Garbage Pail Kids collectors around the world have been busy making their summer travel plans for Las Vegas this August. Super Toy Con is taking place Aug. 5-7 in Las Vegas at the Orleans Arena. It was announced earlier this year that part of Super Toy Con will be a GPK Con. That’s right! GPK artists, vendors, and collectors getting together to spend a little money, do a little trading, and get their social on! Executive Producer of Super Toy Con, Andy Goodman has been a long time GPK collector. He was able to spearhead the addition of GPK Con to the event this year. He has been working hard planning GPK Con with many surprises.
I conducted the e-mail interview below with Andy last week. In the interview Andy breaks down what GPK collectors will get with the various ticket options available for purchase. Andy also goes through the various social events planned for artists and collectors. We discuss if Topps has any involvement in the show. Finally, Andy reveals a couple of surprises for the first time here, including the reveal of one of the special GPK Con cards that will be available as part of an 11 card set.
GPKNews – Andy, thanks for doing the interview! For those who haven’t attended before can you give GPK fans a quick overview of what Super Toy Con is?
Andy Goodman – Anytime, thanks for inviting me to chat. SuperToyCon is an eight year running diecast (model car) and collectibles event that takes over Las Vegas for one extended weekend annually. The show includes a full event filled with vendors from all walks of the collectibles industry, contests, kids activities, gaming zone cosplay, custom competitions, and so much more during the hours of the show, but the night life, that is when it all beings! The organized social events that take place all over town is really what makes the show unique. STC is all about bringing collectors together from all around the world and does so very well. It is great to shake hands with the guys (and gals) you converse online and trade with 3000 miles away.
GPKNews – Part of Super Toy Con will be a GPK Con. As a long time GPK collector, how excited are you that you were able to add GPK to Super Toy Con?
AG – I collected GPK cards when I was a kid and have been again since the early 2000’s, so when the show owner came to me and said from a production stand point, “How do we grow the event?”, it was a no brainer to me. The suggestion was to create a couple of smaller special events inside the massive show. One of which was to create GPK-CON with the intention of bringing together a community of card collectors, giving the hobbyists a chance to meet each other, and getting to meet some of the people behind the brand so many fans have been appreciating for 30 years.
GPKNews – This looks to be maybe the largest GPK gathering in recent years. Let’s discuss what GPK fans specifically can expect when they attend. For those fans purchasing either the 3 day pass or single day general admission tickets what will be on the show floor for them?
AG – As of this interview we have 11 artists responsible for past and current card art attending the show. Fans will be able to meet each and every one of these artists, shake their hands, take a photo with them, and even commission a special piece if desired. Collectors from around the world will be attending, allowing personal interaction between internet friends. Instead of all the typing, it will be great for collectors to grab a meal together and talk shop about their passion with people who understand and appreciate it. Collectors will be able to set up shop in their hotel rooms in the evening to trade with other collectors. There will be events like a bowling social that will bring the artist and collectors together in an informal setting to allow everyone to hang and socialize, and so much more.
GPKNews – Based on the latest flyer for GPK Con there are 11 GPK artists scheduled to attend, highlighted by GPK legend Tom Bunk, current mainstays Engstrom, Pingitore, Simko, and Gross, and many other GPK sketch artists. What can collectors expect at their booths?
AG – Each artist will have a specific table where they will be for most of the shows operating hours. Collectors will be able to meet firsthand the artists behind the fascinating cards. These artists are also responsible for many other freelance projects outside of the Garbage Pail Kids world. It will be a treat to see some of their other original works with the possibility to take some of it home, for a price of course.
GPKNews – I see Clint from GPK and Wacky Warehouse has a booth. Will there be any other vendors or booths that cater to GPK collectors?
AG – Clint and GPK and Wacky Warehouse sure are one of the best specially dealers in the industry. However, several vintage toy dealers who attend the show annually do have collectible non-sports trading cards as well. Plus remember that collectors are invited to bring their stuff to trade in the evening, during room to room trading hours, so there will be lots of shopping to be had.
GPKNews – I notice Topps isn’t on the list of vendors attending the Con. I know historically Topps doesn’t like to travel out west for conventions, with the exception of San Diego Comic Con. Did you reach out to Topps to gage their interest in attending the event?
AG – A conversation with Topps did take place, but they have yet to offer any support. It is unfortunate because they could bring a lot to the table. Hopefully, they are watching and recognize how supportive and engaged their fan base is and decide to support future growth for year two and beyond.
GPKNews – The flyer mentions a GPK Trader zone, can you explain how that will work on the show floor?
AG – The Traders Zone, like mentioned above, is what we call Room to Room trading. Collectors who attend the show, and stay in the hotel, are invited to set up their rooms with personal merchandise in the evenings after the arena show closes. When a room door is propped open, that signals that people are invited in to browse. Shoppers are invited to walk the halls of the hotel and go room to room to find even more goodies after the show officially closes for the evening. From personal experience I can tell you there are some great deals to be had with the late night trading sessions.
GPKNews – Are there any free goodies that a GPK collector can get their hands on at the Con if they have a general admission ticket?
AG – There are no free goodies for just showing up under a general admission ticket. However, there are free goodies for those that do attend special events, such as the artist’s seminar on Friday night or the Saturday night bowling social.
GPKNews – Also available to purchase is a VIP Package which includes a lot of extra goodies. I know the cost is quite a bit higher, but the package includes a lot of extras. Can you describe what collectors get with the VIP package? Also what specific GPK goodies will they only receive that general admission won’t?
