Update: There is actually a landing page for the new Sapphire set on Topps.com. The set is comprised of the 100 card base set from Chrome 7 in addition to a new 14 card insert set called, Sapphire Satires. Satires is made up of brand new artwork, a first for a GPK Sapphire set. None of the other insert sets from Chrome 7 are included in Sapphire.
As usual there are a number of parallels to collect. Base cards are available in Green (1:5), Fuchsia (1:6), Gold (1:9), Orange (1:17), Purple (1:43), Red (1:84), and Padparadscha (1:415). The Satires insert set is available in Base (1:8), Gold (1:60), Orange (1:120), Purple (1:298), Red (1:591), and Padparadscha (1:2,869).
Based on some quick math on the total number of parallels available there looks to be about 7000 total boxes produced. You can view the 2024 GPK Sapphire Checklist here and the 2024 GPK Sapphire Odds here.
As Topps shared today on their Twitter account, 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire is coming this Wednesday. Topps is wasting no time in releasing the follow up to GPK Chrome 7. The box advertises there will be the traditional 8 4-card packs per box, with each box guaranteeing 4 parallels. Boxes will be available on Topps.com for $109.99 each. The box mentions original series 7 cards, but that’s all the details available about the set. Get ready, boxes go on sale this Wednesday, 3/12/25 at around 12:00 PM EST.