The base Subsets are:
- 80’s Horror Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- 80’s Sci-Fi Sticker (20 cards/10 a/b)
- Modern Horror Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Modern Sci-Fi Sticker (10 cards/5 a/b)
- Classic Film Monster Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Retro Horror Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Retro Sco-Fi Sticker (30 cards/15 a/b)
- Folklore Monster Sticker (20 cards/15 a/b)
The rest of the checklist is pretty much as expected. Bathroom Buddies, which will appear in both types of blaster boxes has 6 cards on the checklist. The Jumbo Bonus Classic Monster stickers is 20 cards again. While the “bonus” Horror Film Poster Parodies cards found one per Collector box, once again is at 10 in the set. The patch cards found in Collector boxes remains at 20 cards, and just like We Hate the 80’s appears to use the same cards as the Classic 80’s sticker Jumbo Insert Set. The Trick or Treats insert set originally set for Gravity Feed boxes also appears on the checklist. This 10 card set might be appearing in regular retail boxes. For the first time Topps has listed both the final card artists and sketch artists on the checklist. Eight artists completed finals for the set; Brent Engstrom, David Gross, Joe Simko, JungHwa Im, Layron DeJarnette, Maran Kim, Neil Camera, and Smokin Joe McWilliams. The complete checklist for 2018S2 GPK Oh the Horror-ible can be found here in PDF version.
Topps Releases 2018S1 GPK We Hate the 80’s Checklist
Continuing their recent trend of releasing checklists a week before release, today Topps released the checklist for 2018 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the 80’s. As advertised the set will once again contain 180 cards, (90 with a/b versions). This time around Topps is making it simple. There are 10 subsets that each contain 18 cards, (9 a/b). One of the subsets included in the base set is the 80’s Sitcom subset based on the current TV show the Goldbergs. The base Subsets are:
- 80’s Toys Sticker
- 80’s Cartoons Sticker
- 80’s Video Games Sticker
- 80’s TV Shows & Ads Sticker
- 80’s Movies Sticker
- 80’s Celebrities Sticker
- 80’s Fashion & Fads Sticker
- 80’s Culture Sticker
- 80’s History Sticker
- 80’s Sitcom Sticker
The rest of the checklist is pretty much as expected. Bathroom Buddies and Gross Bears return once again to Blaster boxes. However this time around there are 8 Gross Bears cards, while Bathroom Buddies remains at 6. The Jumbo Bonus Classic 80’s stickers is 20 cards again. While the “bonus” 80’s Wax Pack Parodies cards found one per Collector box, once again is at 10 in the set. The patch cards found in Collector boxes remains at 20 cards, and just like Battle of the Bands appears to use the same cards as the Classic 80’s sticker Jumbo Insert Set. Finally, there will be autographs of the 80’s sitcom subset, as the members of the Goldbergs cast have signed cards. Joe Simko confirmed he also signed 80’s Sitcom cards for the standard artists autograph cards. Here is the official Topps checklist in PDF form.
Topps Releases 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands Checklist
Topps today released the checklist for 2017 Series 2 Garbage Pail Kids Battle of the Bands retail set. Topps has been striving to release checklists earlier, and they came through for the next GPK set. Once again the base set contains 180 cards, (90 a/b versions), this time in 7 different subsets. The Base Subsets are:
- Pop Stickers (42 cards)
- Classic Rock Stickers (40 cards)
- Hard Rock Stickers (18 cards)
- Metal Stickers (20 cards)
- New Wave & Punk Stickers (20 cards)
- Alternative Stickers (20 cards)
- Rap & R&B Stickers (20 cards
The rest of the checklist doesn’t offer any other surprises, and falls in line with the previous series. Once again, there are 6 Gross Bears, and 6 Bathroom Buddies cards. The Album Covers Bonus Insert set has 10 cards. Not to be confused with the Classic Rock subset in the base set, but the Jumbo Bonus Classic Rock Insert Set contains 20 cards. Finally once again there are 20 patch cards found only in Collector boxes. Here is the official checklist in PDF form.
Topps Releases 2017 Series 1 GPK Adam-Geddon Checklist
2017 Series 1 Garbage Pail Kids Adam-Geddon has released to stores as of 1/18, and with it comes the latest checklist from Topps. As with the last few sets, Topps doesn’t included checklists on card backs anymore. However, they have been nice enough to provide collectors with the information. Topps has made some changes to the set configuration compared to previous sets, and even the sell sheets. The base set only contains 180 cards in 9 different subsets. A set size nearly 20% smaller should make it easier for collectors to put together. The Collector “bonus” set, (Best of the 2016 Presidential Election), is 10 cards this year, up from the usual 8. Also the Collector only Patch insert set is now 20 cards, (10a/b) all numbered to /50. Gross Bears, Bathroom Buddies, Classic Adamgeddon retail bonus sets also appears on the checklist. Here is the checklist in PDF format.
Topps Releases GPK Prime Slime Trashy TV Checklist
With the release of Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime Trashy TV only one week away, Topps has broken from tradition and released the checklist for the set early. The base set features 16 subsets, all based around TV shows. There doesn’t appear to be any “regular” cards this time. Bathroom Buddies, Gross Bears, Patches, and Relic insert sets all return, along with new insert sets, Classic Reruns and Wacky Packages. Trashy TV is set to release in stores on Oct. 5. Here is a copy of the checklist in PDF format.