AG – The $225 3 day VIP General Admission pass is more for general collectors of everything. It gets ticket holders in 30 minutes early each day to preview and have first dibs on vendors goodies. It also includes 1 ticket to Saturday night’s Die-cast and Toy Collector Hall of Fame diner banquet. Diner banquet attendees do get some cool giveaways such as a Joe Simko designed exclusive event poster and/or M2 Machines die-cast.
GPKNews – There is an Open Seminar with GPK Artists. Do you know what day/time the seminar will be, and is it open to all attendees or only VIP ticket holders? Is seating limited and how do collector’s signup to attend?
AG – The Artists Seminar will take place Friday evening, (time is still TBD). It will be a free event open to anyone who holds a general admission ticket to Friday’s event. Seating is limited and it is first come first serve; there will be standing room too. If we do get close to fire code capacity limits, there is a chance the special event could be closed to participation at a certain point. We do suggest arriving 20-30 minutes early for this type of special event.
GPKNews – Same question with the Bowling Social with GPK Artists. What day/time will that be, and how to collectors signup to attend?
AG – The Bowling social will take place at the Orleans’s Hotel bowling alley Saturday night, (time is still TBD). This is a Dutch treats type of event, (everyone pays their own way). We feel creating an event like this lightens the mood, puts a little more fun in the weekends activities, and gets the artists and collectors together on a personal level. There is no requirement to participate but there will be some cool prizes for high scores and such.
GPKNews – For the hard core GPK collector there is also a GPK Experience Package you guys are offering. The initial $500 package included a hotel room and a custom comic cover, and was limited to only 10 people. That package has since sold out, and is replaced by a $400 package offering everything else, limited to 20 people. Can you give collectors a overview of what they can expect with that package?
AG – The tier 1 VIP package, ($500.00), that already sold out of its 10 spots includes a single 3-day admission pass with Joe Simko designed exclusive badge, exclusive breakfast on Saturday Morning, the exclusive 11 card artist set of cards, Joe Simko design limited edition print Comic Cover, a Hall of Fame ceremony dinner ticket as a guest at one of the tables a GPK designer will be sitting at, and a personal b/w commission by the artist of your choice. The pass also covered 2 nights stay at the host hotel. With such demand for the VIP Experience tickets we have opened up a Tier 2 VIP package, ($400.00), which does not include the Joe Simko design limited edition print Comic Cover, nor does it cover hotel costs.
GPKNews – Each artist attending GPK Con is completing a special card that will be part of an exclusive 11 card set. You recently posted some teaser pictures of parts of some cards on Facebook. Which ticket holders will be able to receive the set? Will the set be available for sale separately for others to purchase either at the show or online?
AG – VIP ticket holders at both tiers will receive the 11 card set as an included gift. Each artist will have some of their own cards to give away to their fan base at their tables. Cards will also be given away at special events like the Artist’s Seminar and Bowling Social. Complete sets will be available as an included gift when purchasing the GKP-CON Show Memorabilia Kit at the Souvenir table.
GPKNews – The Breakfast with GPK Artists will be limited only to those who purchase the GPK Experience, correct?
AG – There are two organized breakfasts on the calendar. On Saturday morning, there is the GPK Experience ticket holders breakfast, which is limited to specific VIP Ticket Holders. This is a special breakfast making things more interpersonal between the VIP guests and artists. This event is limited to the 11 artists and the 30 VIP ticket holders, (if all sell out). Sunday morning there will be an open breakfast, (Dutch treats again, everyone pays for themselves), where collectors will be able to sit with or near their favorite artist to grab a quick bite before the arena show opens.
GPKNews – Are there any other GPK related announcements coming from Super Toy Con? Any news you want to break?
AG – You are hearing it here first! There will also be a special Neil Camera/Joe Simko collaboration, an additional exclusive card set commemorating the event. To add to that how about we share, right here, the first full look at Tom Bunk’s exclusive event artist card from the 11 card artist set!

GPKNews – Do you anticipate GPK Con being a successful part of Super Toy Con? Is there a possibility of making this a yearly event?
AG – I have been in the business of event production for 20 years now. Some of the best events I have been involved with started as a small idea like this. I am already highly impressed, and actually blown away by the support the artists and collector community has shown. From collectors and fan site operators like yourself, to the many individuals who admin online groups and pages, the back bone support seems to be there for an event like this which is exactly what is needed to make it a successful event. Though I might have taken the lead to organize the specialty event, there are dozens of people behind the scene helping to promote and create awareness and support the show. As a collector, I do hope we can turn this into an annual gathering for our hobby and passion.
GPKNews – Any other information you would like to add?
AG – There is another cool tidbit for GPK artist inspired event info we did not touch on, but Layron DeJarnette designed the event shirts for this years event. To any collectors out there reading this, please take a bit of time to show your support, help share the event flier and artist’s promo cards with other collectors. In order for this event to be a success we need the full support of the community. Besides the GPK-CON, don’t forget the hundreds of vendors that will be on hand selling all types of collectables new and vintage. There will also be countless number of celebrities that will be on hand such as WWE’s John Cena and the Bella Twins, to Sons of Anarchy Drea De Matteo, to the A-Team’s Quinton “Rampage” Jackson and countless more. It’s going to be one hell of a weekend, and we hope you join us!
GPKNews – Thanks Andy for the interview! I know GPK collectors are really looking forward to the event.
August 5th 6th 7th 2016
Las Vegas Nevada
Orleans Arena
Fri 8/5/16 4pm-10pm
Sat 8/6/16 10am-9pm
Sat. 8/6/16 6:30pm – 8:00pm – Hall of Fame Dinner, Business Casual Attire Required.
Sun 8/7/16 10am-5pm
To purchase general admission tickets –
To purchase 1 of the 18 remaining GPK Experience VIP tickets – (scroll down towards bottom)